Joseph Budden & Marshall Mathers....

Just a reminder....It's airing tonight.

Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Looking foward to seeing Jay/Jeezy, KiD N Play (yes, I'm an 80's baby), and the cyphers.....especially the last one.

And anybody who says that Mos, Thought, and Em are NOT lyricists need to do some serious re-evaluating as to what they consider real Hip-Hop to be.

It was all in all a good show 4 bet, i am just mad kid n play didnt do the whole jump thru the leg move. Also i wish they would have focused more on otheraspects of hip hop like graffiti, and the dancing.... ei the cabbage patch, roger rabbit, footwork etc lol. I guess them old dudes like f*&k that, an*&%a might need a hip replacement trying all those old school moves.
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