Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

I don't see a difference
left side in the pic has almost a rounded square toe box. the right side is more pointy. my first came is perfect tho. oh wellz

the leather on the rounded shoe also has heavier grain looks like from a different batch of material.
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left side in the pic has almost a rounded square toe box. the right side is more pointy. my first came is perfect tho. oh wellz

the leather on the rounded shoe also has heavier grain looks like from a different batch of material.
All depends on you what you're willing to do. That would be unacceptable to me too. And I would make sure I get compensated some code or something. Just depends on how much time and effort you're willing to put forth. I know some who would just not mind it and say its not worth the troubles. I would be chatting with them like crazy.
It's actually a scratch, not a scuff
LMFAO my exact thoughts with half these pictures.  

What in the **** are we supposed to be looking at???  Like the tinest of glue stains, or smudges, or corner of box is dented, laces have a microscopic fiber fraying.

I honestly am baffled as to what shoe you guys buy or if you've never had a flawed Jordan.  I get the passion but, it's over the top.  I am sure i could stare at my pair for the next 4 and half ours under an LED and find **** that might make you guys drop dead.

i miss the salty posts and angry posts about how people will quit JB after not being able to copp.

the same anxiety attacks about shipping confirmation, cancelled pairs, cart jacking, lazy to call footsites, troll stories about copping but not copping. the same posts about trading new releases etc etc to complaints about a microscopic flaw. lol

it never gets old. JB the starbucks fad now. dudes modifying their XIs like its their whip.
Some of you guys are crazy with your "imperfections." Y'all are the type of dudes that don't like a supermodel cuz her elbows are too pointy. A couple have legitmate complaints but the rest are just looking for something to complain about.
Try all you want with Nike.  I think they will just continue to offer you to return the pair.  They're going to say that was during shipping
That's a buck50. NDC said they would escalate my complaint, whatever that means. 
Every discount code I've ever gotten from nike was done on the spot during my chat session or phone call.  It's pretty much a rip when they keep telling you that they would "gladly allow you to return them for a full discount".
Some of you guys are crazy with your "imperfections." Y'all are the type of dudes that don't like a supermodel cuz her elbows are too pointy. A couple have legitmate complaints but the rest are just looking for something to complain about.
If I dont like pointy elbows, I dont like pointy elbows. You can have her capt'n
JB said that the 72-10s cost more because of better materials? Then why they ship em with that cheap, raggedy ole receipt? It doesn't have the price or anything on it.
Some of you guys are crazy with your "imperfections." Y'all are the type of dudes that don't like a supermodel cuz her elbows are too pointy. A couple have legitmate complaints but the rest are just looking for something to complain about.
would you want your pair's toe box looking like these after wearing them a few times tho? one looks good and one looks like crap. i rather have both look good or both look like crap. the og and 2000 retro's toe box are just as soft as these 72-10 and the shape of the toe box back then very much determine how they will crease and look after a few wear. i'm ok with all other flaws, excess glue, minor scuff, bad stitching etc. just can't stand uneven toe boxes. i sure hope these don't look like my 2000 pair below that i sold to my buddy years ago after a few wears.
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Guys I ended up getting a size 10

Prob won't fit but JORDANS lately all I've been buying 10.5
Why would you get a size that doesn't fit or is super exact KNOWING that Jordan 11s run small? Use your brain. That's like me ordering an 11. 
You know, I've been out of these JB threads for years now and have been around releases for years alike. Some of us older and aged NT heads can agree with my following point. I'd even venture to say some of our more youthful NT community members would agree as well.

Although the current "retail market" obviously resembles something that we refute and are in disgust about it lol I can honestly and vehemently say that I am happy to see that all who wanted to acquire this perceived exclusive and difficult to ascertain shoe, as exemplified by all of its predecessors of past years, were able to obtain it. Legitimately and without use of resellers involvement. Now don't get me wrong, I'm 36 years old and have been around for many shoe moons recouping and taking advantage of the vast benefits of "flipping" kicks :lol:. I take blame to that I admit it lol. But truthfully and sincerely it pleases me to see that the sneaker culture is slowly reverting back to what it was when I was your ages. Highly anticipated and popular footwear yet readily available and in great abundance. More importantly in my opinion and experience with this release, even days after. Again, the price sucks and it can arguably be at reseller market anyway but at least it "appears" that the shoe culture and distributors are figuring out ways to omit the "middle man" :nthat:. My apologies in advance for the excessive sobbiness of this post but what the heck, I'm never in this thread anyway :rofl: :rofl:

Deer Gawd that post oozed with feels :rofl:..sorry about that NT Fambs

Amen *fistbump*

This is the way it should be. If you really want them, you should be able to wake up on release day morning and buy them. If you wait until the next day and they're gone then it's your fault. 95% of the people who want a pair on release day should be able to buy it without any problems. That is the way it used to be and that is what it seems like happened here. All of this camping for 3 days, raffles, bots, sold out at 10:02am, 80% of the wearable stock sold on the second market is a bunch of bollocks. Glad you said your age, OP. Only an older head would remember what it was like.

We'll will never know why Nike's JB division had a change of heart this year. The only people who know are probably in a marketing boardroom in Oregon (and maybe secretly reading these threads, wink wink). HOWEVER, I'd be surprised if this wasn't a move decided upon after Gentry's departure from the company. The last few 'signature' releases drove the JB fandom into the ground. Do that long enough and companies like Adidas et al start eating your lunch. Let's hope they've smartened up going forward.

This was a refreshing read amongst the other posts of people complaining that their toe boxes are 7/8ths of an inch off to the left or those claiming that the other XIs are somewhat superior because they were more limited. This is a boss shoe regardless of how many were released.

P.S. - these pictures are great!
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Nike sent me an email saying my package was delivered yesterday. It wasn't. My GF was home. I called NIKE the rep said sometimes drivers scan all packages before they are actually delivered, and my tracker had it scheduled to be delivered today. So if it didn't show up today then get worried. Fast forward to today, no package. I call NIKE and UPS and UPS says they can't do anything because of their contract with NIKE. And NIKE told me they will contact me in 3-4 days. This is Bull. $220 for sneakers and they aren't here, more so i get a BS email saying they are delivered when they aren't.

This garbage is not worth the hassle, headaches or the f'ing price of the god damn shoe.
Nike sent me an email saying my package was delivered yesterday. It wasn't. My GF was home. I called NIKE the rep said sometimes drivers scan all packages before they are actually delivered, and my tracker had it scheduled to be delivered today. So if it didn't show up today then get worried. Fast forward to today, no package. I call NIKE and UPS and UPS says they can't do anything because of their contract with NIKE. And NIKE told me they will contact me in 3-4 days. This is Bull. $220 for sneakers and they aren't here, more so i get a BS email saying they are delivered when they aren't.

This garbage is not worth the hassle, headaches or the f'ing price of the god damn shoe.

What is someone stole? File a claim asap.
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