Jordan Retro Restocks

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In NY you used to be able to bend metro-cards for free rides LOL, but it over. The 'trick' was cool but apparently it's over. Crying about who told what is pointless now. Get the next info out because best believe that the real re-sellers are paying people to come up with the next 'trick'. They actually invest in this ish. IMO the people crying are those who wanted to cake off the info. If anything getting the backdoor locked hurt re-sellers more than than these restocks did. People invested in making money through this most likely have some sort of PEP (performance enhancing program) that a regular 1-2 pair buyer wont find out about until Xmas.  
so post the damn link fam

im on footlockers site & theres NO sizes on the squads
the squadron blues were probably on there when posted recently but the black/red XIIIs were certainly gone other than that odd size 17. i tried a 9.5 at 815 this morning (or around that time) and it was oos.
I really want to break my computer at work. Im sorry man im trying to get the URL. I added a 12 and 13 to my cart in the blue and removed them.
damn man sorry i failed with the link. My browser at work is just garbage and it wont show the URL bar and keeps freezing up.
you are a day late. its already Patched up. i know its an IP, i was kidding when i said special, as referring to the backdoor
Gotcha.  Yea i knew something was up cuz I was at work ( we get 100mb service) had 2 tabs open and had FNL on my phone too and kept gettting the 30secs countdown.  My boy came in a half hour later and I told him bout the restock.  He was like ima get on right away watch, and he somehow got on right away.  I was heated!  

He put the Bred 11s in his cart for me tho, so I still got to cop.
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