Jordan IV Military Blue - May 4, 2024

If the social media accounts originally said these were to drop April 27th and now they keep changing it to May 4th and 5/25, going from 800,000 to 2 million pairs :lol: and a shock drop is tomorrow then
wheres the guy who said he was gonna triple up on the powder blue 9 and how good they looked only to not get 1 damn pair after they were easily attainable?

gotta love the fake hype from resellers
Why are you lyin? You’re talkin about K Kierris who got his first pair and said he was leaving the thread cause of the clowns.

And to be clear you were the one saying you hoped it was so hard to get a single pair he got nothing. Strange tales you’re crafting for your own amusement.
Why are you lyin? You’re talkin about K Kierris who got his first pair and said he was leaving the thread cause of the clowns.

And to be clear you were the one saying you hoped it was so hard to get a single pair he got nothing. Strange tales you’re crafting for your own amusement.
Thanks for looking out brother... Cats get on here and start creating their own fanfiction lol
Why are you lyin? You’re talkin about K Kierris who got his first pair and said he was leaving the thread cause of the clowns.

And to be clear you were the one saying you hoped it was so hard to get a single pair he got nothing. Strange tales you’re crafting for your own amusement.
lets be honest you know what he was doing

went from saying it was a must cop 3 or in his words "triple up" after hyping corny *** youtube videos to saying he gon wait til they go on sale AFTER he saw they were not selling.

THAT wasnt a lie.

not sure why you are defending him. ive been here since 19 ******* 99 and i just call it how i see it. he was trying to build unnecessary hype and FAILED.

as far as me saying i hope nobody get a pair it was a ******* joke. seriously are you new here? how have you never seen someone say that before? you honestly think someone would seriously say that?

now go craft a seat and sit your *** down
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and let me be clear i got nothing against resellers resell all you want but if your coming on niketalk acting like a horses *** dancing around like diddy trying to drum up hype and ****ing up my niketalk folks chances of getting a shoe release im gonna say something.
You think the guy should have posted every pair he got. Did I need to confirm I doubled up like I said I was going to? You’re still claiming he’s a reseller with zero proof. Drumming up hype 😆
I've been 💩'in on resellers since I joined this site... If I recall correctly I was the main one spearheading the revolt against zadeh, unfakeablekicks, and finereps1721 during the pandemic yet I'm accused of being a reseller for wanting to triple up on some kicks I like? This ninja done created a whole villain origin story for me... Who mans is this?

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Imagine thinking our old *** NTers are “drumming up hype” and pushing up resale values by stating they want to double or triple up. Then make up that they didn’t buy anything after all.

No one here is making buying a shoe tougher. All that narrative was made up in his head. Touting how long you’ve been here makes you look even more of a liar.

And many of us will be doubling or tripling up on these too. Shocking stuff!
Well look what I found...

Resellers are trash and a plague to the sneaker game. When people do that y'all, it's just the universe balancing everything out. I'll never forget how y'all were price gouging during the bandemic, taking advantage of the vulnerable sneakerheads who couldn't cop anything because of the bots. I wish y'all nothing but more wasted time takings pics and being ghosted in the future.

the-wire-stringer-bell (1).gif

That really sounds like a guy who is passionate about reselling to me :rolleyes

noblekane noblekane I need you to channel your inner J. Cole and apologize to me. You tried to place the Scarlett letter on my name with false, unfounded claims. I don't know what prompted you to get on Niketalk and try to besmirch my name like this but as Katt Williams once said "liars don't need a reason to lie, that's why they're liars."

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