I praying to the shoe gods these are shadows production #'s.

No RSVP, highly doubt it lol.
you are SICK in the head. absolutely SICK. that is INSANE. Jordans used to cost considerably less than we are paying now, and had very high quality leather
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: what a laugh your insane fam trying to school somebody go somewhere else and play
can't wait for these to come out they will be had for retail
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Watched both to rethink this and still think MJ is better in game. You would never see the dunk coming with MJ how he dribbles and moves and is still able to explode out of no where. Vince Carter has a great gather and finish to his dunks but you could see it coming most of the time. MJ has so many moves before the dunk. I'd take an MJ fast break or half court or whatever anytime because not only the way he dunks but everything before the dunks too. But in a contest, VC.

exactly. look at the smoothness of all those highlights. effortless ****. MJ G.O.A.T
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Jordan is in no way, shape, form or fashion a better in game or out of game dunker than Carter. He's just not. If you think he is, something is severely wrong with your vision. 

Watched both to rethink this and still think MJ is better in game. You would never see the dunk coming with MJ how he dribbles and moves and is still able to explode out of no where. Vince Carter has a great gather and finish to his dunks but you could see it coming most of the time. MJ has so many moves before the dunk. I'd take an MJ fast break or half court or whatever anytime because not only the way he dunks but everything before the dunks too. But in a contest, VC.

:lol: I can respect the opinion. But I personally, would take Vince Carter over any player not named Lebron in a fast break.

#9, #8, #7, #5, #4, #3, #2, that whole Top 10 is GOAT caliber. :lol:

Everything leading to the dunk isn't the dunk. Aside from your gather; the crossover, tripple threat move, fake, spin before drive, etc etc aren't the dunk. Those are things Mike is DEFINITELY better than VC at. Thats why Mike is the GOAT player. Dude could one hand ball fake and have dudes spinning 360.

But as far as the actual dunk goes? What you can actually do in the air? Man... Vince got that imo.

The best part about that video was the Dunk contest and Olympic dunk wasn't in it. The dunk over the 7ft guy is the icing on the cake.
How are you going to get sick because I tried to save you from the stupidity of posting "P4L" in 2013?

There's a subscribe button that achieves the same effect without you having to free post. Whatever though son, carry on.
Some footlockers definitely will be. Even if these end up being GR, I'm pretty sure some Footlockers will still handle it like that.
The weird thing was they didn't do raffles for royals, but they did for black toes and shadows
The weird thing was they didn't do raffles for royals, but they did for black toes and shadows

The hype for I's was so low when Royals were dropping that they probably didn't think that it would have any messes/complications. Needless to say, they quickly learned better :lol:
:lol: I can respect the opinion. But I personally, would take Vince Carter over any player not named Lebron in a fast break.

#9, #8, #7, #5, #4, #3, #2, that whole Top 10 is GOAT caliber. :lol:

Everything leading to the dunk isn't the dunk. Aside from your gather; the crossover, tripple threat move, fake, spin before drive, etc etc aren't the dunk. Those are things Mike is DEFINITELY better than VC at. Thats why Mike is the GOAT player. Dude could one hand ball fake and have dudes spinning 360.

But as far as the actual dunk goes? What you can actually do in the air? Man... Vince got that imo.

The best part about that video was the Dunk contest and Olympic dunk wasn't in it. The dunk over the 7ft guy is the icing on the cake.

Man that was a nasty mix lol. In terms of elevation and flare, I'd give that to VC. And true that everything before the dunk isn't the dunk. But just in my opinion, I have a greater appreciation of dunks for everything before it. I think there is greater excitement when it happens out of nowhere and your just surprised. And a lot of people don't realize how hard it is to dunk after trying to get in a position to dunk like MJ. Someone breaking someone's ankles and then good dunk > straight to the rim, great dunk. That's just me though

And yeah that Olympic dunk is top 3 all time. And KG's reaction >>>>>. Dude is the only one who seemed to recognize VC for what he did :lol:
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Wish there were a better time frame than just the fall for these. Gonna set aside the bread for my two soon regardless.
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Wish there were a better time frame than just the fall for these. Gonna set aside the bread for my two soon regardless.
By time frame, do you mean you wish it were more specific like an exact date? Or more like you wish theyd drop in another season altogether?
Wish there were a better time frame than just the fall for these. Gonna set aside the bread for my two soon regardless.

By time frame, do you mean you wish it were more specific like an exact date? Or more like you wish theyd drop in another season altogether?

Sounds like he wants a release date so that he knows what he should have the money ready by. Trying to keep money for two pairs set aside only going on the knowledge that they're almost confirmed to drop between October and early December is a bit difficult.
P4L didnt seem like a big deal but yeah shoulda just did the cop out "cant wait" or "imma cop 2" post. P4L is a super lazy post though
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