Joey Responds to Ran and the slap.

Honestly like TIME said i think Joey is a smart dude and just did this and handling this behind closed doors.
After the slap...this beef is outa his hands, as he said before. It's beyond these 2.

People around them are who to blame for all of this, since the very start of it. And they were weak minded for letting things get to them.

#%#%% aint tough. He bowed out just in time. Before he get his face mashed in.
certainly not by Ran.

That's his whole take in this's going to go beyond that, beyond these 2 and into things that neither would like to get in with those aroundthem. Just like the slap...Ran was not the one to do that.

Doubtful that the slap is going to slide anyway...but....

Is that lame to bow out then? I dunno, perhaps. But, When you're 29 with a need to pick...he picked the right thing IMO.

The sad ***% about all of this is it all starting after trying to do something in remembrance of Stack.

And yes, all this being done over the internet is lame. They could find each other within 30 minutes if they really wanted to.
Meedah pretty much summed up how I feel/think
i know both of them have families and they not really trying to be the one behind the gun or whatever the case may be

but its other %$@*!! who dont have nothing to live for who thinks if they clap for ran that he gonna take care of them when thats just stupid cause ran cant take of no one but him self and his kid and the same for joe

its always a goon that thinks if they put in work then they good but 9 times out of 10 that same goon becomes enemies with the same +$%%! he put that work in for u feel me

look at ran in the van in the video

his face shows he dont really want this !+!!!!!!!

i know that +$%%!!!!

but i admit he's forced to respond like that cause of the image he portrays and he's stuck with ''what will my %$@*!! say''

its always pride that get %$@*!! hurt not the ruthless fake tough guy image they pretend to be
Joe comes to his crib first, then he sees Ran smack his man and he wants peace. Whatever, this stuff is all wrestling anyhow.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

After the slap...this beef is outa his hands, as he said before. It's beyond these 2.

People around them are who to blame for all of this, since the very start of it. And they were weak minded for letting things get to them.

#%#%% aint tough. He bowed out just in time. Before he get his face mashed in.
certainly not by Ran.

That's his whole take in this's going to go beyond that, beyond these 2 and into things that neither would like to get in with those around them. Just like the slap...Ran was not the one to do that.

Doubtful that the slap is going to slide anyway...but....

Is that lame to bow out then? I dunno, perhaps. But, When you're 29 with a need to pick...he picked the right thing IMO.

The sad ***% about all of this is it all starting after trying to do something in remembrance of Stack.

And yes, all this being done over the internet is lame. They could find each other within 30 minutes if they really wanted to.

havent been on nt in a minute. but came through just to add my 2 cents

- first n foremost, i respect joe for the things he is saying
- joe did not take an L here. ransom got snuffed,,,,,,,,,,,, and on joes side,,,, bucks brother(dude had nothing to do with it) got slapped. ransom stay sayinjoe couldnt come to jc but joe truned up on his block and chumped him,,, caught him slippin.
- if ransom is truely as ignorant as joe thinks he is,,, then we should expect a response from ransom saying something like "yea,, i won,, you a punk,,you gave up".
- and i think joe is right,, ransom has nothing to loose in this childish beef that kinda resurfaced over a lil debate about comparing ransom and joe buddenlyrically by gov
- id have more respect for ransom to keep his manhood,,,, but not use this video as a means to instigate and talk crap,,, but rather to level with joe.

- i still think they should shoot a fair one to get it all out of their system

- but once again, respect to joe for really breaking down the situation and looking at ransoms character,,, i agree with what he sees in ransom in regards towhy this will continue on etc.
he did the right thing in the short and long run imo.

Ran will always be ++$!@ for being ran up on and slapping someone that had NOTHING to do with it.

dude is a herb of the highest order.

Who cares. What two men fight about has nothing to do with my life. Sadly, this is what the music industry is, and people eat it up.
What I wanna know is why Joe and some people are saying Ransom has nothing to lose... Like Joe is some Mega multi platinum rap star

Both these dudes got nothin to lose... Ran got a family just like Joe so I cant really understand what yall are getting at. Both they careers been over.

Yall acting like this is a Jay-Z vs.Peedi Crack type of beef and Ran is just doin this to get a buzz or something

Both of these dudes are lames and to me Joe is even lamer for letting it get to this point AND THEN talkin the %+%% hes talkin now
Joe Budden should have backpedaled out of this situation a long #@* time ago. Now all of a sudden, he wants to dead an issue with thisdude...and in the video he's STILL talkin %++% about Ransom sayin how he's beneath him (nh) and sayin this dude is stupid. How the hell does thatresolve the situation if you goin for the "mature" approach to this??

You're taking the high road AFTER Ransom and his people came over to your supposed best friend's house...knock on the all that crap to yaman's brother....and then proceeded to SMACK the man right across the face and leave. This aint about being a better rapper obviously. This man got smackedup across his face because of some nonsense involving you and all you can do is be humble!!??

They talk all that trash about your chick and all you do is say all that stuff "bounces off me like rubber"!? I'm not one for beef provoking butc'mon stunted in alot of those videos talkin crap about this man and now the guy who aint got nothing to lose and everything to gain just madeyou look like a complete chump.

Lyrically you are nice. But don't come on songs anymore with the tough talk....a smart man would've deaded this a LOOOONNNNGGG time ago behind closeddoors...not escalate it and then apologize AFTER they disrespect you, your girl, and physically smack ya best friend's brother in the mouth. Is this reallyhow Jersey gets down!!?? :}
I just watched the video. When homeboy got slapped and he got SMACKKK'D. I peep'd Ran face. Ran seemed surprised. It wasn't until after hishomeboys started od'n on the smack that Ran got involved. Ran wasn't going there to smack anyone he was just prolly going to beat homie down verbally.Make some sort of scene. The fact he didn't smack dude himself says a lot. Ran's little Spanish friend with Napoleon complex did it all... joe buddenis cool for taking the high road. Ransom needs to get back in the studio and record some more. Pain and Glory 2 was fire. I would hate to not hear any newmusic from dude because he's an idiot.

lol @ Smackdown TV .... LMAO!
If dudes are heading to the homes of my friends over a problem that me and one other individual has, that's when you know you gotta move on.

Personally, I woulda deaded it early, 'cause I'm too old to wanna play macho man and go back and forth with a dude, but it's better to kill it nowthan to let it grow.

A lot of y'all are like "man, when you from the street you gotta ride". Well, when you're a grown man with a kid, you gotta know that littlestuff like this just isn't worth it.

That's how I feel, anyway. Y'all can keep expecting dudes to go back and forth until someone is dead.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

A lot of y'all are like "man, when you from the street you gotta ride". Well, when you're a grown man with a kid, you gotta know that little stuff like this just isn't worth it.

That's how I feel, anyway. Y'all can keep expecting dudes to go back and forth until someone is dead.
He should have thought about being a grown man with a kid when he was faking in front of Applebee's
Originally Posted by Kickaddicted

Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

that whole video went over yalll head...

dude already made that phone call... i bet money somethin happens to ran or his peoples soon... joe just dont want the cops on his back...

at least thats how i think its goin down...

I know right.
. And he can come in here and collect the e-thug thoughtsand what not as well if they had to go to court
. Who yall think wascallin him?
General Hospital of hip-hop

who would've thought that being competitive and sticking to wax would now bring beef to recording a video dissin one person and puttin it online.... youknow how long it takes to upload them $%+*+?!
laugh.gif vid u goin in on him and his fam and waking up the moms and all that talkin bout filmin joe budden tv from his crib to this...if thats how u feel ushoudn't have responded in the 1st place...
Originally Posted by dreClark

#@$* what he had to say in the Vid...

Where he get that hat from? Is that Infared?



This _ sounding totally different. He was all live and !%$!, had the adrenaline pumping in that Applebee's vid.

Now he sounding all somber and !%$!.

This _ knew Randy was a ignorant bastard and was prolly gonna take it to the next level. He dug his own grave. Never shoulda mentioned Ran's name, in the manner that he did. You brought this on yourself. There really no sense in f'n w/ a _ who has nothing to lose, and he knew that before hand. I guess he just now realizing it.


Both these _'s ******ed though.
It's Gucci inspired...
How you gonna let someone come to your folks house and slap the @#$% of his brother because of you...
then say u takin the high road?
[50 cent\] I smell #$%%^[50 cent]
^because he went to Ransom already
go to the other thread, you'll know which one I'm talkin about
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

yall $!!%#! are so lame on here.. yall deaf or something? did you watch a few seconds and then x it out?
what if someone woulda died.. then what? yall prolly woulda still been callin' whoever was alive and involved lame for lettin it happen and not squashin it early..
stupid +*%%#
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