Joey Responds to Ran and the slap.

He is smart don't think he is not going to retaliate. I would have made a video just like this. So when I put hands on him or get him touched. They canplay my Soft @#$ piece treaty video in court.
Sidenote: Just because Budden is over it dosent mean the people on that block or who ever roll wit Buck is over it...
Ran Looked shook for a reason...
good for joey, and hopefully ran follows suit. dont nobody need to die over apparently nothin.
Yall %$%@%* actin like joe is some certified hand tosser.
This #%#%% grew up as a r&b singer/rapper he aint no parts tough. U back a mouse in a corner, he try to hide not fight.

#%#%% aint tough. He bowed out just in time. Before he get his face mashed in.
Both these %$%@%* cornballs tho

Dummies Still makin youtube vids when they both know where eachother stay and knw the same peoples.

This aint beef, this some sideshow %#+%.
Why are people giving this dude props for doing this??, I have nothing against joe budden but he clearly startedit by going over to ransoms hood to jump him

I hate when people do this, U started by comming to were he rest at every day and trying to disrespect him and now your upset at him because he'sretaliating(sp)?? thats wack

Budden is a Lame for that vid.


this post is the complete opposite of the other post.

First yall wanted him to go and be "above the beef" and squash it, and now that he does, he's a lame? you are all a bunch of hypocrites

How is this Joe Budden's fault?

Random said plain and clear for about 8 minutes, "I want to fight you, I hate you, You are gay, everything about you is gay i will beatyou bloody"and so Joe Budden goes to his home to see it happen and all the sudden Joe started it?
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yall %$%@%* actin like joe is some certified hand tosser.
This #%#%% grew up as a r&b singer/rapper he aint no parts tough. U back a mouse in a corner, he try to hide not fight.

#%#%% aint tough. He bowed out just in time. Before he get his face mashed in.
Both these %$%@%* cornballs tho

Dummies Still makin youtube vids when they both know where eachother stay and knw the same peoples.

This aint beef, this some sideshow %#+%.
So if you can sing, your soft? (pause)
too late for this imo....being the bigger man would've worked earlier but now one of ya boys got smacked off of some stuff you did
dude just showed histrue colors real talk
and im not for the beef for no reason but damn you just gonna let ya mans get smacked and now you wanna drop it when you coulda didthat from the start
not coo
SMH at people giving Joe props for this. I can't be the only one that was hoping one or both of these dudes would actually die. Hopefully someone at leastgets shot or I'll be heated.
SMH at people giving Joe props for this. I can't be the only one that was hoping one or both of these dudes would actually die. Hopefully someone at least gets shot or I'll be heated.

[table][tr][td]Tupack Shaker[/td] [td]

[/td] [/tr][/table]

"O the beef is dead im done. I dont have time for these (derogatory word for gays). I dont want no one to die. Especially after seeing (derogatory wordfor gays) go to someones house who wasnt even in. That's a (derogatory word for women). But you win Ransom."

Reverse Psychology %!% Budden
I ain't mad at him, if he kept the beef going it would have been way more than just throwing hands... someone would end up in the gutter if you think aboutit, what would that make Joey? An accessory or the one in the body bag, it was a lose, lose situation for him.
He was right, Ran has more to gain by doing this than he does.
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

that whole video went over yalll head...

dude already made that phone call... i bet money somethin happens to ran or his peoples soon... joe just dont want the cops on his back...

at least thats how i think its goin down...
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yall %$%@%* actin like joe is some certified hand tosser.
This #%#%% grew up as a r&b singer/rapper he aint no parts tough. U back a mouse in a corner, he try to hide not fight.

#%#%% aint tough. He bowed out just in time. Before he get his face mashed in.
Both these %$%@%* cornballs tho

Dummies Still makin youtube vids when they both know where eachother stay and knw the same peoples.

This aint beef, this some sideshow %#+%.
Joey was the one trying to convince us that he knuckles up from his first video. I am a budden fan but this dude looked like a clown talking smackon video to someone outside a damn applebee's now this? Lol ransom gonna go even harder at him now knowing Joey is straight up scared now. And for thepeople saying "its cool Joey is calling for peace" Go watch the pre-slap video he was not calling for peace, he was trying and was positive he pulledransom's street card, but that all changed and now Joey lost his. Clowns turning this into a MTV Road Rules vs Realworld Challange bs...
yall $!!%#! are so lame on here.. yall deaf or something? did you watch a few seconds and then x it out?
what if someone woulda died.. then what? yall prolly woulda still been callin' whoever was alive and involved lame for lettin it happen and not squashin itearly..
stupid +*%%#
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yall %$%@%* actin like joe is some certified hand tosser.
This #%#%% grew up as a r&b singer/rapper he aint no parts tough. U back a mouse in a corner, he try to hide not fight.

#%#%% aint tough. He bowed out just in time. Before he get his face mashed in.
Both these %$%@%* cornballs tho

Dummies Still makin youtube vids when they both know where eachother stay and knw the same peoples.

This aint beef, this some sideshow %#+%.

Been saying the same !*%! for a hot minute now...

!$!%*$ ready to run in his corner on here because they like the way the +%!@# rap. I don't respect his G at all...dude's whole aura is suspect to me.Even my mans who !@!+@ with Joe hard told me the other day that after watching these Joe Budden TV episodes that dude seems like a major lame outside of rap. Igot no problems with Joe on the mic...but dude be on some loser !*%! when he not rapping. He came off like a sucker to me when he was on that whole "ifyou don't have your girls MySpace password you a sucker"...what kind of sap !*%! is that? Then in the barber shop with Fab he kept trying to bait himinto a !*%! and threw out Jada's name. Cool !$!%*$ don't do and say !*%! like that...

yall $!!%#! are so lame on here.. yall deaf or something? did you watch a few seconds and then x it out?
what if someone woulda died.. then what? yall prolly woulda still been callin' whoever was alive and involved lame for lettin it happen and not squashin it early..
stupid +*%%#

I don't know where ya'll %+#!@! is from...but where I'm either take the high road from the jump or not at all...there is no middleground. If your adrenaline get to pumping and you get amped enough to take #+@# to the next level and you start poppin that street better be readyto ride after that. Dude took a complete 180 from that #+@# he was popping in front of Applebee's and that #+@# is suspect.

And then he talking about he got footage that he'll release if they said something back. What Cam say? "Acting like you got something over there...youdoing what Mase did"
Joe just entered my CURRENT top 3 contradictory/bipolar rapper list

2.Jim Jones
3.Joe Budden
#@$* what he had to say in the Vid...

Where he get that hat from? Is that Infared?



This _ sounding totally different. He was all live and !%$!, had the adrenaline pumping in that Applebee's vid.

Now he sounding all somber and !%$!.

This _ knew Randy was a ignorant bastard and was prolly gonna take it to the next level. He dug his own grave. Never shoulda mentioned Ran's name, in themanner that he did. You brought this on yourself. There really no sense in f'n w/ a _ who has nothing to lose, and he knew that before hand. I guess hejust now realizing it.


Both these _'s ******ed though.
When someone gets killed, you'll be the same ones saying "RIP...over some nonsense...yada yada"

Give it a rest.
This aint beef, this some sideshow %#+%.

basically, either they're both charmin or Joey made the call, **!# really is about to get serious and he's just not on that self incriminating tip
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