Joe Rogan Podcast

On one hand you got *******s who can’t admit Joe has given misinformation a platform and he waffles on his stances.

On the other you got folks buying into sound byte cancel culture who never watched the show. Don’t know what the **** they’re talking about. And just looking to hitch their outrage wagon to the latest most convenient target.

Both sides suck. JRE been wack since it stopped airing on YouTube. What kind of weirdos use Spotify to listen to podcasts anyways?
Cats in here surprised to find out that he & Dave Chapelle are friends? Yeah y’all legitimately don’t have a clue. Go yell at the clouds.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Or maybe Chapelle and Chris Rock can have a joint comedy special defending it. Misinformation on critical race theory. Misinformation on vaccines. Misinformation on the use of the N word.

I, personally, don’t think Rogan is a “bad” guy. I just think in this new Information Age, it’s problematic because Web 2.0, has proliferated misinformation. And his platform is one of the greatest echo chambers. I watched another podcast where the hosts defended Rogan on the racism thing. Problem is the hosts were white. And it’s not up to the victimizer to determine if the N word is okay to say because of hip hop music.
The sad part about his defenders in this thread is that they don't realize or refuse to address the fact that podcasts like his have reintroduced ideas about culture and race that have long been debunked. Black folks who defend him need to realize that nothing good for us has come from the popularization of pseudoscientific concepts like linking skull sizes to one's intelligence. If they refuse to challenge nonsense like this in the name of free speech, they shouldn't cry when the people who believe in those ideas rise to positions of power and implement policies based on said ideas with no fear of being shunned and dropped by their constituents.
He's the most popular english language podcaster in the world.
you don't get that popular without have a large and broad casual fanbase.

I am aware. I made a post in here about how Joe Rogan became so big. You seemed to agree with what I said too

But that doesn't negate my point. Rogan is an elite by your definition, but having access to his elite friends helped him get so popular.

There is not some elite consensus against him. Elites promoting him help bring attention to his podcast, elites came to his defense.

There is not some elite consensus forming against Joe Rogan.

My problem is the process, how we determine where the line is drawn.
I think it best when it has happen through more speech not less

and I don't think it often works well when you try to take broadley popular ideas or media figures
and try to draw line through elite consensus.

This is what I objected to. There is no consensus

and it seems pretty clear to me that most regular casual consumers of media
do not think that whatever joe rogan has done rises to the level where his content should not be available for consumption.
or must be excised from spotify.

Episodes are being removed because of a PR ****storm created by Rogan and Spotify's own incompetence and irresponsible behavior

Elite and progressives didn't just suddenly decide to start demanding censorship and Spotify gave in. Spotify has already taken Rogan's side with Diamond. Spotify is trying to get ahead of the blowback as it comes

These grievances have been around for months to years. Rogan and Spotify failed to address them

And all it took to trigger the PR nightmare was Neil Diamond and a Twitter video. A video filled with clips people have been complaining about for years

So excuse me if I don't instantly run to the "Elites and progressives are just trying to censor speech" conclusion

The view that it does need to be removed from spotify I think is a relatively fringe view
and from what I can tell is mostly shared by college educated progressive and cultural elites.

If musicians are mad at spotify and want to boycott spotify as an expression of that anger, i mean okay I get it.

but I just assumed that the reason they were mad was because they wanted to reduce misinformation
or reduce racism.

And there are progressive people that feel different, and the elite also

You are literally in a thread with non-elites complaining about Rogan and their opinion seems to mean little. All along the way you have entered this thread to complain that people's are wrong with how they take issue with Rogan

So you have an issue with a small group of people that you hold a fringe view, cool, but that is not the totality of the issue.

This argument just seems like bad identity politics. "Elites" and progressive with college degrees like it, it must be bad.

Like I must ask, what is do you think is an appropriate way to address Rogan's *******, specifically? Because you say it is bad, you think more speech is needed to combat it, but any attempts for people to force Spotify to address the issue is bad to you.

As it really comes off that you think all forms of objection are bad if certain people make it.
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The idea that you're just accidentally stumbling upon these far right accounts is becoming less and less believable
To be fair, if you look at a prominent right-winger's tweet, all other suggested tweets are also from fellow right-wingers.
The idea that you're just accidentally stumbling upon these far right accounts is becoming less and less believable
I click on the Joe rogan hashtag and these pop up.
Only people I follow are Elon musk and Joey Diaz
Andrew Yang is truly a special kind of jackass

and some folks think diluting education is the answer..

some people going be surprised as hell when they learn the slave master was sleeping with his slaves.. that’s if they even teaching slavery soon enough
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