Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

People get fired for tweets and Facebook posts man, it's at will employment, there's a provision in your hand book about presenting yourself in a manner that represents your employer in there somewhere.

I know for my employer if I was caught by the wrong person blackout drunk there could be serious problems.
People get fired for tweets and Facebook posts man, it's at will employment, there's a provision in your hand book about presenting yourself in a manner that represents your employer in there somewhere.

I know for my employer if I was caught by the wrong person blackout drunk there could be serious problems.
again, we aren't talking about blackout and we are not talking about representing the company in a bad light.

Simple someone that was in what he stated drunk but acting cool.

Not doing anything wrong.

The context of the conversation had nothing to do with repercussions or conduct.

The call never should of have been placed.
thekid3456 thekid3456 You're fine especially if your boss said it was cool. And the call shows your boss sees you as more personable. A good employee that people actually like can help you move up.

Yes, you are always representing your company but some of you are being a bit extreme. Its one thing to be out drunk and dancing and a coworker just so happens to see you. Its another to be caught on camera in a Worldstar fight video with your uniform and badge on. All in all, live your life and do your best to keep your personal and professional lives separate. As much as I like some of my coworkers, I keep it to simple happy hours and nothing much more outside of that. That's more than enough to develop some personal bonds and strengthen the network.
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thekid3456 thekid3456 You're fine especially if your boss said it was cool. And the call shows your boss sees you as more personable. A good employee that people actually like can help you move up.

Yes, you are always representing your company but some of you are being a bit extreme. Its one thing to be out drunk and dancing and a coworker just so happens to see you. Its another to be caught on camera in a Worldstar fight video with your uniform and badge on. All in all, live your life and do your best to keep your personal and professional lives separate. As much as I like some of my coworkers, I keep it to simple happy hours and nothing much more outside of that. That's more than enough to develop some personal bonds and strengthen the network.

Nah I wasn't blacked out drunk. You could tell I was hammered but having fun. I'm a happy drunk and always try to get people shots. I just asked because she happened to show up and saw me hammered. I don't mix professional with personal so that's why I asked if she will judge me because I was hammered. But at the end of the day she can't really judge for something outside of work that wasn't a work event. She was at the bar herself so she can't judge, some posters here need to chill. Lol. I asked my friends how I acted and they said I didn't do nothing but was the one hyper having a lot of fun dancing. I even danced two songs with her and her sister. But I only asked because the next day she told one of my coworkers that I was hammered. So I was like waittttt I hope she doesn't judge me.
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@TheKid3456 You're fine especially if your boss said it was cool. And the call shows your boss sees you as more personable. A good employee that people actually like can help you move up.

Yes, you are always representing your company but some of you are being a bit extreme. Its one thing to be out drunk and dancing and a coworker just so happens to see you. Its another to be caught on camera in a Worldstar fight video with your uniform and badge on. All in all, live your life and do your best to keep your personal and professional lives separate. As much as I like some of my coworkers, I keep it to simple happy hours and nothing much more outside of that. That's more than enough to develop some personal bonds and strengthen the network.
Nah I wasn't blacked out drunk. You could tell I was hammered but having fun. I'm a happy drunk and always try to get people shots. I just asked because she happened to show up and saw me hammered. I don't mix professional with personal so that's why I asked if she will judge me because I was hammered. But at the end of the day she can't really judge for something outside of work that wasn't a work event. She was at the bar herself so she can't judge, some posters here need to chill. Lol. I asked my friends how I acted and they said I didn't do nothing but was the one hyper having a lot of fun dancing. I even danced two songs with her and her sister. But I only asked because the next day she told one of my coworkers that I was hammered. So I was like waittttt I hope she doesn't judge me.
She only said that because you didn't smash her and her sister.
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Linkedin has done next to nothing for me in terms of job seeking. I see people say that it helped them and I'm just skeptical from the jump.
I don't know what industry you are in antidope antidope , no one does :tongue:, but in IT it definitely works. We've had head hunters come snatch people from us like my hommie got the district IT supervisor job for Serco just off his online resume then ensuing interview
Linkedin has done next to nothing for me in terms of job seeking. I see people say that it helped them and I'm just skeptical from the jump.
I don't know what industry you are in antidope antidope , no one does :tongue:, but in IT it definitely works. We've had head hunters come snatch people from us like my hommie got the district IT supervisor job for Serco just off his online resume then ensuing interview
I mean I've gotten messaged on LinkedIn regarding stuff but the vast majority of it just seems like spam. LinkedIn has made the head hunting game lazy.

Its nice to hear about people prospering via LinkedIn though.
Linkedin has done next to nothing for me in terms of job seeking. I see people say that it helped them and I'm just skeptical from the jump.
I don't know what industry you are in antidope antidope , no one does :tongue:, but in IT it definitely works. We've had head hunters come snatch people from us like my hommie got the district IT supervisor job for Serco just off his online resume then ensuing interview
I mean I've gotten messaged on LinkedIn regarding stuff but the vast majority of it just seems like spam. LinkedIn has made the head hunting game lazy.

Its nice to hear about people prospering via LinkedIn though.

Anti I seriously think its the industry you're in. None on my friends in your industry gets any play from LinkedIn lol. All my dudes in digital marketing or data analytics get the most love from linedkin.
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What kind of question is that though ? You come into a thread about jobs asking if anyone uses linkedin.
It's a legitimate question though. LinkedIn caters to some more than others. I'm in the criminal justice field and I really have no use for it, other than to co-sign skills of former peers when I was working in the private sector. I check my account maybe once per month.
I was finally offered employment after about 9 months of being laid off. Grabbed the first $50K job that presented itself. I hate it. Social work. State job pretty good benefits, but there's a high turnover and the work is depressing and the workload is unrealistic. I trained for a month and knew it wasn't for me. Almost considered walking out the other day and just logging back on to Uber and continuing that grind.

I left a nice situation when I was laid off. Just received word from my union rep that my old agency will likely be bringing me back via recalls in the near future, as the budget has opened up and people have since retired. Hoping that's the case, although I will be headed to a different county most likely.

I'm single with no kids.

Low rent (I was saving for a condo before laid off f'd me over).

BS in Criminal Justice.

History of working in ecommerce, the juvenile justice field, law enforcement, probation and parole.

At this point I just want a job that I can tolerate with decent enough salary where I can save on a consistent basis, although being single with no kids at 30+ sort of makes having a nice job a priority since I don't have too many hobbies or structure outside of work.

Not sure if I should just move. Anyone ever try to see a career counselor? Any advice would be great. I feel like I'm in a weird spot in life.

It's officially official. My start date is the 25th.

So my family and I will driving from CA to VA next Monday. Scary and exciting.
Look at it as an opportunity for future flourishment.

Top 3 F's in life: Family, Friends, Flourishment
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 that drive mines was 18/19 hours but best of luck dude in your career and the drive
Thank you, sir!

Yeah, it's going to take some time...Especially with a 8-month old. But give ourselves a whole 7 days to drive should be enough.

Hoping to get a chance to walk around and see Chicago for a little bit.

Side rant: I hate apartment reviews. Can't take them 100% as truth. Also, I hate cost of living near DC lol.
I was finally offered employment after about 9 months of being laid off. Grabbed the first $50K job that presented itself. I hate it. Social work. State job pretty good benefits, but there's a high turnover and the work is depressing and the workload is unrealistic. I trained for a month and knew it wasn't for me. Almost considered walking out the other day and just logging back on to Uber and continuing that grind.

I left a nice situation when I was laid off. Just received word from my union rep that my old agency will likely be bringing me back via recalls in the near future, as the budget has opened up and people have since retired. Hoping that's the case, although I will be headed to a different county most likely.

I'm single with no kids.
Low rent (I was saving for a condo before laid off f'd me over).
BS in Criminal Justice.
History of working in ecommerce, the juvenile justice field, law enforcement, probation and parole.

At this point I just want a job that I can tolerate with decent enough salary where I can save on a consistent basis, although being single with no kids at 30+ sort of makes having a nice job a priority since I don't have too many hobbies or structure outside of work.

Not sure if I should just move. Anyone ever try to see a career counselor? Any advice would be great. I feel like I'm in a weird spot in life.


Find another job before leaving ur current job..

State jobs are really good..why not work for another department?
My last job was also a state agency, but unfortunately I was laid off. My union really didn't do **** for me either, whereas other larger unions will hook up their brothers with some sort of comparable position.
Checking in.

Still nothing. 3 phone interviews last week haven't heard anything back.

I applied to Big Lots for an inventory position I was told I am over qualified. Which is fine I applied as a last resort. I guess I can't go back to retail.

Been applying like a mad man 20-40 a day.

I am somewhat disgusted by the amount of jobs posted from temp, staffing, employment agencies. I mean the market FLOODED with these. There is a serious problem, I was contacted by a recruiter for a temp job, then a hour later I was contacted by another recruiter for the SAME EXACT POSITION! I looked the position up found it on career builder posted 4 times with 4 different staffing agencies! This needs to change.

I've been noticing younger new people working at USPS. The guy that delivered my mail the other day was like 21 wearing some Jordans. I started an application on there I am going to apply...

Have an interview tomorrow for a marketing position, I never got a confirmation e-mail, not sure the company because I was driving when I got the call, and I applied to so many jobs and the lady called on a restricted number. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO...
Volume fam volume. My current interview to job offer ratio is 3/37 and if I bothered to keep track of job apps and that standard rejection letter I'd go mad.

Everyone always says don't get discouraged and that's BS. I got discouraged plenty of times and thought stuff was never gonna change. That's a part of the game bro.
If there's anyone in the Bay Area that wants to apply for a temp position at Tesla in Fremont.. PM me. Cafe, material handler and production associate positions open. Expect to work a lot of 12 hr shifts and Saturdays.
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I been hearing a lot of people talking about unions when it comes to jobs, what exactly is that?
Pretty much a group of employees who squad up and use their collective strength to influence work related issues (wages, hours, benefits, etc).
I figured out the interview I had today. Called 3 places before I found the correct one. Luckily I still managed to make it early.

Its a marketing social media position. I have 1 year experience no degree. They require a degree (says posting) I've been applying to jobs no matter what the requirements are. The VP was cool real business man. I was not prepared because I did not find out the company until 30 minutes before my interview. I made a decent impression. I doubt I will get it but seems like a great company to work for.  The next step is the president if I do get called that will be Friday I will be shocked if they call me.

Been so depressed the last couple days, its killing me.

I completed the USPS assessment tomorrow I go in person to take an exam.

I have been at the library since my interview reading how start business books all day. I am thinking of just taking the chance.
Checking in. Bout to hit up a temp agency. God, I hate filling job apps out and re-filling previous job info from the past 10 years out
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