Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Still trying to get in touch with this HR rep so I can get this phone interview for NTNY. Been calling all day and no luck.
@Dathbgboy She is lucky. There isn't any GOOD jobs in the city. You may be able to find something in the outskirts. I have been looking seriously for about a month and I'm a little surprised.
if you cant find a job in ATL you have serious issues and need to reevaluate yourself
J jdubb1914 . I feel u. I would imagine education wouldn't be hard to get into but I've been wrong before. I just finished the class hours needed to sit for the CAPM exam for project management so I'm going to add that to my resume. It might embellish a little bit but it be like that sometimes :lol:
Got an interview lined up tomorrow at 1:30. It's only Target security :lol: but I'm excited nonetheless. This **** is mine, famb...:nthat:

Question, tho...what's the best way to address how you were terminated from a job? Just in case they ask.
Got an interview lined up tomorrow at 1:30. It's only Target security
but I'm excited nonetheless. This **** is mine, famb...

Question, tho...what's the best way to address how you were terminated from a job? Just in case they ask.
how'd you get terminated?
Excessive tardiness
been spinning it off up til now as me being laid off tho.
thats a tough one..  i dont think tardiness is that bad, compared to say stealing or no call no shows.  If i were you i would tell them you were laid off due to downsizing IF you think there is no way they would ever find out you were BSing.  If you think they would find out or just dont feel comfortable lieing, i would just be honest and kind of spin it into a life lessons learned type deal...
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Offered a job as a sales advisor/tech specialist at an international organization. 

But I also have an interview in a few days with the company I interned at as a web developer, which is what I'm actually passionate about. The pay at this company should be better, but it's a local company and not huge in size. The international organization will probably give me more opportunities to relocate. 

I want to be a web developer in the States eventually, but not sure if I should give up on the experience at working at a big organization. 

Advice NT?
Excessive tardiness :smh: been spinning it off up til now as me being laid off tho.

thats a tough one..  i dont think tardiness is that bad, compared to say stealing or no call no shows.  If i were you i would tell them you were laid off due to downsizing IF you think there is no way they would ever find out you were BSing.  If you think they would find out or just dont feel comfortable lieing, i would just be honest and kind of spin it into a life lessons learned type deal...

Nah, don't do that. NEVER EVER LIE!!! If they decide to call your old place of employment to verify the facts, you're screwed.

You were tardy, so let it be known that your tardiness is what led to your termination. That said, try to justify WHY you were habitually tardy (here, you can lie a bit because there's no way for them to confirm. They'll just have to take your word for it). Maybe your were tardy because you had a sick family member whose care occasionally got in the way of you making it to work on time? Maybe your mode primary mode of transport was compromised, and because you were in financial straits, you couldn't afford a replacement?

Justify it and sell it.

good luck bruhs. I hit this thread every now and again and say a prayer for the NT homies. I'm not rich and I lack the resources to help immediately but it's the least I can do. It'll get better. It's really rough out here right now. Don't get down on yourselves. Keep pushing and the gates will budge.
Nah, don't do that. NEVER EVER LIE!!! If they decide to call your old place of employment to verify the facts, you're screwed.
Most big firms can't take that liability and won't disclose why an employee left.

They usually just verify dates of employment.
Got 3 more interviews lined up this week...will check back in later this week, but man it feels good :smokin

Keep pushing, fellas, victory for all of us is inevitable!!!
Nah, don't do that. NEVER EVER LIE!!! If they decide to call your old place of employment to verify the facts, you're screwed.

You were tardy, so let it be known that your tardiness is what led to your termination. That said, try to justify WHY you were habitually tardy (here, you can lie a bit because there's no way for them to confirm. They'll just have to take your word for it). Maybe your were tardy because you had a sick family member whose care occasionally got in the way of you making it to work on time? Maybe your mode primary mode of transport was compromised, and because you were in financial straits, you couldn't afford a replacement?

Justify it and sell it.

previous employer cannot discuss why you got fired.. They can only say vague things like he was terminated/this date/would not rehire..etc

They cannot say he was fired for stealing or tardy bla bla..
Those of you looking to get your Resumes and/or Cover Letters right for the summer or in general, Yall should check this out:

Resume Coloring Book

Joint will pay for itself when you land a job. The results speak for themselves

Amazon product ASIN B00IWZOJ8Y

Let me know if any questions.
Have you used this at all? Those Amazon reviews are hight I'm always a bit weary of them when theres not a lot of them.
Keep at it.
Took me two years to land the job i wanted.
I emailed alums, friends and cold called people. I had a job but I hated the job i was at. I would set aside a couple of hours on tuesdays and fridays each week to work on the job search. I wouldnt stress out about it and had the attitude that someday I would get and offer.
I had a total of like 9 interviews. Was a runner up in two and finally got 1 offer and took it.

I prayed too.

For the resent grads:
Why not intern first?
See which companies are growing and ask to work for free. If you are smart and hard working theyll see that and may give you a job. I regret not interning more as a college student and after i graduated. You have no kids and are able to stay with friends and families. Some colleges will even give you a stipend.

Feel free to use my Warm-Call letter
PM with success letter works.
Great advice in this post. Quoted for emphasis. 

Also, check your state government websites. For instance, mine is Most states have a career center you can even go to for in person advice, resume help, job postings, etc.
hows the search going for you guys and i have seen yall talking about atlanta not having joibs i have to disagree cuz i know of delta airlines the police statefarm they are all giving jobs out but you gfotta stay on them and show them you want the job cant just apply and be like ahh they will call me......:smh:
Still not great, just waiting for some replies. This out of state thing is annoying.
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