Jimmy Clausen not ready to give up his Job or Jersey # (QB Competition??)

May 12, 2002
[h1]Jimmy Clausen Not Ready To Give Cam Newton His Job Or Jersey Number[/h1]
Published On 01 May 2011 By Marcas Grant.


When the Carolina Panthers selected Cam Newton number one overall, it was presumably to find their Quarterback of the Future. However it’s also had the effect of lighting a fire under Carolina’s most recent QBOTF, Jimmy Clausen.

The day after Newton was drafted, Clausen was reportedly one of the first players at the Panthers workout facility. Then on Saturday, many Panther players gathered for a charity kickball game benefiting cystic fibrosis research with both Clausen and Newton in attendance – and both wearing No. 2. As for which one will wear that number when the season kicks off, we’ll just have to wait.
Newton wore No.2 at Auburn and said Friday he’d like to keep it. He might have to set aside some bonus money for it.

“It’s mine right now,
[h1]Jimmy Clausen Not Ready To Give Cam Newton His Job Or Jersey Number[/h1]
Published On 01 May 2011 By Marcas Grant.


When the Carolina Panthers selected Cam Newton number one overall, it was presumably to find their Quarterback of the Future. However it’s also had the effect of lighting a fire under Carolina’s most recent QBOTF, Jimmy Clausen.

The day after Newton was drafted, Clausen was reportedly one of the first players at the Panthers workout facility. Then on Saturday, many Panther players gathered for a charity kickball game benefiting cystic fibrosis research with both Clausen and Newton in attendance – and both wearing No. 2. As for which one will wear that number when the season kicks off, we’ll just have to wait.
Newton wore No.2 at Auburn and said Friday he’d like to keep it. He might have to set aside some bonus money for it.

“It’s mine right now,
Jimmy gonna play hardball for the deuce.
Cams gonna get it, along with thta starting job, they didnt use that #1 pick for a back to a 2nd year unproven player.
Cams gonna get it, along with thta starting job, they didnt use that #1 pick for a back to a 2nd year unproven player.
Originally Posted by durantula

Cams gonna get it, along with thta starting job, they didnt use that #1 pick for a back to a 2nd year unproven player.

I think he'll get the starting job.  Idk about the number, though.  Like the article said, he'll have to drop some bread for it.  It's one thing to lose your job, but to also give up your number?  I couldn't do it.
Originally Posted by durantula

Cams gonna get it, along with thta starting job, they didnt use that #1 pick for a back to a 2nd year unproven player.

I think he'll get the starting job.  Idk about the number, though.  Like the article said, he'll have to drop some bread for it.  It's one thing to lose your job, but to also give up your number?  I couldn't do it.
Jimmy was the first to show up at the panthers facility last friday. I wont be mad at all if he's gotten his @%*% together. Tired of watching him throw derek jeter like jumping throws. Games of 50 yd passing better be over
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