JaWalrus russell...*stoneface*

Originally Posted by Newbs24

My man has a bedazzled starting lineup on a chain.


Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Executive76
This dude really had a Nike lapel on his jacket!!!
I haven't seen that before.
1st thing i noticed
I had to double take, like wait, Nike makes suit jackets now?
That's been around for a minute. College basketball coaches used to wear those all the time in the 90's. I believe Reebok did it too.
Originally Posted by Madman4life

Although I think JaMarcus is a bust. Are you mad at this dude for getting paid and are you really mad at him for accepting a huge contract and spending it the way he sees fit? How many of you all can honestly say that if your next employer offered you an extremely huge salary ,which may be more than your worth, your going to turn it down?

IMO the majority of this dislike fans have towards ahtletes for making huge money is a by product of the jealously, perpuated by much the media towards young athletes, for making the amount of money they make.

We always hear about these huge player contracts and what they spend their money on but what you dont hear about is how much these owners get paid to be able to pay these huge contracts. We need to be angry at these owners for charging high prices on tickets, stadium food, parking, and using tax dollars to finance stadiums that we cant afford to purchase tickets too. But no, we get mad at players for players for buying jewlery (which has no effect on us) while some 70 year old owner with no athletic talent, sits in his luxury box (financed by our tax dollars) and charges us 200 dollars for tickets....please....
for those that are actually standing up for this piece of $@@+, waste of an arm that the raiders used a number 1 pick on.......we KNOW that he can use the money however he wants. but do you realize that this guy has absolutely no shame that he's a terrible football player with one of the worst work ethics of all time? he's about the same as the boss's son working with you and doing absolutely nothing at work but still getting paid because his dad can't fire him. if darko milicic was rocking a platinum chain with a piece that read "D-MONEY" or kwame brown with a grill saying "K-BREEZY" across it would you still have that ******ed opinion? i'm more disgusted by this guy than almost any other athlete in sports right now.
i write a whole damn paragraph and that's all you got out of it? yeah he's a piece of @@%*, he's the equivalent of trailer trash winning the lottery and going out and buying a bunch of ferrari's and mansions just because they have the money.
Yeah, that's all I got out of it. Because that paragraph, like your last statement is a crock of ++@@.

And your little 'trailer trash' analogy makes no sense as it pertains to Jamarcus Russell's situation.

Carry on.
worrrrrrrrd. standing up for one of THE biggest wastes of money of all time that's still stuntin wherever he goes like he just came off a winning performance. atleast kwame and darko play hard, solid defense which takes EFFORT, something your buddy jamaracus shows none of. kwame and darko complained earlier in their careers saying they wanted a trade out so they could show what they could do, you don't hear jamarcus sayin $%%!. he just sits there and keeps collecting checks like jerome james.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

 if darko milicic was rocking a platinum chain with a piece that read "D-MONEY" or kwame brown with a grill saying "K-BREEZY" across it would you still have that ******ed opinion?

Don't argue with these guys. There is a lot of HATE for this man on the board.
yall gotta remember we are kinda desensitized by these rapper setups (most fake but thats another topic)

so for Harlan thats prob the most ice he's seen on a person and its completely ridiculous to him, add to that the fact that dude is a target in the media already then you get the disgust in his voice

looks like the homie spent with JofBH so his setup def HIT for $$ and is quality
i aint mad
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