Jason Collins Becomes 1st Openly Gay Athlete in a Major American Team Sport

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How does this man coming out perpetuate the idea of emasculation?
i wouldnt take it that far but i could see why one would say that especially being a black male... outside of crime and sports...etc... when does a black man in media get huge exposers? I mean look at tv...if you aint the pres... you a gay sidekick to some reality tv ratchet, being henpecked/emasculated, doing something borderline ala dudes in dresses, wanted for something, or playing a sport of some sort.

But he is a nody so i doubt this applies in his case.
:wow: Almost went to his basketball camp when he was with the Nets and I was like 11.
i wouldnt take it that far but i could see why one would say that especially being a black male... outside of crime and sports...etc... when does a black man in media get huge exposers? I mean look at tv...if you aint the pres... you a gay sidekick to some reality tv ratchet, being henpecked/emasculated, doing something borderline ala dudes in dresses, wanted for something, or playing a sport of some sort.

But he is a nody so i doubt this applies in his case.

You guys must be some of those manly Chris Broussard types.

Probably the same people saying Obama and RG3 aren't black enough, etc.
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You guys must be some of those manly Chris Broussard types.

Probably the same people saying Obama and RG3 aren't black enough, etc.
um what does that even mean or have to do with what dude said...or my response to why the guy may have felt/think the way he does? I dare you to show me 10 current major social/media topics/tv/movies...of black males in particular that aint shooting a ball, aint running the country, aint wanted for something, or are on a major tv show and aint being a itch, tail tucked, simp...or gay/feminine.

Last i checked rg3 isnt homosexual, nor dresses in womens clothing, or walks around with his tail tucked and showing signs of simping...neither has the pres....cant really say the same if i turned the tv from the news/sports/ or old shows reruns. Or went to see a black produced or black lead male movie...(outside django and 42).

So while i think his sentiments dont apply to this situation... what he said, particularly in reference to black males and media isnt opinion based its factual. Whether you like it, dislike it... or see it as relevent to this subject, thats another story.
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Man, one day we'll embrace our brethren. These dudes are fathers, sons, brothers, & friends.

No need to make them feel like 2nd class citizens.

Love and let love y'all. Respect to Jason Collins.
if he's not anything else he's somebodies son
Everybody coming out and supporting, but I have a feeling some of these guys are hiding their true feelings because it would be a p.r. Nightmare if they actually said how they really felt
If we're TRULY non judgemental, then this shouldn't even be news. I honestly don't care if he came out because as many here said he's a fringe player at best. Even if someone that gets rotation time like say Glen Davis came out, still the world wouldn't care I think.

There's just too much gay talk in general, not that I'm a homophobe or anything it's just none of anyone's business and it's frankly annoying to hear about gay this and gay that.
Everybody coming out and supporting, but I have a feeling some of these guys are hiding their true feelings because it would be a p.r. Nightmare if they actually said how they really felt
barkley said it best on inside da NBA "people have a right to not agree, especially on da grounds of religion, culture, etc. you

shouldn't be crucified"
No one is looking for laughs. Its the truth in the matter. For someone like Collins, this is ultimately the highlight of his career. He was a nobody until today.

And please stop with the homophobia crap. Just because someone isn't accepting of your lifestyle choice doesn't mean that they fear homosexuals.

That's true. Also if someone doesn't believe in interracial marriage, that doesn't mean their racist, right?

No one believes you... You're prejudiced and yes, scared of gay people... Sorry.
Are you really trying to say those that don't agree with interracial marriage are racist? If so that really doesn't make sense to me. Just cause you don't want to sleep with or marry a different race doesn't mean you will treat them differently as a person on a day to day level. I think at times people get over passionate and start making bad points.
Everybody coming out and supporting, but I have a feeling some of these guys are hiding their true feelings because it would be a p.r. Nightmare if they actually said how they really felt

Yeah I think alot guys are saying positive things about this for the PR. But they don't believe it

No one is looking for laughs. Its the truth in the matter. For someone like Collins, this is ultimately the highlight of his career. He was a nobody until today.

And please stop with the homophobia crap. Just because someone isn't accepting of your lifestyle choice doesn't mean that they fear homosexuals.

That's true. Also if someone doesn't believe in interracial marriage, that doesn't mean their racist, right?

No one believes you... You're prejudiced and yes, scared of gay people... Sorry.
Are you really trying to say those that don't agree with interracial marriage are racist? If so that really doesn't make sense to me. Just cause you don't want to sleep with or marry a different race doesn't mean you will treat them differently as a person on a day to day level. I think at times people get over passionate and start making bad points.

Yes if you're against interracial marriage, you're a racist.
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Everybody coming out and supporting, but I have a feeling some of these guys are hiding their true feelings because it would be a p.r. Nightmare if they actually said how they really felt

Yeah I think alot guys are saying positive things about this for the PR. But they don't believe it

No one is looking for laughs. Its the truth in the matter. For someone like Collins, this is ultimately the highlight of his career. He was a nobody until today.

And please stop with the homophobia crap. Just because someone isn't accepting of your lifestyle choice doesn't mean that they fear homosexuals.

That's true. Also if someone doesn't believe in interracial marriage, that doesn't mean their racist, right?

No one believes you... You're prejudiced and yes, scared of gay people... Sorry.
Are you really trying to say those that don't agree with interracial marriage are racist? If so that really doesn't make sense to me. Just cause you don't want to sleep with or marry a different race doesn't mean you will treat them differently as a person on a day to day level. I think at times people get over passionate and start making bad points.

Yes if you're against interracial marriage, you're a racist.
No your not but whatever you want to believe you go right ahead.
Everybody coming out and supporting, but I have a feeling some of these guys are hiding their true feelings because it would be a p.r. Nightmare if they actually said how they really felt

Yeah I think alot guys are saying positive things about this for the PR. But they don't believe it

No one is looking for laughs. Its the truth in the matter. For someone like Collins, this is ultimately the highlight of his career. He was a nobody until today.

And please stop with the homophobia crap. Just because someone isn't accepting of your lifestyle choice doesn't mean that they fear homosexuals.

That's true. Also if someone doesn't believe in interracial marriage, that doesn't mean their racist, right?

No one believes you... You're prejudiced and yes, scared of gay people... Sorry.
Are you really trying to say those that don't agree with interracial marriage are racist? If so that really doesn't make sense to me. Just cause you don't want to sleep with or marry a different race doesn't mean you will treat them differently as a person on a day to day level. I think at times people get over passionate and start making bad points.

Yes if you're against interracial marriage, you're a racist.
No your not but whatever you want to believe you go right ahead.

And you can continue to be a racist.
Let me ask a serious question tho.

How some of ya'll gettin offended at the jokes made in here but the jokes for years about Glen Davis, Chandler Parsons, etc. are fine? I don't get it. 
Everybody coming out and supporting, but I have a feeling some of these guys are hiding their true feelings because it would be a p.r. Nightmare if they actually said how they really felt

Yeah I think alot guys are saying positive things about this for the PR. But they don't believe it

No one is looking for laughs. Its the truth in the matter. For someone like Collins, this is ultimately the highlight of his career. He was a nobody until today.

And please stop with the homophobia crap. Just because someone isn't accepting of your lifestyle choice doesn't mean that they fear homosexuals.

That's true. Also if someone doesn't believe in interracial marriage, that doesn't mean their racist, right?

No one believes you... You're prejudiced and yes, scared of gay people... Sorry.
Are you really trying to say those that don't agree with interracial marriage are racist? If so that really doesn't make sense to me. Just cause you don't want to sleep with or marry a different race doesn't mean you will treat them differently as a person on a day to day level. I think at times people get over passionate and start making bad points.

Yes if you're against interracial marriage, you're a racist.
No your not but whatever you want to believe you go right ahead.

And you can continue to be a racist.
Im not so I would not like to be called one. This is the type of stuff that leads to resentment from people in these type of discussions. If I want to have a child that is the same race as me that really makes me a racist and please think about that before you answer. I guess most of the world is racist then since 90% of marriages are intraracial.
Let me ask a serious question tho.

How some of ya'll gettin offended at the jokes made in here but the jokes for years about Glen Davis, Chandler Parsons, etc. are fine? I don't get it. 
Everybody turned into gay advocates. Funny how things flip from one day to another
I'm waiting for the day when this ceases to become news. He's a career fringe player, clearly out of his prime and is approaching 35. His contract is up, and he is most likely looking at being out of the league next year. He could have announced his sexuality last year, or the year before that. Instead, he chose to let it out right when unemployment is right around the corner. Now, he is on the front page of sports news sites everywhere and people who couldnt pick him put of a lineup, now know who he is. I gotta admit, its a pretty clever power move. Now if he isnt on a team next year, the NBA is gonna have a media circus around it. 

It's pioneering because he is the first to do it, that is true. However there is nothing courageous about it. He was gonna get praised for it, regardless if he did it in 2012 or 2013. Look at Mike Wallace. Dude said something "derogatory", and he almost instantly has to take it down due to scrutiny. Or Chris Culliver or Tim Hardaway who had to apologize for their statements, regardless that that's how they actually feel. None of their apologies are genuine, but they were still forced to make them. Its safer to come out pro-gay then anti-gay, so whats so courageous about announcing your gay?

Maybe I am being overly cynical, but I think the timing of it speaks volumes to the actual intentions of the announcement. At the end of the day I'm glad we got this whole "first gay athlete in a major league" out of the way. I'm sure even gays are ready for this to stop being news
Everybody coming out and supporting, but I have a feeling some of these guys are hiding their true feelings because it would be a p.r. Nightmare if they actually said how they really felt

Yeah I think alot guys are saying positive things about this for the PR. But they don't believe it

No one is looking for laughs. Its the truth in the matter. For someone like Collins, this is ultimately the highlight of his career. He was a nobody until today.

And please stop with the homophobia crap. Just because someone isn't accepting of your lifestyle choice doesn't mean that they fear homosexuals.

That's true. Also if someone doesn't believe in interracial marriage, that doesn't mean their racist, right?

No one believes you... You're prejudiced and yes, scared of gay people... Sorry.
Are you really trying to say those that don't agree with interracial marriage are racist? If so that really doesn't make sense to me. Just cause you don't want to sleep with or marry a different race doesn't mean you will treat them differently as a person on a day to day level. I think at times people get over passionate and start making bad points.

Yes if you're against interracial marriage, you're a racist.
No your not but whatever you want to believe you go right ahead.

And you can continue to be a racist.
Im not so I would not like to be called one. This is the type of stuff that leads to resentment from people in these type of discussions. If I want to have a child that is the same race as me that really makes me a racist and please think about that before you answer. I guess most of the world is racist then since 90% of marriages are intraracial.

If you feel resented, keep your racist views to yourself.

You aren't getting any sympathy from me about feeling resented about not being able to spread your racist views.
Everybody coming out and supporting, but I have a feeling some of these guys are hiding their true feelings because it would be a p.r. Nightmare if they actually said how they really felt

Yeah I think alot guys are saying positive things about this for the PR. But they don't believe it

No one is looking for laughs. Its the truth in the matter. For someone like Collins, this is ultimately the highlight of his career. He was a nobody until today.

And please stop with the homophobia crap. Just because someone isn't accepting of your lifestyle choice doesn't mean that they fear homosexuals.

That's true. Also if someone doesn't believe in interracial marriage, that doesn't mean their racist, right?

No one believes you... You're prejudiced and yes, scared of gay people... Sorry.
Are you really trying to say those that don't agree with interracial marriage are racist? If so that really doesn't make sense to me. Just cause you don't want to sleep with or marry a different race doesn't mean you will treat them differently as a person on a day to day level. I think at times people get over passionate and start making bad points.

Yes if you're against interracial marriage, you're a racist.
No your not but whatever you want to believe you go right ahead.

And you can continue to be a racist.
Im not so I would not like to be called one. This is the type of stuff that leads to resentment from people in these type of discussions. If I want to have a child that is the same race as me that really makes me a racist and please think about that before you answer. I guess most of the world is racist then since 90% of marriages are intraracial.

If you feel resented, keep your racist views to yourself.

You aren't getting any sympathy from me about feeling resented about not being able to spread your racist views.
I don't feel anything actually just bsing around. You haven't shown me jack spit on how that's racist plus if you knew my situation in real life this sillyness you speak would look even more stupid than it already is.
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