Jason Collins Becomes 1st Openly Gay Athlete in a Major American Team Sport

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I don't respect Jason Collins for anything. If he was really about "liberating" and wanted to really make a stand, dude would've came out in the middle of his NBA career.

Don't give me the whole, "he wasn't ready" BS. Dude did this for attention and got it.

BIG DEAL. Like couplet88 said, I'd be pissed if I was gay. This is more of an insult than an accomplishment for professional sports and homosexuals.
Cue Alonso mourning gif
True that's why when it comes to topics like this race, religion, etc we can never have honest talks at least publicly cause of this right here. I'm pretty sure people can explain why they don't like certain things with tact fullness but if it's going to be the PC mafia with the get down or lay down nobody really is going to be honest.
I'm pretty sure Chris Broussard stated his honest opinion publicly. 
It's always one. Come on dude your not stupid. You have one person but it's still not reflective of what people think cause if this was so there would be no need for people to "come out". I feel people even if they disagree don't want to say nothing and you don't get honest dialogue on why a person feels that way.

It's funny how people want stuff to PC for their group but can't be PC in relation to other groups.

I'm sure a lot these dudes weren't cool with people like Don Imus and Rush Limbaugh voicing their "opinions"


They are words that mean nothing cause honestly words unlike physical things only hurt you if you let them. Most words that hurt people have truth to them so if they have no merit to them at least for me and I'm pretty sure a lot of others they just that words. Don't be a coward just say blacks next time since that's what your getting at and apparently everybody who disagrees and or is a bigot, racist, etc is only black according to you using don imus and rush.

Stupid argument though. You're disliking someone just because of a characteristic that they have no control over. That makes you a bigot. Same as if you dislike someone just because they have a different skin or eye color than you.
Are you talking to me I'm assuming so if not my bad but I'm not arguing nothing its the truth. You can't say nothing that's not positive or you get jumped on. I don't care if dude gay but if you mention shaky timing or how you don't like seeing that your something negative. I don't think that's fair and it's like people strong arm you into their views. Personally I don't give a crap about people being gay if that was so I wouldn't be friends with the gays I know. Only thing I don't like/understand about it is those that dress stereotypically like a guy/girl and or go for the equivalent of a male/female depending on the gender. I can be honest about that. If I'm called things cause of that so be it but as long as those that know me not faces cats on NT cool with me I'm good.
It's funny how people want stuff to PC for their group but can't be PC in relation to other groups.

I'm sure a lot these dudes weren't cool with people like Don Imus and Rush Limbaugh voicing their "opinions"


They are words that mean nothing cause honestly words unlike physical things only hurt you if you let them. Most words that hurt people have truth to them so if they have no merit to them at least for me and I'm pretty sure a lot of others they just that words. Don't be a coward just say blacks next time since that's what your getting at and apparently everybody who disagrees and or is a bigot, racist, etc is only black according to you using don imus and rush.

So words don't mean anything?

So I guess it would be cool if your kids teacher called them a racial slur.

I mean their only words...the teacher is just voicing their honest opinion about how they feel about your child.

The only reason your child would be hurt is if there was some truth in the slur according to your logic.
I don't have kids but no it would not be okay cause is that really what teachers are supposed to do? I would teach my kids why people say hurtful things and why they shouldnt respond to them though but being realistic everybody has a tipping point. Way to goto extremes to try to prove your point though. If they want to call me that it will not get me to respond in any way I would just laugh like I've done before when somebody has called me out of my name. They are doing it to make you angry as them I can't let them take me to their level but I'm not silly to think it works that way for everybody. Why don't you explain why you want to make it seem like blacks are the only hypocrites of negative things though since you only mentioned people that said "negative" things about blacks.
I don't have kids but no it would not be okay cause is that really what teachers are supposed to do? I would teach my kids why people say hurtful things and why they shouldnt respond to them though but being realistic everybody has a tipping point. Way to goto extremes to try to prove your point though. If they want to call me that it will not get me to respond in any way I would just laugh like I've done before when somebody has called me out of my name. They are doing it to make you angry as them I can't let them take me to their level but I'm not silly to think it works that way for everybody. Why don't you explain why you want to make it seem like blacks are the only hypocrites of negative things though since you only mentioned people that said "negative" things about blacks.


Everybody has tipping points

So why inflame them with your opinions so they reach their tipping point?

You don't have to agree with it but as long as they aren't hurting other people with their actions....its kinda one of those things...you know?

Also where did I say anything about Blacks? You bought that up

Those were the bigots/racists I could think of off the top of my head.

I guess I should have said Mel Gibson too
I bought up blacks cause you indirectly did by only mentioning whites that said something towards blacks. If you would have put more diverse examples I wouldn't said jack about it. I don't try to inflame at all but I wont be shut down on how I feel either just cause everybody might not agree. I don't have a problem with gays outside what I said earlier or interracial dating/marriage but I'm a believer in letting folks esp adults have their say. I'm not for ignorant silly talk but I do believe people should be able to honestly explain theirselves tactfully and without inflaming folks without people acting like they themselves are without flaw. Now sensitive people that want to shut down honest dialogue they don't agree with I'm not with that.

I asked my friend about the IR marriage thing and he agreed with you but moreso in a racial bias way not outright racist way. I just can't look at somebody that treats people the same outside of sex/marrying them the same as the clan or any other hate group/racist.
Are you saying that you really think Collins is lying about being gay? Really, champ?
I don't think Jason Collins is lying about being gay champ.  I think he more or less saw an opportunity for him to cash in on being able to play another year or two in the league (even though he is on the decline) by making this announcement and took full advantage of that.  I believe Collins saw the headlines about certain gay athletes getting ready to come out of the "closet" and let the world know who they are as we have heard quite recently lately and decided to jump ahead of them in line and strike while the iron was hot.  One statement from the article that stuck out to me on that note was this..............

"Now I'm a free agent, literally and figuratively. I've reached that enviable state in life in which I can do pretty much what I want. And what I want is to continue to play basketball. I still love the game, and I still have something to offer."
You act like him being engaged to a woman has anything to do with him being a homosexual.
It just goes to show that Collins is in the business of fooling people and with this announcement it appears that he's fooling people yet again.  This isn't Jason Collins wanting the world to know that he's gay in my opinion, far from it.  This is about Jason Collins trying to secure another pay day in the NBA and be the first active gay athlete, and with that comes book deals and possible endorsements.  

Also, I find it very strange that this guy was just engaged to a woman as little as 4 years ago, but now all of sudden he's knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's gay and there's no turning back.  Meaning that only 4 years ago, yeah that right 4 year ago Collins was READY and WILLING to settle down and be with a woman for the REST of his life.  4 years later he's done with woman and he's had these feelings for quite awhile
.  As of now, I'm going to have to add Jason Collins to the FRAUD category, especially as I'm sure more details will surface.  
You know those dudes are gay and married to women because they are scared to come out of the closet because of because of the stigma attached to homosexuality. 
If those guys do that then that's on them, and that makes them FRAUD status as well. 
Did you even read the article? I BET you didn't.   You probably think that reading an article about being gay makes you gay or something.
Loud and wrong, but then again that's who and what you are so I can't knock your hustle on that.  I can and always do correct your hustle, but I can't knock it.  With that being said, for  making that assumption I'm going to have to add you to the FRAUD category with Jason Collins as well an dee 51o.  You can either be in front of Jason Collins or behind him, you choose. 

Now on a larger scale, I don't knock you an dee 51o and the rest of the people in this thread for being sympathetic towards Jason Collins.  As people, we should all look out for one another and care about the well-being of others as a nation and country, nothing wrong with that.  I just want folks like you an dee 51o and others to know that even in this world we live in, there are people that try to deceive and get over on people, especially by way of fooling them and trying to pull on people's heart strings. 

It's no different than that Kony 2012 campaign that was so famous last year, where the country felt so sympathetic to the situation in Africa to help bring down a cruel and ruthless man that was hurting children only for the truth to be revealed shortly thereafter that it was just a ploy to get people to donate money to fraudulent cause run guy that was shown on video having a fit in the middle of the streets in San Diego running around butt naked.  These are some of the dangers and pitfalls in life when dealing with certain people that are trying to get over.  I say this because I don't want people to fall for the banana in the tailpipe (no pun intended given the nature of this subject matter).  I want people to ask questions in life, particularly even if they feel uncomfortable given a sensitive matter like this one.      
You literally said that homosexuality is one of the biggest problems that the black community is facing.
Yep, and it still is.  One thing is for certain, YOU are NOT black so you really don't have the where with all as a whole to say I'm incorrect.  You can respectfully ask questions about my opinion on the matter or even provide feedback on what you feel could be the biggest problems that the black community is facing, but you still don't have a respectful voice on the matter as you aren't black and can't relate.  For now, your best BET is to sit on the sidelines and watch.    
How is someone being homosexual a detriment to the black community though?

This is a new one for me...
If this question is addressed to me, I would rather not discuss it in this thread as I don't want to derail it from it's original course.  My comment that an dee 51o wrote down was in a totally different thread, many months ago.  For some reason, that comment must have really struck a nerve with him and he has carried it around with him for quite some time now.  I'm sure that thread is still around here somewhere, where all my points are addressed there. 
I know its the politically correct thing to say you support him and he's a pioneer or whatever, this guy was out here deceiving and dating women, even getting engaged to one. What a scumbag.
i'm all for broussard having his opinion and all that..

but what i dont understand, is if he feels so strongly against 'sinners' why does he continue to work and associate with these people he feels so strong against..

or even better, why does he work on his sabbath day

this is the article he wrote a little while ago:
[h1]My take on John Amaechi by Chris Broussard[/h1]

I think the NBA is ready for an openly gay player.

By “ready” I don’t mean that everyone on the guy’s team or in his organization will like the fact that he’s a homosexual, or that the guy might not get called names by opponents on the court, or even that his own teammates might not chuckle behind his back.

But by “ready” I mean that players will tolerate a homosexual teammate or opponent. Like Charles Barkley said, some have been doing that already.

Just look at the comments made by players, coaches and Commissioner David Stern when asked about former player John Amaechi’s recent disclosure that he is gay.

The overwhelming majority of comments have been politically correct, even the ones that were considered homophobic by Philadelphia’s Shavlik Randolph and Steven Hunter.

Go talk to guys at an open gym in your neighborhood, and lots of the comments won’t be so polite.

But America has become so politically correct — not to mention that, in my opinion, much of the media and Hollywood are promoting the idea that homosexuality is a normal lifestyle — that many players are afraid to voice their true feelings publicly.

Thus, whenever a current player comes out as gay, you will hear overwhelming support for the guy. And while I think Mark Cuban went overboard in saying the guy would be “an American hero,” I do believe he would be embraced by a sizeable segment of the population.

He would definitely get marketing/endorsement opportunities, and some folks in the media would champion him and the gay cause.

Well, anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I’m not concerned with being politically correct. So here’s where I stand:

I’m a born-again, Bible-believing Christian (no, I’m not a member of the Religious Right). And I’m against homosexuality (I believe it’s a sin) and same-sex marriage.

But before you label me “homophobic,” know that I’m against any type of sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman. That includes heterosexual fornication (premarital sex).

Some cats in the NBA run around, sleeping with different women in every city — I don’t agree with their lifestyles.

Some players run around, cheating on their wives — I don’t agree with their lifestyles.

It’s all wrong to me and against the biblical teachings I believe in.

I’m saying all that to say that if I can play basketball with a homosexual, just about anyone can.

I’ve played in several rec leagues with LZ Granderson, who is an openly gay writer at ESPN The Magazine.

I consider LZ a friend. I’ve gone out to lunch with him, talked music, sports, politics and lots of other things with him. I greet him with a handshake and a hug, just like I greet lots of other guys.

By the way, LZ can ball. In a league in New York City that features several former college players, we both made the All-Star team. He was kind of like our Shawn Marion minus the dunks (though he claims he can still slam!) and I was like our Gilbert Arenas (high game of 39, thank you).

Anyway, when we play in our rec league games, I give him high fives and hugs. Same with one of his friends who is on the team and also gay. When we’re on the court trying to get a win — or in the office talking about a story, for that matter — his sexuality is not an issue.

Granted, I don’t shower with LZ after games like NBA teammates do, and I’ll admit that if I had to, it might be a little uncomfortable at first.

But if a gay player just goes about his business in the shower, showing that he has no sexual interest in his teammates and that he’s not “checking them out,” I think the awkwardness would wear off fairly quickly.

LZ and I know where each other stand and we respect each other’s right to believe as he does.

I know he’s gay, and he knows I believe that’s a sin. I know he thinks I get my moral standards from an outdated, mistranslated book, and he knows I believe he needs to change his lifestyle. Still, we can laugh together, and play ball together.

That’s real diversity. Disagreeing but not being disagreeable.

For the record, I covered Amaechi as a beat writer for the Akron Beacon Journal when he was a rookie playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

I like John. He’s intelligent, nice and you can have a good conversation with him. I haven’t seen him in several years but if I saw him today, I’d smile and give him a hug. I think dinner with him would be a blast, with lots of great discussion/debate about race, politics, religion, Africa and yes, sexuality.

Since Amaechi came out, I’ve read lots of columns about being “progressive.” The implication — or outright assertion — is that anyone who believes homosexuality is wrong is not progressive or enlightened.

That’s where this thing becomes problematic, because those who hold to that view are saying I must change my entire belief system/religion because of your belief system.

Where’s the diversity in that?

Those folks don’t want diversity. They want everyone to agree with their “enlightened” opinion.

Look, I’ll accept your right to have your own belief system and to live as you please, but I’m not changing mine. Diversity is not just accepting alternatives to what has long been perceived as normal, but it’s accepting the significant number of people who hold to long-standing “traditional” beliefs as well.

Millions of Christians who follow the Bible — and Muslims who follow the Koran and Jews who follow the Torah, as well as many nonreligious Americans — believe homosexuality is wrong.

That doesn’t mean they’re unenlightened. That just means their moral code doesn’t fluctuate based on society’s ever-changing standards. As long as we’re not being violent toward one another, as long as we can be civil, everything should be fine. We don’t have to agree.

And please don’t compare being homosexual to being black. I consider that insulting to blacks for a number of reasons. The fact that some blacks make the comparison themselves only shows how crushed our racial esteem has become because of America’s oppression (witness our insistence on calling ourselves the n-word).

You can’t hide your skin color, choose your skin color, change your skin color or switch your skin color back and forth. Some argue that you can’t do that with your sexuality either, but there are many scientists on both sides of the genetic debate, and I believe a truly objective person would admit the biological evidence for homosexuality is far from definitive.

Nor has the Bible, the Koran or the Torah ever associated a particular skin color with sin (it was only racist whites who twisted the Scriptures 400 years ago who did that, never the Bible itself).

I’m not trying to get into a religious or scientific discussion here, I’m just saying that some people will accept homosexuality as fine and others will not.

Some will write me off as a bigot for this article, but folks, this is real talk. Unfortunately, we can’t have real talk in America nowadays.

Whites can’t voice their real opinions — no matter how legitimate — about race for fear of being called racist, and everyone’s afraid of offending anyone. It seems the only person who can be openly criticized, or disagreed with, is the President.

How crazy is that?

Until we can honestly hear each other out — and be civil while doing so — we won’t get anywhere. One thing I hope this article does is encourage people to have frank discussions about sensitive issues such as this one.

Here’s the bottom line: If I can accept working side-by-side with a homosexual, then he/she can accept working side-by-side with someone who believes homosexuality is wrong.

If an NBA player can accept playing with a homosexual, then the homosexual must accept playing with guys who don’t agree with his lifestyle.

Believe me, when the ball goes up, his sexual preference isn’t going to matter.
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If this question is addressed to me, I would rather not discuss it in this thread as I don't want to derail it from it's original course.  My comment that an dee 51o wrote down was in a totally different thread, many months ago.  For some reason, that comment must have really struck a nerve with him and he has carried it around with him for quite some time now.  I'm sure that thread is still around here somewhere, where all my points are addressed there. 
ppl will be transparent and trolls will troll. Truth and honesty/sincerity is a tuff pill to swallow
I know its the politically correct thing to say you support him and he's a pioneer or whatever, this guy was out here deceiving and dating women, even getting engaged to one. What a scumbag.
It's not unheard of for a gay individual to try to live a straight life due to societal pressure. Big J 33 also pointed this out. 

Does anyone have an opinion on this?

I've been hearing and seeing this around everywhere and I think it's probably the dumbest thing I've heard so many people agree on in all my life.

Who in the world told Tim Tebow to keep his religion to himself?  Dude had a pro-life ad during the Super Bowl.  They zoom in on him kneeling to pray during every game.  Not to mention the fact that the Jason Collins story IS TWO DAYS OLD.

It's annoying that Christians find ways to make it seem like their way of life is under attack.  Especially in America, a country founded on Christian principles that have now become laws.  Where the money says "In God We Trust" and the president ends speeches with "God Bless America".
i'm all for broussard having his opinion and all that..

but what i dont understand, is if he feels so strongly against 'sinners' why does he continue to work and associate with these people he feels so strong against..

or even better, why does he work on his sabbath day
Reaching for the stars with this one like many posts in this thread in support of Collins' lifestyle.

You can still befriend people who have differences of which you don't agree with. I don't like drugs or endorse them being used, but guess what? I'm friend with many a person that uses illegal drugs.

That's his job. He has a family to support. If he's scheduled to work that day, guess what he has to do it or he can easily be replaced. ESPN is like Google in that many people want your job and will do anything to get it.

The Christian lifestyle isn't under attack? Christianity is made fun of everyday on this website led by posters like lobotomy.  The liberal media attacks it whenever it gets the chance. Tim Tebow is a bum, but he didn't ask for ESPN to push his agenda. He's a kid that never got in trouble and subscribes to a faith of which he's a very strict follower but yet he's made fun of for still being a virgin among others.
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The Christian lifestyle isn't under attack? Christianity is made fun of everyday on this website led by posters like lobotomy.  The liberal media attacks it whenever it gets the chance. Tim Tebow is a bum, but he didn't ask for ESPN to push his agenda. He's a kid that never got in trouble and subscribes to a faith of which he's a very strict follower but yet he's made fun of for still being a virgin among others.

I'm pretty sure one of the main reasons why the Christian "lifestyle" gets "attacked" is when these so-called "Christians" go out and attack others who don't share their beliefs. Jesus taught us to love, not to hate.
It just goes to show that Collins is in the business of fooling people and with this announcement it appears that he's fooling people yet again. This isn't Jason Collins wanting the world to know that he's gay in my opinion, far from it. This is about Jason Collins trying to secure another pay day in the NBA and be the first active gay athlete, and with that comes book deals and possible endorsements.

Collins hasn't averaged over 2ppg for the past 4 years, he knows his place. :lol:

Such a reach :lol:
It just goes to show that Collins is in the business of fooling people and with this announcement it appears that he's fooling people yet again. This isn't Jason Collins wanting the world to know that he's gay in my opinion, far from it. This is about Jason Collins trying to secure another pay day in the NBA and be the first active gay athlete, and with that comes book deals and possible endorsements.

Collins hasn't averaged over 2ppg for the past 4 years, he knows his place. :lol:

Such a reach :lol:
If you think it's a reach your not thinking realistically. If he doesn't get picked up its going to start a whole debate of is it because of him being gay instead of the numbers you put up.
I can definitely see the Wizards re-signing him now. 

Leonsis is going to want to capitalize on the attention
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