JAPAN - The World's Most Racist Country?

Originally Posted by IM A HELION

If my girlfriend's family is any indication, India is a pretty racist place. Hell, if my girl wasn't of a lighter shade, she'd pretty much get #%%#$@@ on back in India. And not to mention her family hates my *!@$*%# guts. Yes I'm mad.

still haven't gotten over it...cot damn
True story.....a very good friend of mine (white Englishman, 32 yrs old) has been living out in Japan for the last 3-4 years for his own business (electronics and gaming retail). He told me that from the bottom of his heart that Japan is the most vile, discriminatory, perverted, corrupt, depressing society he has even been to, ecomically and politically theyre screwed and he's been all around the world (his dad used to work for the UN)...
hmm... yeah i've heard a lot of this.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by imperialh8

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

I always heard people say that Japan is the most racist & xenophobic place on the planet so I thought I delve further to see if there was any creedence to this....


Which country has the most racist people?

Results so far:


[+] ballot by juggernutz
created Fri Aug 04, 06
There are jackasses in every race and you shouldn't hate a whole group of people because one or a few screwed you over. Needless to say, which country do you think harbors those full of hate, and contempt for others?
Japan 33%

Every single Muslim country 14%
U.S.A. 11%

Australia 3%
China 2%
pakistan 2%
Russia 2%
Germany Umm White Power lets take over the world Remember that? 1%
England 1%
Iran 1%
All of the white ones 1%

Africa (Excluding the white people living there) 1%
Southern U.S. 1%
Brits 1%
France 1%
India 1%
Turkey 1%
philippines <1%
zimbabwe <1%
italy <1%
South Korea <1%
Puerto Rico <1%
North Korea <1%
North USA <1%
South Africa <1%
spain <1%
It's Turkey of course <1%
Malaysia <1%
Mexico <1%
Canada <1%
Wal-Mart is not a country you idiot... it's not even funny! <1%
Germany <1%
Wal-Mart! Just look at how they treat their minority employees... <1%
New Zealand <1%
Saudi Arabia <1%
Poland <1%
Argentina <1%
Peru <1%
Scotland <1%
norway <1%
Finland <1%
iceland <1%
Somalia <1%
liberia <1%
BARBADOS, Caribbean. <1%
denmark <1%
Greece <1%
BrookLyn! <1%
Albania <1%
Maher <1%

4Chan thread

Wiki page on Japanese racism

Forum discussion on Japanese racism

If this bothers you...then you're too sensitive...

I bet this won't stop you from buying Japanese products...

you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. . . it can build ignorance. .

This list is based completely on assumption. The facts are off and I don't believe any of it.

How about we tally up the average number of race related threads we get per week. . .

Kids these days are way too sensitive/PC/nurtured. If you don't have a thick skin by now you're going to bit*h and moan about every comment that fliesyour way.
not surprised japan made it to the top of the list.

racism doesnt extend into street fight 4 though, go to any major arcade and in yokohama/tokyo and you'll get eaten up by tons of balrogs. a lot of nonbalrog players hate him though but thats just because being smart and knowing a few simple tricks can go a long way, same can be said for sagat/rufus.

very small % of japanese girls like black dudes. you find one in tokyo or around the military bases there's a high chance she been around. youll also findthat a lot of fat japanese chics like black dudes but go figure.

reggae japanese girls are the biggest posers, same with the dudes.

yes there are tons of establishments even in big cities that only allow or serve japanese.

a foreigner sneezing too hard in japan will make the news. if you get in trouble with the law you WILL NOT be treated equally.

japanese being polite does not mean they like or accept you, youll learn that quick.

if youre a foreigner or even worse black, youll more than likely be the last person someone will sit next to on the train/bus

most english speaking japanese will admit that japan is very racist.
i dont think that korean commercial is racist.
i highly doubt koreans stereotype black people as people who love fried chicken.
actually, you may not know this but korean people are huge fried chicken lovers.. popeyes is their joint they love that stuff.
Its just sensitive people in this thread and a weird but not intentionally racist commercial imo
Originally Posted by vandalshark

not surprised japan made it to the top of the list.

racism doesnt extend into street fight 4 though, go to any major arcade and in yokohama/tokyo and you'll get eaten up by tons of balrogs. a lot of non balrog players hate him though but thats just because being smart and knowing a few simple tricks can go a long way, same can be said for sagat/rufus.

very small % of japanese girls like black dudes. you find one in tokyo or around the military bases there's a high chance she been around. youll also find that a lot of fat japanese chics like black dudes but go figure.

reggae japanese girls are the biggest posers, same with the dudes.

yes there are tons of establishments even in big cities that only allow or serve japanese.

a foreigner sneezing too hard in japan will make the news. if you get in trouble with the law you WILL NOT be treated equally.

japanese being polite does not mean they like or accept you, youll learn that quick.

if youre a foreigner or even worse black, youll more than likely be the last person someone will sit next to on the train/bus

most english speaking japanese will admit that japan is very racist.
2 of my cousins are in Japan right now. Some people in here may be exaggerating about the racism. I'm sure a lot of the older generationwouldn't approve, just like in any other culture. My cousins tell me the younger Japanese are somewhat fascinated with black people/ culture. They werewelcomed with open arms and weren't prevented from entering any establishment. About the Japanese fat chicks, that's a very convenient thing to say.I'm convinced the only reason why (although there is some truth to it) anyone would say only ugly, fat, slutty girls of any race like black guys is causethey're a bit jealous. They don't want to believe their girls are being slept with by a black one so they allocate the undesirable ones to black men intheir minds to make themselves feel better about it. The Japanese/ Asian chicks I've hooked up with have been very skinny and moderately attractive.
Originally Posted by eaalto

When my father-in-law (White) first went to ask my mother-in-law's father (Chinese) for her hand in marriage, her Chinese father slammed the door in his face. It wasn't until 5-6 years into their marriage that he finally accepted him, because he realized that he was able to provide a good life for his daughter.

He had a general rule that none of his family were to marry any Mexicans or Blacks, and as I just stated, it took him about 5 years to warm up to the idea that his daughter was married to a white man. My wife's grandmother (Chinese) still blankets all Hispanics/Latinos as Mexican, and pretty much assumes that all black people and "Mexicans" are lazy and don't work hard.

She cut off a motorcyclist about 2 years ago, and claimed that the Mexican witness said it was her fault because he didn't like Chinese people.

She was born and raised in China, and came to America when she married my wife's grandfather. While I don't agree with their mentality, I do understand that it's a cultural thing, and it's hard to break the habit after 75 years of believing that the Chinese are superior to all else.

As more and more of the older generations die off, I think that the racism in America will eventually fade away.

Most of the younger generations can appreciate that America is a melting pot and we are the most diverse country in the world. It will take time but eventually we will get there.
As much as I would love to see this, it's naive to believe it will 'eventually fade away'.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by eaalto

When my father-in-law (White) first went to ask my mother-in-law's father (Chinese) for her hand in marriage, her Chinese father slammed the door in his face. It wasn't until 5-6 years into their marriage that he finally accepted him, because he realized that he was able to provide a good life for his daughter.

He had a general rule that none of his family were to marry any Mexicans or Blacks, and as I just stated, it took him about 5 years to warm up to the idea that his daughter was married to a white man. My wife's grandmother (Chinese) still blankets all Hispanics/Latinos as Mexican, and pretty much assumes that all black people and "Mexicans" are lazy and don't work hard.

She cut off a motorcyclist about 2 years ago, and claimed that the Mexican witness said it was her fault because he didn't like Chinese people.

She was born and raised in China, and came to America when she married my wife's grandfather. While I don't agree with their mentality, I do understand that it's a cultural thing, and it's hard to break the habit after 75 years of believing that the Chinese are superior to all else.

As more and more of the older generations die off, I think that the racism in America will eventually fade away.

Most of the younger generations can appreciate that America is a melting pot and we are the most diverse country in the world. It will take time but eventually we will get there.
As much as I would love to see this, it's naive to believe it will 'eventually fade away'.
I'd call it being optimistic.
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

I love many things that come from Japan and the topic of racism always comes up; I still hope its not as bad as people say.
I still haven't visited but its #1 on list for multiple visits.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

From my experiences:

America is hands down THE most racist country in the world. I've lived on 4 different continents and been all around the wold so miss me with that
"travel first then say that bs". It's unfortunate but it's good preliminary training for when you travel abroad.

The racism I encounter here in Europe is like child's play compared to my home country.

Other racist countries:

Italy- Super racist. Fascist, once aligned with Nazi Germany. Right above Africa and west of the Middle East so they have an influx of illegal immigrants so
they hate anyone of color as well as Eastern Europeans. Once they realize you're American they warm up a little. Still racist as hell tho'.

@ how racist this country is. If you're black or latino the only play you're getting in this country is from other blacks and latino's
who happen to live there lol. This has nothing to do with soccer. Try getting into a club in Madrid that isn't in the "hood". Guarantee you it
won't happen.

Germany- People get it twisted because of all the love we get shown in the towns where we have bases. I'd be happy too if some foreign country poured
billions into our economy every year. Venture into the real Germany and it's totally different. Nazi's still run rampant through here.

More...can't think right now.

But that doesn't add up...in America I can get into damn near any club I want, regardless of if it's in the hood or not. Nazis are seriously looked down upon here and yes there are illegal immigrants but they get a lot of love from locals here. How can you say that a country where Nazis run around is less racist than one where people hate them back?

Where exactly are you from in America?

In these other countries you can document events that occur between the races. That would be impossible to do in the states.

The 2008 Elections alone should be enough to tell you the situation where we live at.

What makes you think Americans hate Nazi's? Maybe the old white guys who fought them, but their grandkids are watching American History X over and over posting on Stormfront trying to emulate them.

Immigrants get shown love? Again, where are you from in the states?

Don't get me wrong, America is racist as hell but I wouldn't think about living anywhere else permanently.

To answer your first question, I'm from LA. Yes, we saw a lot if ignorance in the 2008 elections, but not near enough to convince me that America is worsethan, say, Russia, where black people (and other people of color as well) get beat up/killed on the regular with no police intervention.

Americans do hate Nazis, fam. Only a small number of them are the idiots signing up for Stormfront and buying Skrewdriver cds. To give you an example, when thewhite power musical duo Prussian Blue lived in Bakersfield, one of the most conservative cities in CA, leaflets went around the city against their racist viewsand some businesses put up "No Hate Here" signs. To say that anything bigger than a small part of this generation is idolizing Nazis and theirideology is, in a word, laughable.

I live in LA, which, besides being around half Hispanic, is a decidedly liberal city, so it makes sense that illegal immigrants get shown love here...I dunnoif you've ever seen these but for a while a very popular American Apparel shirt said "Legalize LA" in support of illegal immigrants. And yes,I'll concede that a lot of Americans do hate illegal immigrants but the fact is that a good portion of them (liberals, mostly) do not and appreciate themfor what they do for society.

America is pretty damn racist but the fact is it's much worse elsewhere.
2 of my cousins are in Japan right now. Some people in here may be exaggerating about the racism. I'm sure a lot of the older generation wouldn't approve, just like in any other culture. My cousins tell me the younger Japanese are somewhat fascinated with black people/ culture. They were welcomed with open arms and weren't prevented from entering any establishment. About the Japanese fat chicks, that's a very convenient thing to say. I'm convinced the only reason why (although there is some truth to it) anyone would say only ugly, fat, slutty girls of any race like black guys is cause they're a bit jealous. They don't want to believe their girls are being slept with by a black one so they allocate the undesirable ones to black men in their minds to make themselves feel better about it. The Japanese/ Asian chicks I've hooked up with have been very skinny and moderately attractive.

i got racism in japan stories for days, not trying to exaggerate anything. i'm almost sure that i been in japan longer than your cousins.i'm not saying only the fat japanese girls date black guys but if you really want to see what i'm talking about then go to a hip hop club that has ahigher japanese male ratio, take a look at the quality of females then go to a hip hop club with a highter black male ratio and take a look at the quality offemales there. talk to a lot of these girls and theyll tell you that japanese guys dont like them. i got no problem pulling a decent looking japanese femalebut that doesnt change the face that majority of japanese are indeed racist. just a couple weeks ago a japanese girl i know told me she was on the train andsome japanese guy just shouted out the japanese version of the N word at her because of the way she was dressed and everyone just started laughing at her.japanese tend to direct their hate/racism/anger etc toward the weak but thats another topic.
Originally Posted by vandalshark

2 of my cousins are in Japan right now. Some people in here may be exaggerating about the racism. I'm sure a lot of the older generation wouldn't approve, just like in any other culture. My cousins tell me the younger Japanese are somewhat fascinated with black people/ culture. They were welcomed with open arms and weren't prevented from entering any establishment. About the Japanese fat chicks, that's a very convenient thing to say. I'm convinced the only reason why (although there is some truth to it) anyone would say only ugly, fat, slutty girls of any race like black guys is cause they're a bit jealous. They don't want to believe their girls are being slept with by a black one so they allocate the undesirable ones to black men in their minds to make themselves feel better about it. The Japanese/ Asian chicks I've hooked up with have been very skinny and moderately attractive.
i got racism in japan stories for days, not trying to exaggerate anything. i'm almost sure that i been in japan longer than your cousins. i'm not saying only the fat japanese girls date black guys but if you really want to see what i'm talking about then go to a hip hop club that has a higher japanese male ratio, take a look at the quality of females then go to a hip hop club with a highter black male ratio and take a look at the quality of females there. talk to a lot of these girls and theyll tell you that japanese guys dont like them. i got no problem pulling a decent looking japanese female but that doesnt change the face that majority of japanese are indeed racist. just a couple weeks ago a japanese girl i know told me she was on the train and some japanese guy just shouted out the japanese version of the N word at her because of the way she was dressed and everyone just started laughing at her. japanese tend to direct their hate/racism/anger etc toward the weak but thats another topic.

i dunno. i'm mixed and i suppose that has something to do with it, but i can't think of a time when a seat has been empty next to me onthe train. gaijin will always be gaijin in japan, yes, but some of it sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy with you. chicks have always smiled or given me'positive' looks, people have gone out their way to talk to me friendly as can be, but again i guess being mixed with curly hair has something to dowith it. i know there is racism but it is what you make of it. you're still a lot safer on the streets than you are in the states. i guess i'm too laidback to care, if anything.

but some of your viewpoints sound like self-fulfilling prophecies. just my opinion.
Originally Posted by vandalshark

not surprised japan made it to the top of the list.

racism doesnt extend into street fight 4 though, go to any major arcade and in yokohama/tokyo and you'll get eaten up by tons of balrogs. a lot of non balrog players hate him though but thats just because being smart and knowing a few simple tricks can go a long way, same can be said for sagat/rufus.

very small % of japanese girls like black dudes. you find one in tokyo or around the military bases there's a high chance she been around. youll also find that a lot of fat japanese chics like black dudes but go figure.

reggae japanese girls are the biggest posers, same with the dudes.

yes there are tons of establishments even in big cities that only allow or serve japanese.

a foreigner sneezing too hard in japan will make the news. if you get in trouble with the law you WILL NOT be treated equally.

japanese being polite does not mean they like or accept you, youll learn that quick.

if youre a foreigner or even worse black, youll more than likely be the last person someone will sit next to on the train/bus

most english speaking japanese will admit that japan is very racist.
About Street Fighter, Balrog doenst get picked too much in Super Turbo not because he's black but because he's a high level characted andRIDICULOUSLY good (see Daigo vids). In SF4 he's stupid good again and easier to use...

About Japanese girls...absolute nonsense....2 of my friends are married to Japanese girls they met completely randomly and they are both dimes. I myself havedated and stayed in Hokkaido Japan, have dated previously another Japanese girl from Tokyo before that and am kinda checking another Japanese girl also fromTokyo and all of them we're very receptive to me. I've met tons of Japanese girls this year alone and they are ALL fascinated, i tell ya....if you gotgame it aint even a problem...

True about breaking the law in Japan, you're screwed and you'll be headline news in no time...they'll make an example of you

I tell you who have a bad time in Japan also and this is often overlooked....CHINESE & KOREANS, they're hardly regarded as human being in somecases....must be a historical / rivalry thing
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by eaalto

When my father-in-law (White) first went to ask my mother-in-law's father (Chinese) for her hand in marriage, her Chinese father slammed the door in his face. It wasn't until 5-6 years into their marriage that he finally accepted him, because he realized that he was able to provide a good life for his daughter.

He had a general rule that none of his family were to marry any Mexicans or Blacks, and as I just stated, it took him about 5 years to warm up to the idea that his daughter was married to a white man. My wife's grandmother (Chinese) still blankets all Hispanics/Latinos as Mexican, and pretty much assumes that all black people and "Mexicans" are lazy and don't work hard.

She cut off a motorcyclist about 2 years ago, and claimed that the Mexican witness said it was her fault because he didn't like Chinese people.

She was born and raised in China, and came to America when she married my wife's grandfather. While I don't agree with their mentality, I do understand that it's a cultural thing, and it's hard to break the habit after 75 years of believing that the Chinese are superior to all else.

As more and more of the older generations die off, I think that the racism in America will eventually fade away.

Most of the younger generations can appreciate that America is a melting pot and we are the most diverse country in the world. It will take time but eventually we will get there.
As much as I would love to see this, it's naive to believe it will 'eventually fade away'.
I'd call it being optimistic.

It'll flame out once our technology eventually crushes us.

Japan is probably still scheming for revenge from Hirashima and Nagasaki. They already built a Gundam and it doesn't seem like they have any intention ofsharing that with us.

And that Korean KFC commercial is at least stereotypical of anyone darkskinned if not altogether racist.
Germany- People get it twisted because of all the love we get shown in the towns where we have bases. I'd be happy too if some foreign country poured billions into our economy every year. Venture into the real Germany and it's totally different. Nazi's still run rampant through here.

ummm are you kidding!? I am German and i have been there many times, i have family that lives in southern Germany. NAZI'S DO NOT RUN RAMPANT THROUGH THEFATHERLAND. if you were ever to utter a word supporting nazism in Germany...REAL Germany...you would not be safe i will tell you that. i am outraged that youwould post something like this giving people the wrong impression of Germans. Do you think that the German people would support something that they were liedto about? do you think they enjoyed having many of their cities destroyed by American planes?

Originally Posted by vandalshark

yes there are tons of establishments even in big cities that only allow or serve japanese.

a foreigner sneezing too hard in japan will make the news. if you get in trouble with the law you WILL NOT be treated equally.

japanese being polite does not mean they like or accept you, youll learn that quick.

if youre a foreigner or even worse black, youll more than likely be the last person someone will sit next to on the train/bus

most english speaking japanese will admit that japan is very racist.
This is all very true.
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