January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Hoping yall Memorial Day Weekend’s going well!!!


-I thought Rhodes Brothers was MOTN easily..
-Women's 3 Way was bad..Awesome Kong being a surprised saved it from being a complete disaster..
-6 Woman match was fun but had several botches/weird spots..Plus the ending really was bad..
-Battle Royale was good (last year's was better)..I really liked how they had groups representing each suit in a card deck come out together..It was a little too crowded in there at times, but overall was real fun to watch..
-Bucks/Luchas was really fun..Had some excellent spots in there..And I was surprised the YB's went over..I'd bet the vast majority of fans would've thought the Luchas was going to win..
-Jericho/Omega was boring..I'd give it 2.5 Stars at most..Jericho is just flat out done at this point.Dustin Rhodes is 2 years older and put on a much better performance..
-Sabian/Guevara was fun and was a very solid way to kick off the show..
Best Friends vs Team Neon was enjoyable..Had some really cool spots and exciting moments..All 4 did a good job..

As far as the non-wrestling aspects of the show goes:

-Stage/entrance was really nice and fit the arena/city very well..
-Entrance music for most wrestlers were generic..They need to work on that..
-Video packages shown throughout the night were done extremely well..
-Camera work wasn't good at all..Way too many times the cameras were shaky and it was distracting..
-JR was great..But they've got to get rid of 1 of the other announce team..A 3 man booth is unnecessary..
-Everything Brandi did was pointless and very WWE/Stephanie McMahon like..She should've been Cody's valet and nothing more..
-The belt debut was very good to do on the ppv (even though it'd been better to have a match on their first show to determine a champion right off the bat)..But I wish they'd have actually done a nice close up to really let the fans see what their belt looks like..And they should've had their Tag Team titles and secondary titles on the show..
-Allie's big ******* was a delight..She was pretty bad on the announce team though..Sounded a lot like Renee Young, and that's not a good thing..
-Pyro was great..Blood was great..
-Lighting of the ring and crowd was excellent..Had a massive WCW vibe to it, which was always a better set up/visual than WWF/E..
-I hope they always have the AEW logo in the middle of the ring..
-I really like were they had the announce team..I actually prefer the announcers at the top of the ramp or somewhere else instead of ringside..

Overall the presentation was top notch and the wrestling was solid..There's a lot of stuff that needs worked on (and some of that stuff should've never happened with this amount of time to put on 1 single show)..But I got a feeling each show will just get better and better..I'm definitely excited for what AEW can represent..And after last night it's obvious (no matter how much that bland nerd Tony Khan doesn't want to admit it) that AEW is going to be serious competition for Vince..

Just to give some reasoning behind one of your issues, them not getting a solid shot of the belt was 10000% Bret's fault. I noticed a couple people do this throughout the night, but they kept forgetting to turn towards hard camera. Not sure what Bret was thinking, but he kept turning towards the other side with his back to the camera and that was the only time he stood still. We really didn't even get a good look at it from our seats.
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