Its Time For The United States To Have A Serious Look At Gun Control Laws

Aug 20, 2003
In light of last nights events, I can't help but feel as though this is just history repeating itself. Whether or not its coincidence that his occurred in Colorado the fact of the fact of the matter is that kids have been being murdered all summer in Chicago, the unfortunate death of Trayvon Martin... ect. something has to be done.

I'm afraid these incidents are going to keep happening unless we engage in some serious dialogue about gun control laws.

Most of us are old enough to vividly recall the numerous shootings that rocked our country

George Hennard


Virginia Tech.

now this,

while all the facts aren't out, we all know this was a tragedy ignited by the use of firearms...

not to mention the numerous others such as Alabama or the Christmas eve massacre.

what are your thoughts on gun control here in the United States?

A reality for many of us is that protection is needed, but for those with a history of violence... your thoughts?
Be nice if some of the people in the theater were packing so that they were able to defend themselves against this maniac, give him a nice surprise when someone is spraying back.
I feel you on this man but it won't happen that way we truly need it to happen. Either we'll continue with our pretty much loose free gun laws or we'll
technically ban civilians from owning guns outright. I believe in responsible gun rights but it is far too easy to get a hold of weaponry that is not needed
in this country.
Be nice if some of the people in the theater were packing so that they were able to defend themselves against this maniac, give him a nice surprise when someone is spraying back.

You'll be amazed at how more innocent people could have gotten hurt if that happened...
Be nice if some of the people in the theater were packing so that they were able to defend themselves against this maniac, give him a nice surprise when someone is spraying back.

The nice surprise would've been a whole lot more people getting caught in crossfire
Anything that has been regulated....alcohol, drugs, online file sharing, etc. does not stop someone who wants it from getting it. There are always ways of obtaining what you want and if someone is that determined to commit such a heinous act, then you should not be naive enough to think that stricter gun laws would prevent this clown from obtaining a firearm.

The only people that are harmed by gun control laws are law abiding citizens. In all the cases you cited including Chicago, the criminals are the ones with the guns while the innocent are like fish in a barrel. What we need to do is enforce harsher penalties for those who use guns in criminal acts. A number of years per bullet would be a good start.
Drugs are illegal. That doesn't stop people from using them.

What makes you think that people who want guns, will stop wanting them just because the government says you shouldn't have them?
what needs to happen is states should relax their CC permits. Its nonsense that one idiot looses it, and we all have to pay for it.
It's only going to get worse unless something MAJOR is done. Seems like a bunch of crazy folks are walking around with guns now. At this rate we might as well go back to the days of the wild west. I would like for something to be done about gun control but unless folks rise up against the NRA this is what it's going to be.
Drugs are illegal. That doesn't stop people from using them.
What makes you think that people who want guns, will stop wanting them just because the government says you shouldn't have them?

Nobody's talking about banning them. The sole reason Thomas Jefferson wanted the people to have the right, was so that the government would never become more powerful than the people. We're talking about making it a harder screening process to get them. Like not letting people with mental illnesses to obtain them. Or high schoolers for that matter.
The nice surprise would've been a whole lot more people getting caught in crossfire

Or he could have been stopped right in his tracks, this we will never know...instead if reading about 14 dead and 50 injured we could have a hero and one idiot psychotic shooter laying dead on the ground.
It's only going to get worse unless something MAJOR is done. Seems like a bunch of crazy folks are walking around with guns now. At this rate we might as well go back to the days of the wild west. I would like for something to be done about gun control but unless folks rise up against the NRA this is what it's going to be.

Pretty much....some day in the future we are all going to have/require our own firearms as part of our everyday carry. Just like grabbing your keys, wallet and cell phone.....grabbing that .38 special or .45 cal before the long commute to work will be a necessity each day.

Sad truth :smh:
:smh: i really hope that little girl wasn't really full of holes as i initially heard. as for gun laws in this country, well theres something def wrong with the system currently in place, and its greatly in party to the NRA's hardbody lobbying over the years. my thoughts on this matter mirror Bowiling for Columbine. that is all.
It just needs to be more difficult to get these can order stuff online that no civiilian has any business owning unless you wanna do damage. Its way past controling guns, and the NRA has WAY too much influence for that to ever go down, but they gotta look at how any idiot with no sense of responsiblity can get a gun within a short time. Responsible people who use it for protection aren;t the problem, its the easy access for morons who have bad intentions and don't feel the higher social obligation to be even more aware of their surroundings who are the real issue; and sadly those fools can roll up and get as many weapons as they like so long as they;re not a convicted felon ( and we know they can still get guns too) :smh: I hate our society and that is has to be like this
I disagree.

I'm about as "liberal" as one can be (I hate titles), but I HATE the elimination rights we're seeing in the US lately in terms of surveillance and what not, even though most of it was inevitable.

I think placating citizens into making them feel that they have some degree of control as members of society by allowing them to have guns helps to quiet rumblings against their government.

Essentially people think that having gun rights will protect them against the "government rapture" if you will. 

Is it a placebo? Maybe.

Will that ever happen? Who knows. Its a gradual process. I don't expect the government to Rex 84 us over night. 

However I think that 

BTW, Gun control works in places like the UK and New Zealand because they're pretty much different cultures AND somewhat homogeneous. I think people overlook this when comparing policy between different places. 

The US is TOO BIG and TOO DIVERSE for some laws to really matter to be taken seriously. 
You'll be amazed at how more innocent people could have gotten hurt if that happened...

Having a gun isn't the same as coordinating an attack OR knowing how to use it yourself.

Its like saying, damn, I wish more people would have learned how to swim in order to save someone who drowns at a public pool. Most people who don't know how to life-guard end up putting themselves in danger too.  There is more to it than that. You gotta know how to USE your skills and HONE them. 
people gonna do what they want, even if you make guns illegal ppl will find away to buy and sell them, look at prohibition or the drug trade,profit means more than lives to some people
First off, I'd to say that we shouldn't be using these people's caskets as a soapbox to push an agenda.

In all of those cases the OP cited including Chicago, these are criminals using firearms. The only people that are punished by gun control laws are law abiding citizens. Criminals don't care for the law or we wouldn't see instances like this. They always have and always will find a way to get a firearm in their hands. I could go down the block right now and purchase a handgun for $200 if I wanted. The police can't make law abiding citizens feel safe 24 hours a day and because of that concealed carry laws should be relaxed.
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:smh: i really hope that little girl wasn't really full of holes as i initially heard. as for gun laws in this country, well theres something def wrong with the system currently in place, and its greatly in party to the NRA's hardbody lobbying over the years. my thoughts on this matter mirror Bowiling for Columbine. that is all.

In The Dark Knight, Bruce says to Alfred "Today you get to say I told you so" in which he replies " Today, I dont want to." Ironic isn't it?
I just moved to TX from CA, less than a month ago.. and as an avid soapboxer of anything Cali including their strict laws against citizens bearing firearms... but after understanding that most of the folks fighting for the legal right to have a weapon,i am 100 percent sure, that it's the "person not the gun"

People can get guns easily, it takes almost no intelligence to get guns (look at the idiots who cant pass 5th grade but can totally get hands on a firearm)

Personally I think it's awesome (as awesome as a tragic situation can be...) when someone who's taken a course in responsibility with a firearm save lives because they were smart and brave in the right(wrong)situation

Take the surveillance of the game room robbery, where the innocent customer was able to shoot, and deter an entire room of folks from getting injured/robbed

and another recent case among MANY others, where no one is able to defend themselves properly, ends up in mass robbery, and in some cases, an angry innocent tries to "wrestle" with an armed robber, and ends up getting themselves injured or killed...:smh:

Gun laws DO need to in start giving smart responsible people guns in places like SF, CA, where the only folks with guns are criminals, who've stolen them from other collectors etc...:rolleyes
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Pretty much....some day in the future we are all going to have/require our own firearms as part of our everyday carry. Just like grabbing your keys, wallet and cell phone.....grabbing that .38 special or .45 cal before the long commute to work will be a necessity each day.
Sad truth :smh:
man where i live now I can't even go to the grocery store without seeing open carry guns. I might have to strap up just in case one of these dudes have an off day. :smh:
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Or he could have been stopped right in his tracks, this we will never know...instead if reading about 14 dead and 50 injured we could have a hero and one idiot psychotic shooter laying dead on the ground.

Once you add another shooter, you're adding another variable to the equation. Thus you can't possibly know what the outcome will be.

Like FutureMD says, you have to know how to use your skills/weapon. Things could have been worse if someone stood up, shot at him, and missed.
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