IT JUST GOT REAL....... Oreos thread EDIT: SMORES IS BACK!!!

I'm not sure
I had to run to Walmart to get some baby formula
And walked past the cereal isle
Seen it
Scooped it
Then when I got home poured a bowl.
I'm not sure if cause I haven't had it in so long
That it's actually that good
Or if it's legit good

Should've did the taste test b
anyone know where i can cop in south fla? my sisters found a few in the hood part of lauderdale lol
Turns out there’s an exact amount of time for the optimal Oreo cookie dunk, as discovered by actual academics in an actual lab. This, by the way, is the sort of science we can get behind.

They found that there’s a saturation point for most cookies. Oreos in particular soak in 50 percent of the total amount of milk they are able to absorb in the first second of dunking. One second later and that Oreo is at 80 percent capacity. Then, oddly, the cookie stops soaking up the milk during the duration of the third second. And, finally, the Oreo reaches full milky saturation at four seconds exactly.

Which, count to four seconds right now. That’s an absurdly short amount of time. “This data indicates that for the tested cookies, keeping your cookie in the glass any longer than five seconds does not lead to any additional milk entering the cookies,”the study informs us. That’s it, folks! No more milk is going to soften up that cookie. Who had four seconds as the optimal amount of time to dunk your Oreo?

It should be noted that this study was performed with 2 percent milk which does make a difference. The study notes that the fat to water content of the dunking liquid matters. The higher the fat content of the milk, the more fat is in the way of the water from being absorbed. So an almond milk, or the like, may soak that Oreo faster.

The good people in the Splash lab took their study one step further to determine when the cookie crumbled from too long of a dunk. Turns out that an Oreo can withstand the milk for five whole minutes before the cookies start to break down entirely.
Those Red Velvet oreos or the vanilla waffer oreos. :nthat: :smh:

Winter coming not trying to store fat for the winter yet, need to hold off until at least the fall before considering a Oreo binge.

I really like this Graham cracker cookie that they use. Filling is OK. Not an apple pie fan like that.
red velvet
and cinnamon bun oreos have been constant in all the stores
like its a permanent flavor
they need to bring back the GOAT
rice krispy flavor or smores
It's pumpkin season. Make sure y'all get the Pumpkin Pop Tarts every year. Than go to IHOP and get the pancakes
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