It Has To Be Exactly Like This, It's What I'm Craving For...

I can't believe were are using the word ignorant based on the preference of steak.

Not relevant social issues
Or politics
Or other important aspects of society

But steak. It's takes a special kind of ignorance to turn your nose up at someone over some ish like that.
Oxtail, I'm craving tender fallin off the bone with that savory gravy Oxtail. Coconut rice with a side of greens. Not the BS greens, I'm talkin' the wet jawns with pieces of dark turkey meat and dripping with broth juice with every lift off dat fork. For real, for real. #nomnoms
I can't believe were are using the word ignorant based on the preference of steak.

Not relevant social issues
Or politics
Or other important aspects of society

But steak. It's takes a special kind of ignorance to turn your nose up at someone over some ish like that.

Dudes must not have anything else happening in their lives they can be proud of. So they cling to this idea that they know steak, and it makes them special.
Dudes must not have anything else happening in their lives they can be proud of. So they cling to this idea that they know steak, and it makes them special.
It's not that serious breh. It's just a light hearted thread on a sneaker forum. I don't think anyone is assigning actual character judgement with any substantial level of conviction. Except for the butt hurt shoe eaters. They seem extra rustled.
No you're missing the point. You can't claim light hearted when dudes were called "ignorant" , "poor" and "butt hurt shoe eaters" for their tastes. How do you expect them to react? For the record I enjoy a good medium rare steak, but you turds have a habit of ruining things. It'll be the same ones too, everytime. Tell yourself it's not that serious.
Jesus famb relax. It really isn't that serious. Maybe I just operate differently than you....but this thread seemed light hearted to me. If you or anyone else wanna catch feelings because I called people eating well done steaks ignorant, in a shoe forum, then that's on you. It's just laughs famb. Don't be so sensitive.
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"it's not that serious", "stop being sensitive". Classic NT deflection. Ain't nobody mad, you're in here posting all over the thread and arguing with dudes, race thread baiting, then have the nerve to pull that card. That's stupid, but do you.
He went back to Internet defense mechanisms 101 for that one huh.

But I always wondered. Ox tail. Is it really tail of an oxon?
My bad then, carry on. I missed the wave when calling people low class, ignorant and poor over food was jokes.
"it's not that serious", "stop being sensitive". Classic NT deflection. Ain't nobody mad, you're in here posting all over the thread and arguing with dudes, race thread baiting, then have the nerve to pull that card. That's stupid, but do you.
He went back to Internet defense mechanisms 101 for that one huh.

But I always wondered. Ox tail. Is it really tail of an oxon?

These days it's just regular old cow tail. I don't think Oxen are out and about like that.
Yes it is dc.
I recently met someone that said that grossed them out and stopped eating it.
My bad then, carry on. I missed the wave when calling people low class, ignorant and poor over food was jokes.
How can it be anything else?

It's not like I was calling them those things based on important life decisions, or stances on politics, morals, or ethics. We talm bout steaks famb relax.
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Yes it is dc.
I recently met someone that said that grossed them out and stopped eating it.
I been eating oxtail since I could digest solids. It's just the tail of a cow and it's ******* delicious so I don't believe anyone who claims they quit cuz they found out the name wasn't a misnomer.
What's the "proper" way to eat oxtail?
I'm a savage so I eat it with my hands when I'm not around people
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