it appears da prayers of certain NTers have been answered VOL. Restaurants Banning Tipping

This idea sucks, you will see a decline in service, since servers will no longer depend on providing a good one in order to receive a better tip, saw this trend in Miami where they'll include 18% to every and any bill and the service was quite horrible, specially at bars..
$15 - $30 an hour?? :wow:

Not sure if that's a fair trade off, but I would DEF start waiting tables part time :lol:

I know a girl who works at a busy seafood spot in CT........waitress.
Easily earns as much as someone with a college degree. Yea she pretty too maybe that helps ionno......her personality is on point also.
I feel by not tipping it's a lose lose for the workers cuz I know my ex girl would make her crap base salary and would walk outta work at Least $100 a night to give them a base salary at let's just say $12 with Benni's it's a lose lose IMO
Not a fan of this.

I usually over tip, because I know the stress of serving a ton of people at once (and I'll never do it again), but I hate the idea of making a tip mandatory or forcing customers to tip a certain percentage.

If anything, raise the hourly wage of employees from $3 and change or whatever ridiculous number it is right now.
I wait tables and They do this at my job; make anywhere from 18-24 an hour (depending on the week) and I live in Cali. #easymoney
What motivation does the server have to give you good service if he is getting paid anyway?
I think I'd rather stick to tipping people that offer good sevice and leaving next to nothing for those that do not.
And the article says some servers getting $30 an hour? :rofl: that's ridiculous
Teachers getting paid scraps and losing jobs in Cali but somebody bringing my club sandwich is getting $30 an hour :lol:

Yeah, and I think we're also to feel bad that this means they have their whole income taxed now - rather than getting a handful of cash at the end of each shift.
What motivation does the server have to give you good service if he is getting paid anyway?
I think I'd rather stick to tipping people that offer good sevice and leaving next to nothing for those that do not.

You could literally say your first comment about ANY profession :lol: I'd like to think that personal integrity and character of the employees would be involved in that. If you're getting paid a higher wage, you should have incentive to do your job to the best of your abilities regardless...I don't get tipped being an engineer, I get a salary. If you need to be tipped to do your job well (when you are already getting paid) then you probably shouldn't be in the field in the first place and are probably lazy.

Now as long as the workers are getting a full salary that is reasonable to the job and hours they put in then I don't see why tips should be necessary. If they aren't getting a high salary (the employer offsets it by how much tip money they can gather), then yeah, I would expect them to work harder to give great service bc their base pay isn't enough to sustain a regular life.

There's crappy workers in EVERY sector of life, its not limited to waiters and servers...sometimes you're gonna get poor service, and in the past you left little to no tip. You can still call management and tell them about your experience, me and a group of friends (guys & girls) at school have done this when our waiter took 25 mins to come to our table to take drink orders and it wasn't even crowded, there were several more issues with disrespectful and service that night but we called and the manager or owner had received MULTIPLE complaints about this server and they had been warrned, and guess what? They were fired. Trust, reasonable owners and managers wouldn't want workers who are slacking bc once it starts affecting their bottomline, they'll get their staff into shape real quickly.
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What motivation does the server have to give you good service if he is getting paid anyway?
I think I'd rather stick to tipping people that offer good sevice and leaving next to nothing for those that do not.
same motivation anybody in any profession has to do their job well. In fact, probably more so given how infinitely replaceable of a skillset they have
A lot of servers I know make bank off tips especially during the weekend. I think this will cause them to make less money not more. The only ones who benefit from this are restaurant owners and Uncle Sam.
There's also a lawsuit against restaurants in NYC for forcing gratuity on everyone going on as well. Going to be interesting on how this shapes the dining experience.
Forced gratuity is something I'm not really to big on. Yes I'm aware of it prior to ordering but I feel its an unnecessary inconvience if the service is inadequate. Part of my reason to go to a sit down restaurant is to be waited on and get good service. Why should I pay gratuity if the service is subpar? I have no problem tipping my waiters and waitresses when they provide decent service.

On the other hand I see where there coming from because its alot of people that refuse to tip regardless if the service is above and beyond. For whatever reason they don't believe in tipping.

In a sense they could just raise the prices of the food by 15-20% and just cut gratuity and tips and pay proper wages.

However it is though, be it tipping, gratuity, or price increases on food, people are going to complain with any of these choices.
man i wish this would be the case. had a party of 8+ last night bunch of kids, bill totaled up to 200+ automatic gratuity. complained to the manager because they don't think they should pay the gratuity. mind you they said the service was good, the food was good. they shouldn't be obligated to pay the automatic gratuity. end of story they tipped me 8 dollars.
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