it appears da prayers of certain NTers have been answered VOL. Restaurants Banning Tipping

Aug 1, 2004
[h3]Restaurants Banning Tipping: A New Trend On The Horizon?[/h3]Posted: Aug 21, 2013 8:38 PM EST Updated: Aug 21, 2013 10:35 PM EST
By Chris O'Connell, Reporter - bio | email

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Imagine going out to a Rittenhouse Square restaurant, eating your dinner, paying your bill, but not leaving a tip for your waiter. Sounds good? Well it's a trend that may be coming to a restaurant near you.

Chris Branin has been shaking martini's in Center City for 15 years. And he makes good money doing it. Most of his income comes from tips, not his three-dollar-an-hour salary.

"I believe if you give good service and you have good customers, you can make a very good living," says Chris Branin.


"I don't think it would fly in this country," says Branin.

Not so fast. Some New York and California eateries are joining in on a new practice of eliminating tips. Instead, the eateries add 18 percent to every bill or the owners raise prices on the menu. In return, servers get a straight salary anywhere from 15 to 30 dollars an hour. Diners we spoke to like the idea.

"I don't want to have to deal with a tip. Build it in with everything else I buy. There' s not tip when I go out and buy a new printer or anything else I buy. I just want it built into the price," says Joe Livezey, visiting from Woodlands, Texas.

"As long as the money goes to the people it should. I think it's a good idea," says Patrick Haines of Center City.

Restaurants that have banned tipping report that customers are happier, business is better and servers make more money.

"If you are getting paid a considerably higher salary, then that would make you want to work harder," agrees William Blue, a restaurant manager

But "no tips" is a hard sell to people like Chris Branin who go home with cash in their pocket every night.

"I wouldn't be happy about it. I believe you work on your service and your customer appreciates you. That's where the gratuity comes in," says Branin.

The policy hasn't really caught on here in Philadelphia restaurants. It remains to be seen if the practice will become the norm here.
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What motivation does the server have to give you good service if he is getting paid anyway?
I think I'd rather stick to tipping people that offer good sevice and leaving next to nothing for those that do not.
Ain't no server gonna work at a non tipping restaurant. :lol:

but its automatically added

the waiters are seeing that money thru a higer wage

I couldnt care less either way about this

Yeah, it says an automatic 18% which is pretty good. Are all restaurants gonna have the same percentage? Would you rather go to the one that charges 18% or 10 %? I know which one I'd rather work for.
can't really trace and tax every cash tip left on the table so i see this as an income tax increase
$15 - $30 an hour?? :wow:

Not sure if that's a fair trade off, but I would DEF start waiting tables part time :lol:

Minimum wage in San Francisco is $10.55 and for the most part people are good tippers. Servers make bank at quality restaurants.
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So what's the incentive to provide top notch service if you're guaranteed a standard tip?  

Not feeling it from a customer's perspective.  If you suck at waiting tables, you shouldn't earn the same as the next person who excels at service.  
$15 - $30 an hour?? :wow:

Not sure if that's a fair trade off, but I would DEF start waiting tables part time :lol:

15 to 30 hour is INSANE for waiters to make lmfao. 30 per hour is more than most you gumps make a year, **** the tips this is how you fix the economy lol
It's not banning tipping per se, it's just including the tip in the price of the meal. The only drawback to this is that servers may become lazy because they know they're getting theirs anyway. I'm a server at cheddars.
I think everyone should get tipped from ur stockers at groceries etc...
I refuse to eat at establishments with gratuity included in the bill. And yes I will go as far as to ask them right when I walk in the door. If the waiter/waitress deserves the tip then they got it. I'm not tipping a bum while I'm sipping melted ice throughout my meal.
People talking about no incentive to bust their ***. But look at it this way, the servers will treat everyone the same and not discriminate based on how the patrons are dressed, what car they drive, etc.
People talking about no incentive to bust their ***. But look at it this way, the servers will treat everyone the same and not discriminate based on how the patrons are dressed, what car they drive, etc.

Realest post in here. I'm a server myself and I'll tell you first hand, other servers RUN to get "certain" guests, based on race, dress, amount of people.... The restaurant industry is another world.
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