Is there a more useless job than...

May 25, 2001
So this post is going to come off pretentious no matter how much I assert it's not my intention but here I go:

The person who marks your receipt before you leave the store- they do this at Sam's. The person obviously checksyour bag/cart content against your receipt (or would if they actually gave a !%%%), but what's the point of scribbling on the receipt? Are you guys goingto not let me return something if my receipt doesn't have a random scribble across it.

Security guards at Dollar Stores and Grocery Stores- they just started this one down here about a yr ago. The dudes are unarmed, no less than 60 yrs oldand 300 lbs, and everytime you come in sitting down in one of the wheelchairs for "handicapped" people half asleep. And in the case of the dollarstore, the cost of items is so low they'd have to be getting shoplifted a lot to justify hiring a person at 7$ an hr x 12hrs (84$ worth of !%%%)they're open everyday, and making that cost-benefit comparison is obviously under the assumption they stop all shoplifting which I highly doubt.

Equal Employment Officers in the Army- they're soldiers so they get deployed to fight for our freedoms and go toIraq and sacrifice just like everyone else, but when at work their job seems to consists of just having thousands of different demographic breakdowns on theirunit. They make spreadsheets that show like, we have 34 females and 67 guys in our unit, or another spreadsheet will show 48 black, 34 white, 11 Mexican, :nerd:ther, and broken up by hair, nationality, whatever distinctions you can think of. They're also responsible for planning all those _____ Heritage Dinnersand celebrations which I have to take my hat off to the Army for, they definitely do something for EVERY race/nationality/group that exists.

I could think of more but I'm tired, add your own. Or probably just quote me and post my avatar, you'd be the first ever to do that
Or probably just quote me and post my avatar, you'd be the first ever to do that

I dont think any job is useless if it keeps some poor sap off the street....the recession is noooooooo joke
Sales people in furniture stores.

Like honestly, what can you possibly discuss about beds, couches, or chairs? You put your %*+ on it, and that's it.
Do the Wal-Mart/Sam greeters double as receipt markers? Or are they not qualified for the job?
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by jrp44

Or probably just quote me and post my avatar, you'd be the first ever to do that
that annoys the hell outta me!!! like when i make a comment then someone use my avy like im tryin to be like OJ.

Well look at mine though. Being a contrarian is a huge part of internet message board culture as is replying with gifs, Snoop gives you the best of both worldsright here expressing the disagreement you come to expect when you sign onto the internet where everyone has such a level of anonymity.

And biff, I meant more useless in the sense you could do away with them with little to no negative effect on the company's ability to successfully operate.
They're job is about as useless as the people who pump your gas in Oregon (its illegal to pump your own)
these peoples jobs are too stereotype. I swear in wal-mart a lady looked past like 5 people just to make sure we payed
I remember someone talkin about the reciept folks askin to see your reciept...dude just says no and walks out. I was in awe.
People pumping gas for me at gas stations. Like, I know it creates jobs and everything, but damn I want to pump my own damn gas and know I'm putting theright kind of gas in my car. I dont want regular grade getting pumped into my super-grade-required engine. If it doesnt even take a high school degree to getthis job, should they really be handling flammable, explosive liquids?

how about that old man/woman at wal-mart who hands you a cart...friendliest people ever but are they really necessary?
Originally Posted by 18key

People pumping gas for me at gas stations. Like, I know it creates jobs and everything, but damn I want to pump my own damn gas and know I'm putting the right kind of gas in my car. I dont want regular grade getting pumped into my super-grade-required engine. If it doesnt even take a high school degree to get this job, should they really be handling flammable, explosive liquids?


Well, then you ask for gas for a 'super-grade' engine. It doesn't take a HS degree to drive either, I believe. Besides, why would one want to getout their car on the cold winter/fall days or nights, during blizzards and such. I don't. Also, if more states had full-service at gas stations it wouldcreate plenty of jobs during a time where everyone needs a job (as stated). Imagine California with full-service, a place where a lot have cars and a state inserious debt. I dont know the entire background of CA's debt, but IMO it would help.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by 18key

People pumping gas for me at gas stations. Like, I know it creates jobs and everything, but damn I want to pump my own damn gas and know I'm putting the right kind of gas in my car. I dont want regular grade getting pumped into my super-grade-required engine. If it doesnt even take a high school degree to get this job, should they really be handling flammable, explosive liquids?


Well, then you ask for gas for a 'super-grade' engine. It doesn't take a HS degree to drive either, I believe. Besides, why would one want to get out their car on the cold winter/fall days or nights, during blizzards and such. I don't. Also, if more states had full-service at gas stations it would create plenty of jobs during a time where everyone needs a job (as stated). Imagine California with full-service, a place where a lot have cars and a state in serious debt. I dont know the entire background of CA's debt, but IMO it would help.

wouldn't that make gas go up? do you have to tip those people? if so i'll pump my own gas...
^^ No, you don't tip. Attendant walks up to you. Just say how much you want. Attendant pumps the gas. You pay and leave.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by 18key

People pumping gas for me at gas stations. Like, I know it creates jobs and everything, but damn I want to pump my own damn gas and know I'm putting the right kind of gas in my car. I dont want regular grade getting pumped into my super-grade-required engine. If it doesnt even take a high school degree to get this job, should they really be handling flammable, explosive liquids?


Well, then you ask for gas for a 'super-grade' engine. It doesn't take a HS degree to drive either, I believe. Besides, why would one want to get out their car on the cold winter/fall days or nights, during blizzards and such. I don't. Also, if more states had full-service at gas stations it would create plenty of jobs during a time where everyone needs a job (as stated). Imagine California with full-service, a place where a lot have cars and a state in serious debt. I dont know the entire background of CA's debt, but IMO it would help.

wouldn't that make gas go up? do you have to tip those people? if so i'll pump my own gas...
It does make gas prices go up. And the store stuffs prices. You dont tip the people. It does help create jobs, which I acknowledged in my firstpost. I still like pumping my own gas though, I can get in and get out much faster and help stop backups and congestion at stations. Try getting into a gasstation anywhere around Portland when prices drop. It's $%$%!! nuts.

But I'm not gonna argue on whether or not these jobs are a good thing or not. Of course they are, they're just sort of useless. People can pumpthey're own gas, it's not an acquired skill or anything.
I feel pretty bad for dudes in my hood still hustling mixtapes & bootleg cd's. Not the DVDs, just cds. People just look through their stuff just sothey can see what's new and they'll go home and download it and burn it themselves. I'm like what's the point of hustling cds if its not afront for selling weed? Gotta be no money in just tryin to hustle mixtapes (my area at least). And for some reason the cops don't fine or arrest the guyswith cds, but they will if you got a duffel bag of dvds.
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