Is "The Wire" worth watching?

Is it worth it to watch all the seasons of "The Wire" on netflix?

  • Yes, Its awesome.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No, find something better to do.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If you don't like season 2 of the Wire then you like the show for all the wrong reasons.
Thanks for all your input y'all. Im already on episode 3 and this is awesome so far. Comparing it to the Iliad or Odyssey may be a lil far-fetched, but I def see how people think its the GOAT TV show. Arrested Development is my fav TV show ever, but maybe this will overtake it. Who knows...
. You've only seen... 1/8 of the characters...

And their stories haven't even developed ...

Watch the entire season then report back to is.


You gon look out for me Sgt Carver?
You gon take care of me?
You gon look out for ME Sgt Carver?

The Wire, Breaking Bad, and Arrested Development are all shows that everyone seems to love, but are shows that I just can't get into. I've tried watching them all, but I just get bored. Go figure.
The Wire, Breaking Bad, and Arrested Development are all shows that everyone seems to love, but are shows that I just can't get into. I've tried watching them all, but I just get bored. Go figure.
I can understand you not being able to get into the Wire & Arrested Development, but Breaking Bad? That's a first.
Just watch the wire OP. Supposedly it's better than Breaking Bad.

The Wire is the most overrated show of all time.

Don't watch it, It'll be a waste of time.
Now why would you of all people be compelled to say that?
*Google's the wire cast*
*Looks at this pic*


Edit: To ppl who have seen GoT and the wire: Is the dude on the bottom left, 3 pix up the dude from GoT? The dude that runs a ***** house.

I watched it, Didn't think it was that bad, But it wasn't that good like people make it seem, The show is a bit hyped. I just wouldn't watch it again, It was a bit hard to watch after a while, and I agree Season 2 was bad, Season 1 and 4 were the best IMO. :pimp:

I watched some episodes on TV, But most online. Y'all dudes aren't looking hard enough. :D :wink:
Best show of all time. Lifted up tv shows as a medium for me; I literally didn't know that shows could be that good.

Of course it has some flaws but this is unlike any other tv show. It takes some effort to get into the wire universe but it's definitely worth it.
When I first seen The Wire, I too was ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz during Season 2 :lol:

But I appreciate it now...
but when I feel the need to go back and watch this show... I only watch Season 1 and 3-5.
2 is still a snooze fest. :rolleyes
The Docks plot was sort of boring (Although there were some comical moments), but it was integral of the framework of the series.

Season 1: Introduction to the drug war in Baltimore
Season 2: How the drugs enter Baltimore
Season 3: Power struggles in the game
Season 4: Issues with the public school system
Season 5: News coverage of urban crime
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The Docks plot was sort of boring (Although there were some comical moments), but it was integral of the framework of the series.

Season 1: Introduction to the drug war in Baltimore
Season 2: How the drugs enter Baltimore
Season 3: Power struggles in the game
Season 4: Issues with the public school system
Season 5: News coverage of urban crime

Gus :pimp:
So many people swear by this show, but after seven episodes into the first season I found it slow paced and boring.

On the other hand...


Breaking Bad kills The Wire
i see box sets on ebay for like $50.00 along with Breaking Bad. Might cop both just to see the hype
YES! I have watched all 5 seasons, 3 times each. Amazing show. You gotta pay attention though, it's not a show for people with short attention spans.
- Jason


a lot of yall on here who hate season 2 remind me of one of my boys

he used to skip through all the scenes that didnt have to do with stringer, avon, marlo etc :lol:

the show is appreciated because of all how all the story lines are tied in ...and season 2 is really an intricate part of the series
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So many people swear by this show, but after seven episodes into the first season I found it slow paced and boring.
On the other hand...

Breaking Bad kills The Wire

They're not trying to do the same thing at all.. Visually, thematically, the size and scope of the cast.. They're not comparable.
So many people swear by this show, but after seven episodes into the first season I found it slow paced and boring.
aka I have the attention span of a 7 yr. old w/ ADHD.

Slow paced? Definitely. Calling it boring after 7 episodes tells me more about you than the show...

*steps off soapbox*
YES! I have watched all 5 seasons, 3 times each. Amazing show. You gotta pay attention though, it's not a show for people with short attention spans.
- Jason

a lot of yall on here who hate season 2 remind me of one of my boys

he used to skip through all the scenes that didnt have to do with stringer, avon, marlo etc

the show is appreciated because of all how all the story lines are tied in ...and season 2 is really an intricate part of the series

I ain't ever heard of some **** like that.
Season 2 wasn't as weak as some of yall are making it out to be. Personally, I thought season 5 was the weakest. Seeing Scott win a prize for his fake work had me
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