Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

If there were more STRONG male figures in children's lives I doubt we would see as much "confusion" within many of our children. We would see more confident, powerful, non-bratty kids in the world.

Everyone knows that regardless of where they stand politically.

And sometimes brother, it’s not even about masculinity or machismo, or gender roles. It’s just about holding people accountable.
A lot of folks still think going viral = automatic $$$.
Which is hilarious considering that has NEVER even been close to true. I'm sure the % of people that have flipped internet fame into anything valuable $ wise is in the single digits.

Hell, you have former FAMOUS people (pre-internet) that never even seen true riches for their services.

So anyone that thinks that is just out of touch with reality.
Im not really mad at governments trying to police SM. At this point its doing wayyyyyyyyyy more harm than good.
Im not really mad at governments trying to police SM. At this point its doing wayyyyyyyyyy more harm than good.
I see and potentially agree, but I'm also for Darwinism. Less competition for my son with all these addicts out here.

Only issue, they'll be the one's tiktoking and driving that will kill our sons and daughters...Yeah let's go ahead and police that. China does it and they are definitely superiorly educated compared to the USA.
If there were more STRONG male figures in children's lives I doubt we would see as much "confusion" within many of our children. We would see more confident, powerful, non-bratty kids in the world.

Everyone knows that regardless of where they stand politically.

Totally agree

And this is why the government created programs to remove the strong black male from the family. Got these chicks thinkin they don’t need a man
Said he didn't make money until 6m
Raised that way by parents? I doubt that. Picked up from social media because it gets you attention is more like it.

… A lot those people are “parents”. The average parent under the age of 35, especially the ones aged 20-27 are recording EVERYTHING their kids do, and everything they personally do. That’s my point.

These kids witness their “parents” going live on FB, or recording themselves and plastering it all over IG or YouTube. These kids aren’t dumb
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