is Josh Smith wasting his talent?

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Shawn Marion 2.0
shawn marion was actually good at one point in hiscareer.
Can someone tell Bigmike23 to stop cutting English class.

bigmike > your frontrunnin' @@!.

Back to the post thought, Josh is absolutely wasting his talent, but not all of it is his own fault. Seriously, put him on a defensive-minded team or even arun-and-gun D'Antoni-style system and the kid would go nuts. Regardless, I have no idea why he's ever shot an NBA three, and if he beefed up some morecould do SERIOUS damage down low. I could be wrong, but I also don't think Joe Johnson is the kind of leader to push the kid to become an All-Star. I thinkthey let him get away with a lot because he's still considered 'raw talent' on a still up-and-coming Atlanta team. He needs good leadership and toget working on that midrange jumper...then...he COULD be an All Star.
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

i still dont understand how some of yall can say that he is better then beasley

He owned Beasley in that series
yeah lets give him credit for taking care of businessagainst a rookie that comes off the bench... like they really had a chance to go at each other... smith avg 38min a game while beasley was at 25... and a lotof those minutes came from the blowout games...
Josh Smith and Lebron James are physically so similar...yet Lebron James is soooo much better. Josh Smith doesn't have the mental makeup to be amazing.That is what separates great players from good players. It is not something he is going to is something you develop growing up playing ball.However, he has athleticism and that will take him to the level he is now. Only hours and hours and hours of basketball work in the offseason will help hisgame.
Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

He has so much potential. With his ability & athletisism, he can be able to do so much, he has to put in the time & work. That's all up to him though & if he wants to be an all star or an avg. player.
so far he hasnt been making smart decisions. besides why argue with the ref and get a technical? that wasnt smart either, cause it's not likea ref is gonna change the call, just cause you argue the call as a player.. i think that he can be an all star player, he has the hops to get there, only notthe IQ or the desire
I see so many people questioning his "desire". I don't understand why...unless you know some secret...I don't understand how you can look ata player and question his desire without having some facts to back it up. The work he puts in over the summer has been well documented in the media. Son put inwork in the weight room after his rookie season...and although it isn't where it needs to be has made strides with his ball handling and jumpshot. It is aWELL known fact that he is a hot head and has a major temper problem. But these "lazy" claims I'm not understanding.
Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

I see so many people questioning his "desire". I don't understand why...unless you know some secret...I don't understand how you can look at a player and question his desire without having some facts to back it up. The work he puts in over the summer has been well documented in the media. Son put in work in the weight room after his rookie season...and although it isn't where it needs to be has made strides with his ball handling and jumpshot. It is a WELL known fact that he is a hot head and has a major temper problem. But these "lazy" claims I'm not understanding.

Really? cause i never heard such of thing, which is why i question him working on his game. his D is great but thats because of his athletisism. my mainproblem is that jump shot is broke and no go to post move what so ever
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

I see so many people questioning his "desire". I don't understand why...unless you know some secret...I don't understand how you can look at a player and question his desire without having some facts to back it up. The work he puts in over the summer has been well documented in the media. Son put in work in the weight room after his rookie season...and although it isn't where it needs to be has made strides with his ball handling and jumpshot. It is a WELL known fact that he is a hot head and has a major temper problem. But these "lazy" claims I'm not understanding.

Really? cause i never heard such of thing, which is why i question him working on his game. his D is great but thats because of his athletisism. my main problem is that jump shot is broke and no go to post move what so ever

if that was really the case, then how come you dont see him improve much? all he is, is a highlight reel player. nothing more. like everyone said he missesthat mental part. he shoulda gone to college, he's not one of those highschool players that was mentally ready for it like KG, Kobe,Tmac, Bron, D12
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

i still dont understand how some of yall can say that he is better then beasley

He owned Beasley in that series
yeah lets give him credit for taking care of business against a rookie that comes off the bench... like they really had a chance to go at each other... smith avg 38min a game while beasley was at 25... and a lot of those minutes came from the blowout games...

Did you not watch the games? They matched up quite often..

To those saying he dont work on his game at all.. he was in Houston the whole offseason working with Hakeem The Dream 2 years ago..
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

i still dont understand how some of yall can say that he is better then beasley

He owned Beasley in that series
yeah lets give him credit for taking care of business against a rookie that comes off the bench... like they really had a chance to go at each other... smith avg 38min a game while beasley was at 25... and a lot of those minutes came from the blowout games...

Did you not watch the games? They matched up quite often..

To those saying he dont work on his game at all.. he was in Houston the whole offseason working with Hakeem The Dream 2 years ago..
.. man i watched every game... how can the match up sooften if 1st... he comes off the bench... 2nd... in 1 game he only played for 11min... yeah thats really matching up quit often...
in the games where beasley got decent minutes is when the games were blow outs... so basically he got all the left over minutes....

working with the dream dont mean a damn thing..... charles had tiger help him out with his golf swing..... and it still didnt make a difference...
if smith could go right, shoot consistently and put the ball on the floor he'd be chris bosh on his D is already proper.
Originally Posted by JinKazama

nah...Josh isn't wasting his talent he is what he is. Dude is more athlete than basketball player that's all. Dude could probably play any sport and be really good at it but his bball skills aren't superstar level (Lebron, Kobe). Its like a NFL player puttin' up amazing numbers in the combine but being average on the field.

Josh is 10 times the athlete Joe Johnson or Mike Bibby are (heck, I'd say he would even give Bron and Kobe a run on strictly athleticism) but, Bibby and Johnson are better BASKETBALL players. No more no less.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

at least the dude plays D. that's something you can't teach. working on your O-game is easier than working on your D.
you cant teach hustle and the toughness he brings to the table
Maybe I'm late but you guys are kidding right? josh smith hustles? Plays defense? josh plays d as if he has never been taught whatdefense is. And he seems to care less about winning or losing and more about his stats and highlight plays. I would say that josh would be ok with a loss if hemade the top ten on sc and put up 20+ points, even if he was guarding Dirk and Dirk had 40 against him. Just my honest opinion on the guy.
Very gifted but doesn't have the enthusiasm for bball you need to be a elite player in the nba.
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Originally Posted by imrichboy

lebron james rookie season > josh smith current season


i dont see anything wrong with that statement. dude was putting up very solid numbers. some may argue that he shouldve been an all-star that year as well.
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