is Josh Smith wasting his talent?

at least the dude plays D. that's something you can't teach. working on your O-game is easier than working on your D.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Someone on here put it best, he has too much gatdamn confidence in his jumpshot.

He needs to live in the paint.

This reminded me of Rasheed a LOT
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Dude needs to put up 500+ jumpers in the offseason daily. He should scrap the 3 and focus on an 18 footer. PF with a mid range game and his athleticism is a beastly combo period. Let's see if he actually improves, or has he reached his peak potential already. Because even though he's young it's possible. Some people hit their ceilings early.

You guys are really overreacting. Josh Smith certainly displayed poor shot selection in the Playoffs. But the Playoffs are such a small sample size, youcan't put too much salt in it. Look at the bigger picture: Josh Smith's shot selection was much improved this season.

Josh Smith shot 49.2 FG% this season, which is a career high for him by far. He only launched 1.3 3-pt shots per game, which is very small number in the NBAtoday. He also shot 40.6% from 3-pt range after the All-Star break. And most importantly, he cut his TO's down to 2.3 per game this season. He had beenaveraging 3+ TO's over the last few seasons.

About the only strike against Josh Smith this year was his dismal free-throw shooting. He needs to improve that, but that's a relatively easy thing to dounless you have no actual basketball skills (i.e. Shaq and Dwight Howard). Although guys like Tim Duncan and Chris Webber were never able to become goodfree-throw shooters.
He just needs to cut down on the dumb mistakes...dude has all the talent in the world, but it's the mental lapses that sometimes gets the best of him. Oncehe gets that under control, he's going to be scary-good....

a lot of people are overracting due to his shot selection in the playoffs....that wasn't the case in the regular season. You gotta believe that he'sgoing to correct some of the mistakes he made over the past two series....
Josh Smith is most definately talented...his knack for shot-blocking isn't just because he's an athletic freak. He has good instincts on the defensiveend. And as someone said before me, he's an underrated passer, I've seen him make some very impressive passes.
nah...Josh isn't wasting his talent he is what he is. Dude is more athlete than basketball player that's all. Dude could probably play any sport and bereally good at it but his bball skills aren't superstar level (Lebron, Kobe). Its like a NFL player puttin' up amazing numbers in the combine but beingaverage on the field.

Josh is 10 times the athlete Joe Johnson or Mike Bibby are (heck, I'd say he would even give Bron and Kobe a run on strictly athleticism) but, Bibby andJohnson are better BASKETBALL players. No more no less.
Josh Smith is WAY more athletic than Kobe. You aren't going out on a limb by saying that.

He isn't as Strong as bron so I wouldn't say he is on Bron's level in terms of athletics.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Some guys just can't shoot.
He's getting millions to play basketball professionally. There's no excuse to not make wide openshots.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

Josh Smith can be an All-Star every year if he wanted, but I just don't think he cares as much as he should. I think he's satisfied with being a highlight film.

Yeah dude doesn't care. Just another wowser.
Dude is still young and he improves every season. He has the potential (if he hasnt already) to be one of the few guys who can give you 100 3's and 100blocks in a season.

This thread is more fitting for tyrus thomas....he was a HIGH lottery pick and can jump as high as josh smith w/o half of smith's production..
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

at least the dude plays D. that's something you can't teach. working on your O-game is easier than working on your D.
you cant teach hustle and the toughness he brings to the table

This reminded me of Rasheed a LOT

yehh but sheed can hit those shots consistently
Tyrus looked like he was starting to turn a corner in the 2nd half of the season + the playoffs.
Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Tyrus looked like he was starting to turn a corner in the 2nd half of the season + the playoffs.
tyrus never saw any action in the 4th quarter.....brad miller got all the 4th quarter minutes.

Obviously all the blue areas are pretty ghastly, but at least he doesn't settle THAT much -- 59% of his shots are in the immediate basket area.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Tyrus looked like he was starting to turn a corner in the 2nd half of the season + the playoffs.
tyrus never saw any action in the 4th quarter.....brad miller got all the 4th quarter minutes.
For matchup purposes...that's understood. I remember Tyrus hitting a few big time jumpers in some of those OT sessions.
He has so much potential. With his ability & athletisism, he can be able to do so much, he has to put in the time & work. That's all up to himthough & if he wants to be an all star or an avg. player.
Outside of the mental lapses (thinking he's the PG at times) and shot selection here and there, he's developing well.
The Hawks aren't exactly the hotbed of player development and smart mentors.. Joe Johnson, Bibby, Mike Woodson?? lol
Put him on the Spurs and he'll be much improved very quickly..
He will probably forever be stuck in that zone between a really good player and a perenial all-star. He just doesn't have a very high skill level or themental makeup to improve and push himself to that next level.

There are so many young players that come through like that...only a select few have the ingrediants to really become great.
Josh Smith's problem is that he's a second fiddle playing on a team with no 1st..

But yes.. someone (ie, not Mike Woodson who just sucks) needs to tell him that he's all-world when he attacks the rim and barely-d-league when he takesjump-shots..
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