Is it harder to respect women in this day and age?

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To start this off I love women, love my moms,, and always appreciate a womens intuition and insight. They are indeed God's gift.

But what is up with all the sloots and ****** that are proliferating our society. It seems cool for women to dress like prostitutes, act like prostitutes, with little to no repercussions.

Whatever happened to the women that made us realize, as men, that we should do better?

I was really disturbed by Miss Delaware a seemingly cool chick, with goals...and she just goes and sloots herself on a porno! Not to mention all the females who currently believe that being a jumpoff, or a skripper is their ticket through life.

end rant
You knew her or something? Some women have always been like this. You just see it more 'cause of the news and social media. News didn't report stuff like this now they look for it and it that seems to be what social media is all about. There are still great women out there. I found one and know several more. It's just that they only use facebook/twitter/etc for its intended purpose. 
A key that opens any lock is a great key...but a lock that is opened by any key is a ****** lock!
My mind is still blow at the miss delaware thing. I never understood why super attractive chicks do this
My mind is still blow at the miss delaware thing. I never understood why super attractive chicks do this

Because some dude is gonna wife her up anyways

It sucks to say but pretty sluts get wifed quick. Mostly because they're generally cooler( but they are hip to the game) and they make guys feel like a king in bed
Because some dude is gonna wife her up anyways

It sucks to say but pretty sluts get wifed quick. Mostly because they're generally cooler( but they are hip to the game) and they make guys feel like a king in bed

lmao. true words. This was my asuemd reasoning for NBA/famous cats always running with a chick who had been around other cats of their stature.. ie ocho cinco. I couldnt do it. Just cant fathom
So you're a bigger man because you'd marry a ****. I've heard it all. Some of y'all the same ones that had multiple uncles growing up so I see why you'd fo to bat ad hard as you are.

They are "****" themselves so why not.
You dudes just have to accept that women have long ignored our past and body count, now there are men who have decided to do the same.
Kim has smashed a lot of men but her body count still can't touch kanyes

Tis life
They are "****" themselves so why not.
You dudes just have to accept that women have long ignored our past and body count, now there are men who have decided to do the same.
Kim has smashed a lot of men but her body count still can't touch kanyes

Tis life


I bet all this virtuous dudes in this thread would wife up Kim K or whatever beautiful slutty girl was their type if the girl was all about them.

Theres something about a beautiful **** that alot men cant resist

Beautiful women can get away with more....Ive seen it with so many my friends and co workers
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I was referencing the definition of argue as implied in your statement. I think the person above me got the point though...

The point that I'm making is that you are making claims, providing "evidence" for these claims, and making value judgments. You're making an "argument" whether you want to acknowledge it as such or not.

Yet you're acting as though you're posting some immutable facts about the natural order of the world or something. Which is what you're not doing.
I was referencing the definition of argue as implied in your statement. I think the person above me got the point though...
The point that I'm making is that you are making claims, providing "evidence" for these claims, and making value judgments. You're making an "argument" whether you want to acknowledge it as such or not.

Yet you're acting as though you're posting some immutable facts about the natural order of the world or something. Which is what you're not doing.
I guess you are looking for an 'argument'...and my intention was not to argue anything, simply to offer an observation and see how other felt about it. Maybe someone else in this thread will enjoy 'arguing' with you. Miss me with all the making claims b/s, and immutable nonsense

bush league!
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Yall argue too much.....
dudes just love to argue man, when you tell them you're not trying to argue they argue to convince you that you should argue...everybody wants to be right on the internet even when there is nothing to be right about.
Dudes have always been thirsty and women have always known this. It's because of social media why we see it even more now. Plus it gives people a mouth where in RL these dudes wouldn't even open their mouth to a random chick so now you see them talk all sorts of bull. At the end of the day as long as the thirst is around there will always be some broad around waiting to capitalize off of it.
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[h1]Why A Great Woman Is Behind Every Great Man[/h1]

Read more:
Wikimedia Commons

"Jackie comes off as very devoted to a traditional idea of womanhood and marriage, but she's also

intelligent and well-spoken. "

She allows you to take risks

People who avoid risk rarely become successful. By providing a stable personal life and encouraging your vision, a

supportive spouse can give you the confidence to take the risks necessary to reach the next stage in your professional

life. Much has been written about the love between Napoleon and Josephine. They were married in March of 1796, just

before he marched off to conquer Italy on behalf of France. In letters, Napoleon gave Josephine credit for fueling his

confidence. And this from a guy who's renowned as one of the greatest military minds in history!

Most of us need some sort ofstability. If our personal lives are disheveled, it's hard to make our professional lives work.

A spouse who cares deeply for you and shares your dreams (yet maintains her independence) will give you the

confidence to take on more ambitious professional challenges.3/1/13 WhyAGreatWomanIs BehindEveryGreat Man- AskMen 5/13

Remember the great quote from Robert F. Kennedy: "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."

Business success involves risk. A wonderful life partner will let you reach for the stars, but be there to catch you if you

fall back down to earth.

She gives life perspective

A loving spouse helps you to see what's really important in life. Bill Gates had become the richest man in the world

before marrying Melinda, but some argue that it was Melinda's influence that convinced Gates to spend billions on world

health issues. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been endowed with close to $29 billion to solve global health

and education crises. As ambitious men, we can literally work ourselves to death and miss out on what is truly important

-- faith, friendship, community, and public service. It's these things that make the world a better place, not how many

dollars you've accumulated when you leave it.

Here again, we can look to Arnold and Maria. Arnold has been very public in expressing his gratitude to Maria for

turning his attention away from himself and toward the groups who need his help -- namely, disadvantaged youths and

the Special Olympics, two causes he strongly supported before his run for Governor.

She carries the household

By no means does this imply that successful men should have spouses that stay at home. A strong woman maintains her

own identity and supportive husbands recognize, accept and encourage it. But let's face it, guys: A woman's touch does

wonders for the household. It was Jacqueline Kennedy who updated the White House and turned it into a showcase for

design, fashion and art, while her husband, John F. Kennedy, tackled the political crises of the early '60s. In a column

for New York's The City Review, Michele Leight writes ofJacqueline, "Her impact on American culture was

significant. She took America out of the staid and conservative 1950s and into the world of classy international elegance

and also became an important champion of the arts and historic preservation."

In the archival interview footage released in September of 2011, Jackie comes off as very devoted to a traditional idea

of womanhood and marriage, but she's also intelligent and well-spoken. She uses very careful language when describing

her husband, indicating that she's very conscious of making sure she doesn't jeopardize what the public thinks of him.

Listening to the tapes, we can't help but think Jackie may be history's classiest wife.

In addition, let's not forget another notable achievement. Jackie is the one who brought up two amazing children,

Caroline Kennedy and JFK Junior, both of whom were anything but the spoiled, ungrateful and shallow brats we see in

most rich and famous households.

always by your side

The term "trophy wife" has a negative connotation and deservedly so. A woman is not a trophy for achieving financial or

professional goals. But life with a strong, independent, loving, nurturing, and supportive spouse carries its own rewards

for both partners
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dudes just love to argue man, when you tell them you're not trying to argue they argue to convince you that you should argue...everybody wants to be right on the internet even when there is nothing to be right about.

Don't even know what's going on in this thread but this is the truth :rofl: :rofl:
They are "****" themselves so why not.
You dudes just have to accept that women have long ignored our past and body count, now there are men who have decided to do the same.
Kim has smashed a lot of men but her body count still can't touch kanyes

Tis life


I bet all this virtuous dudes in this thread would wife up Kim K or whatever beautiful slutty girl was their type if the girl was all about them.

Theres something about a beautiful **** that alot men cant resist

Beautiful women can get away with more....Ive seen it with so many my friends and co workers

They are "****" themselves so why not.
You dudes just have to accept that women have long ignored our past and body count, now there are men who have decided to do the same.
Kim has smashed a lot of men but her body count still can't touch kanyes

Tis life


I bet all this virtuous dudes in this thread would wife up Kim K or whatever beautiful slutty girl was their type if the girl was all about them.

Theres something about a beautiful **** that alot men cant resist

Beautiful women can get away with more....Ive seen it with so many my friends and co workers

Lol whatever helps you sleep at night. You'll definitely save a porn star or some hooker because she was beautiful.
Lol whatever helps you sleep at night. You'll definitely save a porn star or some hooker because she was beautiful.

:lol: I've thought about it

When a beautiful slutty girl is worshipping you it's hard to resist. Like so beautiful every guy in the club and all the "ballers" are asking about her. Or when a hot girl is just a machine in bed and has skills you cant teach and gives you that special feeling :lol:

The only reasons I didnt commit to them is because I had so many other options .

But if I was another guy I couldn't resist. And I've seen my friends and co-workers not be able to and I could see why
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