Is it ever OK to leave a baby in the car?

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by wanksta23


just stop
 i don't got kids whodi 
but whats wrong with it? your parked in front of YOUR asleep and you decide to hangout for a bit in front of YOUR house

 Why are you hanging out on a stoop if your kids in the car sleep "Go home and be a family man"
whats wrong about it tho? its your house and your parked in front waiting so the kid can get some rest you know how bratty they are if they don't get their precious naps 

i rather be watching my car on the stoop than leaving my kid in the car unattended so i can get a pizza (im looking at you superblyTRIFE) 
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

HORRIBLE parent. Absolutely horrible and there is NO excuse for doing that. I would have notified customer service or the manager at WF. That's inexcusable.
So what if she does everything else right and noble. This incident makes her a horrible parent? Don't be so quick to judge dog killer.

DC don't be stupid..

his "thing" is to challenge everything, no matter how stupid it makes him look.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

 i don't got kids whodi 
but whats wrong with it? your parked in front of YOUR asleep and you decide to hangout for a bit in front of YOUR house

 Why are you hanging out on a stoop if your kids in the car sleep "Go home and be a family man"
whats wrong about it tho? its your house and your parked in front waiting so the kid can get some rest you know how bratty they are if they don't get their precious naps 

i rather be watching my car on the stoop than leaving my kid in the car unattended so i can get a pizza (im looking at you superblyTRIFE) 
take the pup inside and put him to bed...
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

 i don't got kids whodi 
but whats wrong with it? your parked in front of YOUR asleep and you decide to hangout for a bit in front of YOUR house

 Why are you hanging out on a stoop if your kids in the car sleep "Go home and be a family man"
whats wrong about it tho? its your house and your parked in front waiting so the kid can get some rest you know how bratty they are if they don't get their precious naps 

i rather be watching my car on the stoop than leaving my kid in the car unattended so i can get a pizza (im looking at you superblyTRIFE) 
  That's the thing though--I could literally be 8 feet away from my locked car and never have to take my eyes off it.  

For the record, when I get back from Costco and have a trunk full of random boxes, I always let my daughter sleep in the car while I unload.  Garage open, doors unlocked--even when I step inside for a second to unload.  Sue me.  
As a parent I can honestly say there are times when you may want to just "quickly" get something from the store or inside the house somewhere. However I believe it is never ok to leave any children regardless of age unattended for any period of time unsupervised. It's a crazy and potentially dangerous world out there. Why risk it right? Anyone else care to chime in on your thoughts?
No excuse at all you just shouldnt leave a child in the car alone unless theres an adult in the car with the child

What if somethin would of had happen what would the excuse be?
So if I'm just about to back out of the opened garage w/ my kid in the car and I realize that I forgot my phone inside, I'm supposed to get her out of her car seat to run into the house for 10 seconds to retrieve my phone?  As opposed to just locking her in the car and then running inside for 10 seconds?
I'd be interested to see how many of your tunes change when you become parents.  
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Maybe if its run into the gas station or Cumbys type status...only if you can see the locked car the entire time... that's bout it...

Yeah if im paying cash for gas really quick and I could see the car in plain view, that takes about 20 seconds.

Other than that, its terrible parenting.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

So if I'm just about to back out of the opened garage w/ my kid in the car and I realize that I forgot my phone inside, I'm supposed to get her out of her car seat to run into the house for 10 seconds to retrieve my phone?  As opposed to just locking her in the car and then running inside for 10 seconds?
I'd be interested to see how many of your tunes change when you become parents.  
I'll give you that but thats different than running in a store in a public setting. I'd never let my child out of my sights if I was away from my home.  I couldn't do it and I'd slap the fire..MO FIRE!. outta my wife if I found out she did.
No, and it's just as bad to leave pets in the car as well. I read way too many stories of dogs dying each summer because their idiot owners leave them in the car, even with the windows cracked. No person or animal that is incapable of caring for themselves should ever be left alone in the car.

I would have called the police.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

So if I'm just about to back out of the opened garage w/ my kid in the car and I realize that I forgot my phone inside, I'm supposed to get her out of her car seat to run into the house for 10 seconds to retrieve my phone?  As opposed to just locking her in the car and then running inside for 10 seconds?
I'd be interested to see how many of your tunes change when you become parents.  

car seat takes less than 5 seconds to take out.
only if i'm going to go get that 8 piece deal from Popeye's. My kid would understand.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

No, and it's just as bad to leave pets in the car as well. I read way too many stories of dogs dying each summer because their idiot owners leave them in the car, even with the windows cracked. No person or animal that is incapable of caring for themselves should ever be left alone in the car.

I would have called the police.
I'm the parent of a almost 3 year old boy, the answer is NO.

As laborious as it is to strap/unstrap/fix the strap/get him or her settled into a car seat, the kid comes along.

NEVER leave your child alone in the car.

When my kid conks out & naps in the car I'm right there with him, catching Zzzs while Mom does her shopping thing, if it's hot I find shade, if it's cold (winter/fall) I keep the car running as long as I can than bundle him up in some thermal blankets. Then, if I have to get stuff we switch places.

Parents do your thing (single, married, or otherwise), protect your kids man, no need to make your "I was only going to be gone for a few minutes" be the lead story on whatver news channel or online trending topic...

Your child's welfare & safety > everything else
Only if I'm working the slots and things are going red hot. I mean, when else will I hit another winning streak like that? At the end of the day, the winnings go to pay for my kid's college anyways.

Obviously anyone with above mentality needs to get their head examined. If you've ever had to look after a kids, you'll know that ANYTHING can happen from turing away even "for just a few seconds". Leave them in the car unattended, and your child could get that ammonia or somethin
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

So if I'm just about to back out of the opened garage w/ my kid in the car and I realize that I forgot my phone inside, I'm supposed to get her out of her car seat to run into the house for 10 seconds to retrieve my phone?  As opposed to just locking her in the car and then running inside for 10 seconds?
I'd be interested to see how many of your tunes change when you become parents.  

car seat takes less than 5 seconds to take out.

Enh, definitely not a 5 second job from my experience.  In the time it would take to get her out, I could be in and out of the house and down the driveway.  So people really believe that it isn't cool to leave your kid in the car alone for a few seconds while the car is parked in YOUR garage at YOUR house?  Seriously?  

I'm all for being cautious, but that's just asinine, IMO.  
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

So if I'm just about to back out of the opened garage w/ my kid in the car and I realize that I forgot my phone inside, I'm supposed to get her out of her car seat to run into the house for 10 seconds to retrieve my phone?  As opposed to just locking her in the car and then running inside for 10 seconds?
I'd be interested to see how many of your tunes change when you become parents.  

car seat takes less than 5 seconds to take out.

Enh, definitely not a 5 second job from my experience.  In the time it would take to get her out, I could be in and out of the house and down the driveway.  So people really believe that it isn't cool to leave your kid in the car alone for a few seconds while the car is parked in YOUR garage at YOUR house?  Seriously?  

I'm all for being cautious, but that's just asinine, IMO.  

My daughter's car seat latches into a base. Takes a few seconds to get it out. Not a big deal. And as dude said, anything can happen when a child is left unattended. Better safe than sorry.
...parent of a 5 year old and ive done it countless times, and will continue to do so.
...did it just last week as a matter of fact. however its always if i can see the car, never inside of something big like a grocery store. its usually something like a gas station
Never, but there are some parents who are so unfit the child is better off left in the car.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

 i don't got kids whodi 
but whats wrong with it? your parked in front of YOUR asleep and you decide to hangout for a bit in front of YOUR house

 Why are you hanging out on a stoop if your kids in the car sleep "Go home and be a family man"
whats wrong about it tho? its your house and your parked in front waiting so the kid can get some rest you know how bratty they are if they don't get their precious naps 

i rather be watching my car on the stoop than leaving my kid in the car unattended so i can get a pizza (im looking at you superblyTRIFE) 
i feel you man...i dont have kids either...i wasnt trying to go in on you or anything but i guess it really depends ya know
if i know the kid is going to be crying and wil be hard to quiet down, then yea ill leave him inside depending how how it is, but ill probably be inside with him, or infront of the car keeping an eye on him

but if i know he'll stay asleep and be quiet then yea ill take him just really depends
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

...parent of a 5 year old and ive done it countless times, and will continue to do so.
...did it just last week as a matter of fact. however its always if i can see the car, never inside of something big like a grocery store. its usually something like a gas station

As long as you can see them at all times, or your at home and the car door is locked and they won't be out of sight for more than 20-30 secs...

plus the cal is on me
Originally Posted by richiecotite

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

...parent of a 5 year old and ive done it countless times, and will continue to do so.
...did it just last week as a matter of fact. however its always if i can see the car, never inside of something big like a grocery store. its usually something like a gas station

As long as you can see them at all times, or your at home and the car door is locked and they won't be out of sight for more than 20-30 secs...

plus the cal is on me

im sayin'
so on the way to work/school i get up, get my son dressed. feed him, get out to the car on time, strap him in, start the car, then DAMN! i forgot something.
^ you think im going to unstrap him to run back in the house to get something? helll no. "you stay your %!# right here, ill be right back"
....when i see these parents on TV crying talking about "it was just for a minute for me to run in wherever". it was never "just for minute" and they knew it.
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