Is fraternity worth joining?

Me and a couple of my buddies i knew from hs joined one during our spring quarter of first year...It really doesnt matter which one you join..just try and scope one that you feel comfortable with, and think you can mesh the best with. whatever you put into it, youll get out of it...ya know? if you grind and get your @@% done, you can def benefit from connections that your fraternity might offer. but you gotta LOOK.

theres such a stereotype that you pay for your friends, and blahblahblah, but i didnt see it like that. you pay for things as a group, so you can do big things, like cruises and roadtrips, and of course... your normal house/venue parties. Its like you and all your homies throw down to do something dope.

There are so many resources within a we had test/note banks from previous years, books that we didnt have to pay hige amounts for...tutoring, career guidance. everything. Also, if you wanna play sports, and you cant play at the college level, intramural sports are more competitive than you think. there are some damn good athletes that just didnt have enough to play college ball, but def school most people on the field.

it honestly doesnt matter which fraternity you join...but you may wanna do some research on how certain frats act/are portrayed on your campus. dont wanna join a frat with a bunch a meatheads just for the title...

this is getting long, but one last word of advice, get your studies together for a year or so before joining a fraternity. its always a lot easier on the parents.....haha
Originally Posted by Diego

-Have you been finding yourself with nothing to do every Friday and Saturday night for the past 4 years?

- Cant get girls on your own?

- The people you consider friends never hit you up unless they need something?

If any of this applies to you, then losing your dignity for a couple of weeks while people who stomp around with greek letters on their shirts and take pic with weird hand signs tell you what to do, might be worth it.
cliche response.

I wasn't even in a fraternity (I played sports 3 of my 4 years), but I can tell you I have a lot of friends (and a girlfriend in a sorority) who had nothing short of epic times . With that said, I'd say you really need to determine what your motives are. There are the more formal, business & career oriented ones (at my school, at least) and then there are your more typical, social ones. From what I understand the "paying for friends" refers to (in actuality) monthly dues to fund parties, events, trips, house upkeep, etc.
Originally Posted by Diego

-Have you been finding yourself with nothing to do every Friday and Saturday night for the past 4 years?

- Cant get girls on your own?

- The people you consider friends never hit you up unless they need something?

If any of this applies to you, then losing your dignity for a couple of weeks while people who stomp around with greek letters on their shirts and take pic with weird hand signs tell you what to do, might be worth it.
cliche response.

I wasn't even in a fraternity (I played sports 3 of my 4 years), but I can tell you I have a lot of friends (and a girlfriend in a sorority) who had nothing short of epic times . With that said, I'd say you really need to determine what your motives are. There are the more formal, business & career oriented ones (at my school, at least) and then there are your more typical, social ones. From what I understand the "paying for friends" refers to (in actuality) monthly dues to fund parties, events, trips, house upkeep, etc.
Depends. Gotta find the one that fits you. It's not for lames as most people perceive it to be. Athletes, VPs, CEOs even Presidents are fraternity members. You'll be amazed what kind of doors they open up in the real world.
Depends. Gotta find the one that fits you. It's not for lames as most people perceive it to be. Athletes, VPs, CEOs even Presidents are fraternity members. You'll be amazed what kind of doors they open up in the real world.
i haven't joined one due to the fact i see my friends trying to get down with them and the stuff they make you do is downgrading to an extent where i wouldn't even have to think twice about joining
i haven't joined one due to the fact i see my friends trying to get down with them and the stuff they make you do is downgrading to an extent where i wouldn't even have to think twice about joining
Originally Posted by Diego

-Have you been finding yourself with nothing to do every Friday and Saturday night for the past 4 years?

- Cant get girls on your own?

- The people you consider friends never hit you up unless they need something?

If any of this applies to you, then losing your dignity for a couple of weeks while people who stomp around with greek letters on their shirts and take pic with weird hand signs tell you what to do, might be worth it.


Don't do it. Frat dudes are lame. Get you a click of dudes that REALLY have ya back and you can trust if you feel like your in need of that companionship.

I've seen frat dudes that smash they bruhs girls, I smacked one around and his BROTHER just watched.

On the business end of it YOU WILL GET USED.

Just do you and rock with dudes u vibe with u kno. Don't feel like you have to pledge your "undying brotherhood" u know.

be a leader in your skin. Okay I'm off the soap box.

I see you Diego!
Originally Posted by Diego

-Have you been finding yourself with nothing to do every Friday and Saturday night for the past 4 years?

- Cant get girls on your own?

- The people you consider friends never hit you up unless they need something?

If any of this applies to you, then losing your dignity for a couple of weeks while people who stomp around with greek letters on their shirts and take pic with weird hand signs tell you what to do, might be worth it.


Don't do it. Frat dudes are lame. Get you a click of dudes that REALLY have ya back and you can trust if you feel like your in need of that companionship.

I've seen frat dudes that smash they bruhs girls, I smacked one around and his BROTHER just watched.

On the business end of it YOU WILL GET USED.

Just do you and rock with dudes u vibe with u kno. Don't feel like you have to pledge your "undying brotherhood" u know.

be a leader in your skin. Okay I'm off the soap box.

I see you Diego!
No lie, I was blazin with my white buddy and a few of his frat dudes. After a session they brought a pledge in and smacked him and told him to go get eye drops for one of the dudes and tacos and get this "don't pay for anything. Steal it! Give me your wallet."

what type of %!*$ is that?

They beat the %!*$ out of one dude and had to take him to the hospital cuz he stopped breathing. Then they begged dude to keep his mouth shut. Offered him $. Tried to get his dad (who was a member as well) to talk to him. When he didn't keep his mouth shut the whole frat was suspended.

dude wanted so hard to be down...


I got a few others. "Brothers" in black frats that I smashed one of they bruh's girls and didn't say %!*$. Dudes that pound out they "bruh's" main #@+##. Come on B,

on top of that you gotta PAY THESE *@!@@# !????

YES they will ask for "dues". Thousands in the end. %!*$ is a business for lames with no spine or sense of self awareness and confidence. Yes I'm talking to all of you. You were so lame you thought this group could get you an identity. When people called you on it you said your doin it for the connection but there were no connections. In fact there weren't even +*@@@%+. You ended up smashing the same AVERAGE chick you prolly coulda got without pledging your undying brotherhood


and you wonder why me or my *@!@@# don't dap you
No lie, I was blazin with my white buddy and a few of his frat dudes. After a session they brought a pledge in and smacked him and told him to go get eye drops for one of the dudes and tacos and get this "don't pay for anything. Steal it! Give me your wallet."

what type of %!*$ is that?

They beat the %!*$ out of one dude and had to take him to the hospital cuz he stopped breathing. Then they begged dude to keep his mouth shut. Offered him $. Tried to get his dad (who was a member as well) to talk to him. When he didn't keep his mouth shut the whole frat was suspended.

dude wanted so hard to be down...


I got a few others. "Brothers" in black frats that I smashed one of they bruh's girls and didn't say %!*$. Dudes that pound out they "bruh's" main #@+##. Come on B,

on top of that you gotta PAY THESE *@!@@# !????

YES they will ask for "dues". Thousands in the end. %!*$ is a business for lames with no spine or sense of self awareness and confidence. Yes I'm talking to all of you. You were so lame you thought this group could get you an identity. When people called you on it you said your doin it for the connection but there were no connections. In fact there weren't even +*@@@%+. You ended up smashing the same AVERAGE chick you prolly coulda got without pledging your undying brotherhood


and you wonder why me or my *@!@@# don't dap you
Depends on your school, how your social experience has been without joining one, if you wanna go through all the stuff they put you through, and dues. At my school frats are jokes considering the school doesn't allow for Frat houses and it's all annoying Jersey and New York kids. Wouldn't even think about it at my school. The stuff that makes no sense to me is some girls at school will ONLY date Frat boys and I just don't get. 90% of them are tools and they have no respect at our school.
Depends on your school, how your social experience has been without joining one, if you wanna go through all the stuff they put you through, and dues. At my school frats are jokes considering the school doesn't allow for Frat houses and it's all annoying Jersey and New York kids. Wouldn't even think about it at my school. The stuff that makes no sense to me is some girls at school will ONLY date Frat boys and I just don't get. 90% of them are tools and they have no respect at our school.
it depends, the connections really help..i mean none of ur accomplishments are gonna be on your own merrit..but in this world whos are? its not What but WHO you know in these days n times
it depends, the connections really help..i mean none of ur accomplishments are gonna be on your own merrit..but in this world whos are? its not What but WHO you know in these days n times
youll smash mad ho's... girls you wouldnt have gotten if not for the fraternity

for that reason alone its worth it
youll smash mad ho's... girls you wouldnt have gotten if not for the fraternity

for that reason alone its worth it
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