Is College Necessary?

yes and no, i have a dergee in economics, and i got hired by an accounting firm where . honestly ,i dont use anything that i learned from college in my job,the firm trained me in everyhthing that i needed to know to do my job, as well as paid for me to attend grad school, but without the degree i would not be ableto get the job. a college degree will opens doors, but then again not everyone needs college to accomplish their goals. if you believe you can make it withoutgoing to college, more power to you.
I dont believe that there can be a legitimate reason not to go to college except for having no ambition, being a trust fund baby, or having passion in a fieldthat doesnt require a college degree (ie. fast food customer representative). Even if you excel at sports, still go to college so i can watch
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Crank Lucas wrote:

Redrum SB wrote:

And I'm really passionate about opening a sneaker/clothing shop

99% of NTers are really passionate about opening a sneaker shop, how many fall through

I'm going to follow through with it, it's my dream, I take it quite seriously.

these naive kids really think you CAN do anything as long as they "fallow through" with it...

not to be offensive but i laugh at the idea of an 18 year old trying to open any kind of merchandise store, lets forget for minute that your 100% notqualified...but there are a few questions i have to ask...where are your funds coming from (please dont say moms)? what do you know about running a BUSINESS?do you have work experience in a related field at least?

i hate to be an %$# but if you're dead set on NOT going to college, cop a gig at Niketown or something and work for 5 or so years at least, gain someexperience, learn a little bit more

just because you're serious about it, ambitious, have a dream etc, doesnt make it easy or even plausible

to actually answer your questions though

Originally Posted by Redrum SB

I was thinking today about my goals and what I want to do for a living, once I'm out of high school.

And I'm really passionate about opening a sneaker/clothing shop in Chicago, maybe in the Gold Coast neighborhood.

But would I need to go to college to be successful in running my own business.

Does Nike and other shoe suppliers determine if they want to give your store an account by what

kind of degree you have?

Any advice/input?

you don't necessarily need to go to college to operate your own business, however its quite obvious that in your case you would benefit from it and itwould do wonders for your chances of succeeding

No Nike doesn't care anything about your education, however there are other factors such as how long you've been in business, how successful yourbusiness has been, and things like that which determine whether or not they will work with you...i'd also add that getting a shoe contract with Nike isprobably 10x harder than earning a business degree from college
Originally Posted by THockey66

carlosdapaperboy wrote:

well, unless you are extremely talented in music, athletics, or acting it definetly is.
You, along with almost everybody else, are brainwashed into believing that.

A college degree is just like a high school diploma was many years ago. Everybody has a degree now, and where does that get them now? They're on line with
everybody else trying to get the jobs where no degree was required to get in.

Society rewards the ability, and eventhough you passed a couple college classes and became well-educated, you still might not ever have what it takes to be

if you go through college and your ambition is to work in a field where no college degree is necessary then thats sad, obviously there will be exceptions tothis but you get what im saying, a college degree certainly isnt what it use to be but a college degree≠a high school diploma

your second point is a good one and is very true, however if thats arguing that you could some how be better off without a college degree than with one
but what are you going to do that's SOOOOO important that you don't need to go to college? you'll just be on nt 24/7 ordering chinese food andtaking pictures of shoes. i wanted to open up a sneaker store too...but i think back now and i laugh about it. go to college, i bet you would laugh at yourselftoo when you come out.
Well from what I hear a BA is the new High School diploma, so I'd say it wouldn't be a bad idea. Honestly though college isn't for everybody,plenty of successful people didn't go to college or dropped out early. Also though there's a saying "it's not what you know, it's who youknow" real talk.
Originally Posted by mushu22

yes and no, i have a dergee in economics, and i got hired by an accounting firm where . honestly ,i dont use anything that i learned from college in my job, the firm trained me in everyhthing that i needed to know to do my job, as well as paid for me to attend grad school, but without the degree i would not be able to get the job. a college degree will opens doors, but then again not everyone needs college to accomplish their goals. if you believe you can make it without going to college, more power to you.
QFT. you may not learn ANY of the skills you need for a certain job in college but that peice of paper will get you noticed by a potentialemployer over someone else who doesn't have one,
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by Redrum SB

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by Redrum SB

And I'm really passionate about opening a sneaker/clothing shop

99% of NTers are really passionate about opening a sneaker shop, how many fall through
I'm going to follow through with it, it's my dream, I take it quite seriously.
You're in HS. Dreams change.

Yeah I see what your talking about.
I used to want to do a lot of other things when I was smaller.
But I feel differently about this dream, I'm really fixated on it.

Wait a year or two after HS. I guarantee your dreams will change.

I used to be just like you. Having a college degree will give you a strong backbone.
i think opening a sneaker store in this current economy is a great idea. tons and tons of familys have excess money to spend on luxury sneakers and tshirts.great thinking man
You need to go. Especially on a business front it's worth it. You already know what you want to do so tailor your classes for what you need to know. Also,get in there and ask questions that might pertain to the kind of business you're trying to run.

If anything it is a great source for networking. A lot of your college classmates might have aspirations for their own business as well and you never know whocan help you someday.
did you see the election results? there's a democrat in office this is no time to be a business owner.

If you have to ask OP, you're far from ready to start thinking of your own business. My father owns a clothing shop and from the small part of it I'vebeen exposed to, there is no way a person out of high school can keep up with it.

I would definitely go to college if you have the opportunity, some schools offer a minor in entrepreneurship.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

i think opening a sneaker store in this current economy is a great idea. tons and tons of familys have excess money to spend on luxury sneakers and tshirts.
great thinking man


aww i really hope for his sake he doesn't do it

go to college kid

Originally Posted by HKM206

Well from what I hear a BA is the new High School diploma, so I'd say it wouldn't be a bad idea. Honestly though college isn't for everybody,
plenty of successful people didn't go to college or dropped out early. Also though there's a saying "it's not what you know, it's who you
know" real talk.

and please dont listen to people like this
College allows you to network and gain recommendations from people with stable careers, your moms word isn't enough. College is also the most surefire wayto gain wealth while maintaining class, unlike the entertainment business.
Originally Posted by desoIation1

people who have a bachelors degree make an average of more than twice as much as those who have only graduated from high school (compare 20K to 40K+ per year)

people who have a masters degree make an average of more four times more than those who have only graduated from high school (compare 20K to 80K+ per year)

and people who have a phd make an average of more than FIVE times more than those who have only graduated from high school (compare 20K to 100K+ (6 figures) per year)
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

Originally Posted by mushu22

yes and no, i have a dergee in economics, and i got hired by an accounting firm where . honestly ,i dont use anything that i learned from college in my job, the firm trained me in everyhthing that i needed to know to do my job, as well as paid for me to attend grad school, but without the degree i would not be able to get the job. a college degree will opens doors, but then again not everyone needs college to accomplish their goals. if you believe you can make it without going to college, more power to you.
QFT. you may not learn ANY of the skills you need for a certain job in college but that peice of paper will get you noticed by a potential employer over someone else who doesn't have one,
Originally Posted by mushu22

Originally Posted by ryair max 1

Originally Posted by mushu22

yes and no, i have a dergee in economics, and i got hired by an accounting firm where . honestly ,i dont use anything that i learned from college in my job, the firm trained me in everyhthing that i needed to know to do my job, as well as paid for me to attend grad school, but without the degree i would not be able to get the job. a college degree will opens doors, but then again not everyone needs college to accomplish their goals. if you believe you can make it without going to college, more power to you.
QFT. you may not learn ANY of the skills you need for a certain job in college but that peice of paper will get you noticed by a potential employer over someone else who doesn't have one,
are you stupid or something. that is exactly the point i was making you moron. the college diploma got me the job, even though my economics degree is not prevalent in accounting it got my foot in the door, hence "a college degree will open doors." i am relating the need for college in regards to my own personal experience, his scenario may not necessarily need a degree, but a degree can only improve his situation. you seriously need to improve your reading comprehension skills, stay in school dummy .
LMAO. What the hell? He wasn't disagreeing with you (it looked to me like he was agreeing and elaborating), and you just went ape @*%* on him.
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Originally Posted by THockey66

Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

yes college is necessary if u plan on succeding in life.

well, unless you are extremely talented in music, athletics, or acting it definetly is.
WRONG! very wrong.

Bill Gates - dropout.
McDonald's CEO - dropout.
Steve Jobs - dropout.

There are a LOT of multi-millionaires out there who dropped out.

Go get Heavy Hitters magazine. there's a guy who dropped out in 7th grade and he owns a few textile mills and he's worth a few million. has all kindaof lambo's/beach houses/range rovers...

I don't know how people equate a bachelor's degree with a HS diploma as of 2007 only 31% of americans 25 and older hold a BA degree compared to 78% ofpeople who earned a HS diploma. Yes more people are earning their bachelors but that doesn't make it equivalent to a HS diploma some entry level positionsrequire nothing less than a BA.

Now on the topic of is college necessary well it depends on the field. If your in a field like for example Accounting or Engineering then ofcourse a person isrequired to have earned a college degree since there has to be a certain level of accreditation needed to succeed in those particular fields but in a fieldlike Business not so much. Business is more based on entrepreneurial drive and risk taking than atual book knowledge, the book knowledge aquired are justprinciples that help in guiding a person. You can read a million books on how to run a successful business but until its applied in an efficient way hands onthen all the courses you take don't mean sh-- Business is one field where you actually learn more from mistakes than from taking courses. So a collegedegree is a great asset to have because 1) your already 1 step ahead rougly 70% of people in America who don't hold a degree 2) its a great thing to havejust incase you needed something to fall back on.

But I will say a college degree isn't the end all be all like a person can't be successful in life without one because thats totally untrue, its justby having a degree you have a higher chance of being able to elevate your success but like someone said college isn't for everyone.
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