Is Bruce Jenner Trolling?

The ones that I have?  Not sure I'm understanding your question.  BTW, my avatar is me post-op.  Told you I'm a deer.
Figures you would have no answer to your claim
I am answering it.  Your gender is your sex / your sex is your gender.  You are what your chromosomes are.  There is nothing confusing about that.
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Don't even bother entertaining this troll, clearly he's in here to rustle feathers and add nothing of substance.
I'm a troll because I see things differently than you?  Why don't you prove me wrong instead of trying to dismiss me as someone who isn't serious?

If I'm rustling your feathers maybe it is because I have a valid point.
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I'm a troll because I see things differently than you?  Why don't you prove me wrong instead of trying to dismiss me as someone who isn't serious?

If I'm rustling your feathers maybe it is because I have a valid point.
You're a troll because your playing the whole Deer schtick and making a mockery of the subject. You're entitled to your opinion, even if it does suck.
I've yet to see any legal document say male/female and man/woman are interchangeable
A man is a male, a woman is a female.  100% of the time.  Just because you say you are something doesn't mean you actually are.  Unless you are a deer born into a man's body that is.  That is legitimate. 
Read a bunch of biology books, hell even have a Chemistry degree and never seen XX referred to as woman instead of female or XY referred to as man instead male

But ol mighty savior has deemed sex and gender the absolute same thing

:lol: NT is dope
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Or weird things like race? Race has no genetic basis, we are all the same am I right? I mean lets just throw out racial identity because black, white, and asian don't exist am I rite?

Racism doesn't exist because we made it up as humans.

All these labels are obviously social and human constructs. However you choose to label yourself, there's is an obvious biological basis to how you orient yourself and how you choose to act depsite established social norms.
You're making too much sense for Deer boy with this.
Or weird things like race? Race has no genetic basis, we are all the same am I right? I mean lets just throw out racial identity because black, white, and asian don't exist am I rite?

Racism doesn't exist because we made it up as humans.

All these labels are obviously social and human constructs. However you choose to label yourself, there's is an obvious biological basis to how you orient yourself and how you choose to act depsite established social norms.
Of course race has a genetic basis, how do you think races end up with different skin colors or physical features? 
It doesn't make one race better than another but clearly there are genetic differences.
Guys, I like that Barbie girl song by Aqua... It's part of who I am... After I've had my run of smashing yambz I think the world will have to accept that i was never a man and let me in the womens locker room... I'm not getting an operation though.. sex and gender aren't the same thing so its cool. 
Guys, I like that Barbie girl song by Aqua... It's part of who I am... After I've had my run of smashing yambz I think the world will have to accept that i was never a man and let me in the womens locker room... I'm not getting an operation though.. sex and gender aren't the same thing so its cool. >D  

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