Is Bruce Jenner Trolling?

 [h3]Sexual orientation[/h3]
"Sexual orientation" is the preferred term used when referring to an individual's physical and/or emotional attraction to the same and/or opposite gender. "Gay," "lesbian," "bisexual" and "straight" are all examples of sexual orientations. A person's sexual orientation is distinct from a person's gender identity and expression.
[h3]  [/h3][h3]Gender identity[/h3]
The term "gender identity," distinct from the term "sexual orientation," refers to a person's innate, deeply felt psychological identification as a man, woman or some other gender, which may or may not correspond to the sex assigned to them at birth (e.g., the sex listed on their birth certificate).
It's a man made/invented term with no tangible evidence of even existing.  It was created in order to attempt to justify weird things like having a sex change operation.
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So lesbians confuse you?
I don't expect to hear anything of much sense coming from you. So instead of arguing with you I'm just gonna say piss off and put away the cape. Stay trying act like super man when nothing requires saving.
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Can you explain what you mean by he's still XY?
His chromosomes.  Men have an X and a Y chromosome.  He has a X chromosome, and a Y chromosome.  No matter what surgery he has, he'll always have and X and a Y.

Women have two X chromosomes.  No matter what surgery they have, they will always have two X chromosomes.
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Can you explain what you mean by he's still XY?
His chromosomes.  Men have an X and a Y chromosome.  He has a X chromosome, and a Y chromosome.  No matter what surgery he has, he'll always have and X and a Y.

Women have two X chromosomes.  No matter what surgery they have, they will always have two X chromosomes.

I kinda hate that this had to be explained, but oh well
Can you explain what you mean by he's still XY?
Somebody fell asleep in Biology class 
Can you explain what you mean by he's still XY?

Talm bout the chromosomes that make up a boy or girl. Idk off top but xy is one gender and xx is another. If i remember correctly

Good looks I was lost for a second :lol:

Can you explain what you mean by he's still XY?
His chromosomes.  Men have an X and a Y chromosome.  He has a X chromosome, and a Y chromosome.  No matter what surgery he has, he'll always have and X and a Y.

Women have two X chromosomes.  No matter what surgery they have, they will always have two X chromosomes.

Can you point out anywhere where this male has said he has two X chromosomes? He has never stated he is a female.
lol your gender and sex are the same thing.  "Gender identity" is a man made/invented term with no tangible evidence of even existing.

Gender identity is a relatively new term but the behavior associated is hundreds if not thousands of years old. There are cultures that embrace these feelings that people are ridiculed for in this country.
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bleach huh..  :lol:  too bad michael jackson suffered from vitiligo. 


Michael Jackson didnt have a choice in becoming white! He used make up to try and stay one color tone as long as he could till eventually all the pigment was gone in his skin. I have 2 close with vitiligo and it starts off on the hands or lips and then looks like spots all over by the time they was in high school they was fully white.

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here is a glove of his in 80s where he would use dark make up to cover up his white spots

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100% different then Bruce case
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