Is Bruce Jenner Trolling?

^^^ I think those communities have bigger issues than the ones you've state

Elaborate... I mean how does your soul relate more to social constructs that society created? Furthermore... what does your soul relate to when all of the gender societal constructs no longer exist and the oppressing gender stereotypes are demolished?
This whole Bruce Jenner spectacle is just to take yalls eyes off of the mass police brutality that's going on right now
You're absolutely right, the earthquake in Nepal was also a distraction along with the volcano in Chile. Come to think of it everything that happens on this planet is merely to keep us not focused on the mass police brutality.
^^^ I think those communities have bigger issues than the ones you've state

Elaborate... I mean how does your soul relate more to social constructs that society created? Furthermore... what does your soul relate to when all of the gender societal constructs no longer exist and the oppressing gender stereotypes are demolished?

Brah that's not what the feminist movement are fighting for. They're aren't fighting for some abstract concept, they are fighting for real tangible issues.

No matter how much feminist might rustle people, women are facing serious issues. They get paid less for no reason, get raped at ridiculously rates in armed forced and universities, get harassed if they even think about a abortion, and a slowly seeing their benefits cut if they keep the kid.

Women in America face real issues, so lets not act like they just fighting to change gender roles.

Transgender people walk around with a huge target on their back. The large amount of discrimination they face in the work place, the alarming suicide rates in the community, the ridiculous levels of harassment they face. These are real issues they face, not some abstract ideas.

They are basically in the same position gays were in like the 70s-80s. Things improved for gays a lot since then, did we have to refine gender roles for that progress to take place? But I would hope the huge price we had to pay because of our ignorance (the good ole HIV is a gay disease nonsense) would prevent people from repeating the same mistakes. But I guess I'm wrong on that
Brah that's not what the feminist movement are fighting for. They're aren't fighting for some abstract concept, they are fighting for real tangible issues.

No matter how much feminist might rustle people, women are facing serious issues. They get paid less for no reason, get raped at ridiculously rates in armed forced and universities, get harassed if they even think about a abortion, and a slowly seeing their benefits cut if they keep the kid.

Women in America face real issues, so lets not act like they just fighting to change gender roles.

Transgender people walk around with a huge target on their back. The large amount of discrimination they face in the work place, the alarming suicide rates in the community, the ridiculous levels of harassment they face. These are real issues they face, not some abstract ideas.

They are basically in the same position gays were in like the 70s-80s. Things improved for gays a lot since then, did we have to refine gender roles for that progress to take place? But I would hope the huge price we had to pay because of our ignorance (the good ole HIV is a gay disease nonsense) would prevent people from repeating the same mistakes. But I guess I'm wrong on that

Who used the word just? There are certainly other issues that they are fighting for. I agree and I believe they are all very important. All of the issues. But there are issues such as oppressive gender roles that they want to take away. For instance women feeling that they have to wear bras, or dresses instead of pant suits in the professional environment etc... when you include homosexuality.... what exactly separates men from women other than physicality? You can't on one hand say women and men should be treated absolutely equally as if they are the same and then on the other hand say that when you were born your soul identified more with how you think women should behave in society. See what I mean? That is... dare I say it, marginalizing a particular sex
All this for a man who is taking cross dressing to the next level. Let him be but please don't make this "news" of any kind. The discussion about gender and sex in our society is dilluded by having a celebrity use it to gain attention.  

yea yea... these 25 pages are way tew much... Gotta save all the lengthy discussions for the important all-red kanye shoe threads... It's an internet forum... That's kinda like the entire point
Man. This had to be the dumbest thing I've read all day. :lol:

I'm wrong for not accepting a white supremacist, even though he hates me?

View media item 1506802

Love. Accept everyone for who they are. Don't be close-minded. Even if you don't personally agree with them. What's so hard about that? Oh wait... I guess that's only for certain stuff.

I wonder who gets to decide which things are ok to be close-minded about without being called a bigot.
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Love. Accept everyone for who they are. Don't be close-minded. Even if you don't personally agree with them. What's so hard about that? Oh wait... I guess that's only for certain stuff.
I agree with this 100 percent. But there's a difference between accepting someone on the fact that they're different, and accepting ignorance and hatred. A lot of dudes in here have shown their true animosity and ignorance towards being transgendered. Why should that be accepted?
Brah that's not what the feminist movement are fighting for. They're aren't fighting for some abstract concept, they are fighting for real tangible issues.

No matter how much feminist might rustle people, women are facing serious issues. They get paid less for no reason, get raped at ridiculously rates in armed forced and universities, get harassed if they even think about a abortion, and a slowly seeing their benefits cut if they keep the kid.

Women in America face real issues, so lets not act like they just fighting to change gender roles.

Transgender people walk around with a huge target on their back. The large amount of discrimination they face in the work place, the alarming suicide rates in the community, the ridiculous levels of harassment they face. These are real issues they face, not some abstract ideas.

They are basically in the same position gays were in like the 70s-80s. Things improved for gays a lot since then, did we have to refine gender roles for that progress to take place? But I would hope the huge price we had to pay because of our ignorance (the good ole HIV is a gay disease nonsense) would prevent people from repeating the same mistakes. But I guess I'm wrong on that

Who used the word just? There are certainly other issues that they are fighting for. I agree and I believe they are all very important. All of the issues. But there are issues such as oppressive gender roles that they want to take away. For instance women feeling that they have to wear bras, or dresses instead of pant suits in the professional environment etc... when you include homosexuality.... what exactly separates men from women other than physicality? You can't on one hand say women and men should be treated absolutely equally as if they are the same and then on the other hand say that when you were born your soul identified more with how you think women should behave in society. See what I mean? That is... dare I say it, marginalizing a particular sex

Brah you're using extremely trivial examples, and worst, acting like they are universal

Not all feminist are built the same, not all women are built the same, not all transgender people are built the same.

Using your example: Bruce Jenner was wearing a shirt and jeans in his interview, and is attached to women. He himself is not following the "traditional" gender roles of women.
Man. This had to be the dumbest thing I've read all day. :lol:

I'm wrong for not accepting a white supremacist, even though he hates me?

View media item 1506802

Love. Accept everyone for who they are. Don't be close-minded. Even if you don't personally agree with them. What's so hard about that? Oh wait... I guess that's only for certain stuff.

I wonder who gets to decide which things are ok to be close-minded about without being called a bigot.

I love and accept everyone in my family, but have no problem telling one of them when they are acting stupid

If you truly love someone, you don't let them walk around in ignorance, and you certainly don't allow them to spread it. Especially when that ignorance can cause harm to others
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Brah you're using extremely trivial examples, and worst, acting like they are universal

Not all feminist are built the same, not all women are built the same, not all transgender people are built the same.

Using your example: Bruce Jenner was wearing a shirt and jeans in his interview, and is attached to women. He himself is not following the "traditional" gender roles of women.

He wanted to keep the male pronouns until he finished his transformation. (Hence the clothing traditionally associated with the male gender). Throughout the interview he mentioned walking around in dresses as if that was what women do. He showed her the dress he planned to wear for dinner that night.

I love and accept everyone in my family, but have no problem telling one of them when they are acting stupid

If you truly love someone, you don't let them walk around in ignorance, and you certainly don't allow them to spread it. Especially when that ignorance can cause harm to others

Who are you to determine what is ignorant and what isn't? You can say that white supremacists are ignorant, but someone can't say a man dressing like a woman and calling himself one is ignorant? (When he has a penis?) Why not accept everyone for who they are... just seems really close minded and judgmental to me |I
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Man. This had to be the dumbest thing I've read all day. 

I'm wrong for not accepting a white supremacist, even though he hates me?
Love. Accept everyone for who they are. Don't be close-minded. Even if you don't personally agree with them. What's so hard about that? Oh wait... I guess that's only for certain stuff.

I wonder who gets to decide which things are ok to be close-minded about without being called a bigot.
I aint loving and accepting someone who will lynch me or slaughter me like a white tail deer 

I'll be a bigot.....either way I'm still a ****** to a ws whether I'm loving or hating so I'll choose to dislike. 

"There's a difference b/t a black person and a ******" ....the ws favorite saying.....I aint loving that 
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Brah you're using extremely trivial examples, and worst, acting like they are universal

Not all feminist are built the same, not all women are built the same, not all transgender people are built the same.

Using your example: Bruce Jenner was wearing a shirt and jeans in his interview, and is attached to women. He himself is not following the "traditional" gender roles of women.

He wanted to keep the male pronouns until he finished his transformation. (Hence the clothing traditionally associated with the male gender). Throughout the interview he mentioned walking around in dresses as if that was what women do. He showed her the dress he planned to wear for dinner that night.

I love and accept everyone in my family, but have no problem telling one of them when they are acting stupid

If you truly love someone, you don't let them walk around in ignorance, and you certainly don't allow them to spread it. Especially when that ignorance can cause harm to others

Who are you to determine what is ignorant and what isn't? You can say that a white supremacist is ignorant, but someone can't say a man dressing like a woman and calling himself one is ignorant? (When he has a penis?) Why not accept everyone for who they are... just seems really close minded and judgmental to me |I

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So I'm just suppose to accept bigotry like it is some sort of personality trait fixed at birth

If you're truly have a point to make then make it, let me see your side of things, because nothing I've seen on the issues goes beyond simple bigotry and high level mental gymnastics

Brah I'm not even on the acceptance steez, I'm about tolerance. Problem is that people seem to underestimate what tolerance is.

I don't like what white supremacist say, but I tolerate it, I don't like what bigots say, but I tolerate it. Where I take issue when these words manifest themselves into real world pain for people. I'm not gonna be accepting or tolerant of that stuff

We all know the ridiculous about of pain white supremacy causes. And the intolerance for transgender people manifest itself as real world pain for many.

--BTW, it is still shocking to me how people who rant about white supremacy can not see how much like sound/argue like SWS when talking about other issues.

But you're right, I'm not the judge of what it ignorant and what is not, history will. But I'm very confident that I'm not the right side of it for some strange reason.

-----And so what if gender roles get changed or switch or what have you. They need to be altered, cause right not they are failing a lot of people
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Brah you're using extremely trivial examples, and worst, acting like they are universal

Not all feminist are built the same, not all women are built the same, not all transgender people are built the same.

Using your example: Bruce Jenner was wearing a shirt and jeans in his interview, and is attached to women. He himself is not following the "traditional" gender roles of women.

He wanted to keep the male pronouns until he finished his transformation. (Hence the clothing traditionally associated with the male gender). Throughout the interview he mentioned walking around in dresses as if that was what women do. He showed her the dress he planned to wear for dinner that night.

I love and accept everyone in my family, but have no problem telling one of them when they are acting stupid

If you truly love someone, you don't let them walk around in ignorance, and you certainly don't allow them to spread it. Especially when that ignorance can cause harm to others

Who are you to determine what is ignorant and what isn't? You can say that white supremacists are ignorant, but someone can't say a man dressing like a woman and calling himself one is ignorant? (When he has a penis?) Why not accept everyone for who they are... just seems really close minded and judgmental to me |I
You're confused about what a woman and what a female is just off the strength of you pointing out he has a penis.
You're confused about what a woman and what a female is just off the strength of you pointing out he has a penis.

Yea you're right... all women aren't female, and all females aren't women... as a result of how society defines women, right? Ironically this societal definition of woman and womanhood is the very oppressive stereotyping the feminist movement seeks to end.. :rolleyes

I could careless about a man wanting to dress like a woman or having surgery and implants. My only I have stated several times in this thread are violence that can result as a result of transgendered individuals not being forthcoming with potential partners before becoming intimate. Also the fear of non-transgendered perverts using it as an opportunity to get their jollies off in a restroom of the opposite sex or gender. If there was a mandate that transgendered individuals be forthcoming about their status as transgender prior to intimate relationships and separate restrooms for cis or transgendered individuals there'd be no issue. My comments on acceptance and tolerance were to expose the fallibility of the word "bigot." You can't call someone or a group of people bigots without being a bigot yourself.
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This thread has literally devolved into those who are afraid of getting touched by TS in restrooms or being "tricked" vs those who aren't

Y'all scary
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