Is Bruce Jenner Trolling?

Is it so wrong of them to act as though the two of you are just human beings who are attracted to each other?  In reality, that's what it is.  
It sure is man. You are seriously just brushing this off as if it is a simple things that folks are supposed to be cool with. I can't believe that. 
Great dating advice. Ask every girl you're seeing if she use to be a man. I'm sure that will go over really well.
Right. Meth, you can't be serious with that one man
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Great dating advice. Ask every girl you're seeing if she use to be a man. I'm sure that will go over really well.
My issue is why do you have to label it as a FEAR. 

I just don't like how every form of non-acceptance of that lifestyle has to be classified as a FEAR (phobia).

I don't think it is fair to call someone SCARED because they want to know up front if the person they are spending their time with was once another sex.
Yeah, you scared. :lol:

Props to Meth for sonning DC.
My issue is why do you have to label it as a FEAR. 

I just don't like how every form of non-acceptance of that lifestyle has to be classified as a FEAR (phobia).

I don't think it is fair to call someone SCARED because they want to know up front if the person they are spending their time with was once another sex.
It is fear.  There are people who think a gay man should "warn" them that he's gay before they become friends.  What is that if not homophobia?  

If your only interest in pursuing a relationship is procreative sex, is it "misleading" for a female who is infertile to date you?  That's your issue, is it not?  If nothing else, you're afraid of getting involved with someone who, for whatever reason, can't bear your children.  That's your issue, not theirs. 

And if you were to go so far as to get VIOLENT with an unfertile woman because you felt she "misled" you by failing to disclose her sterility - or get VIOLENT with a woman who is isn't the "purebred Aryan" you suspected her to be, what does that demonstrate if not a fear?  

If you have those requirements or prerequisites, don't assume that the rest of the world should cater to that.  The world doesn't belong to you.  

And that's EXACTLY what's at issue here.  
Great dating advice. Ask every girl you're seeing if she use to be a man. I'm sure that will go over really well.
If you're scared of an interracial relationship, it's your responsibility to ask your prospective partner about their race.  

If my racial identity is somehow "ambiguous" to people, it's not my job to ANNOUNCE my ancestry to everyone like some sort of warning.  If you have a problem with interracial dating, YOU have a problem with interracial dating.  It's not every person of color's problem or burden to bear.  
I say porno and out of that you guys get pornstars, sex for money

Lol put words in my mouth then call me a caper, mad corny
I really don't see how dudes get fooled but they still have a right to know.

I see it like telling someone you have a kid. Do it before things get serious.
And you def don't meet kids on the first date
But if you're THAT hung up about it - if you would FREAK OUT if you kissed someone who had kids, that's really more of a you problem.  That's different than "we were married for twenty years and I never knew she had children."  

If someone chooses to make a disclosure about their sexuality, that's fine, but the implication that it's THEIR burden to bear EVERY time, like they have leprosy or something, comes from a place of dominance and heteronormativity.  It's an expectation that the world must cater to you and people like you.  And that's majority privilege.

If you're a racist, you hire somebody over the phone, they show up and they're not White, do you really have the right to feel "betrayed" because you couldn't accurately determine their race according to the way they sounded?  

People have to stop looking at this through the lens of majority privilege.  Post-vitiligo Michael Jackson shouldn't have to wear a little sign that says "Black" because otherwise people might get the "wrong idea" and treat him like a human being.  
Great dating advice. Ask every girl you're seeing if she use to be a man. I'm sure that will go over really well.
If you're scared of an interracial relationship, it's your responsibility to ask your prospective partner about their race.  

If my racial identity is somehow "ambiguous" to people, it's not my job to ANNOUNCE my ancestry to everyone like some sort of warning.  If you have a problem with interracial dating, YOU have a problem with interracial dating.  It's not every person of color's problem or burden to bear.  
You keep drawing this false equivalency to race.

One is natural. One wasn't even possible until recently.

One included major surgery to change your identity, one didn't.

One means you're hiding a huge part of your past identity and a major life decision you made.

One means you have to regular maintain your hormone levels or you begin to revert back to having traits of your birth sex.

One means you can't have children.

The only reason you're even making this comparison is because of how sensitive the topic of race is, but in terms of actual merit, you might as well be comparing it to a profession or literally anything else, that's about how much they have in common.
I really don't see how dudes get fooled but they still have a right to know.

I see it like telling someone you have a kid. Do it before things get serious.
And you def don't meet kids on the first date
No but a woman would normally mention it. At least depending on what kind of date it is.

If it's a precursor to just sex date she won't but if it's a relationship tryout date she'll mention it.

In either case though I feel someone who is transgendered should mention their situation.

It's a very special one and should be treated as such. At least to avoid an *** whooping.

Lot of guys wouldn't appreciate not knowing information like that. I know I wouldn't.

I'd be mad as hell but I also don't believe in violence. Lot of people aren't like me.

It's nice to be idealistic and go "The onus shouldn't be on them. It's YOUR problem!" but the real world doesn't work like that.
Great dating advice. Ask every girl you're seeing if she use to be a man. I'm sure that will go over really well.

If you're scared of an interracial relationship, it's your responsibility to ask your prospective partner about their race.  

If my racial identity is somehow "ambiguous" to people, it's not my job to ANNOUNCE my ancestry to everyone like some sort of warning.  If you have a problem with interracial dating, YOUhave a problem with interracial dating.  It's not every person of color's problem or burden to bear.  

You keep drawing this false equivalency to race.

One is natural. One wasn't even possible until recently.
One included major surgery to change your identity, one didn't.
One means you're hiding a huge part of your past identity and a major life decision you made.
One means you have to regular maintain your hormone levels or you begin to revert back to having traits of your birth sex.
One means you can't have children.

The only reason you're even making this comparison is because of how sensitive the topic of race is, but in terms of actual merit, you might as well be comparing it to a profession or literally anything else, that's about how much they have in common.
You're so thirsty to state race and sexual orientation isn't the same when all he did was provide examples of disclosure scenarios not equivalents calm down we know that we can't hide our skin color
comparing hooking up with someone who has a kid and didn't tell and hooking up with someone who used to be a man and didn't tell you...ya'll can not be serious 
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comparing hooking up with someone who has a kid and didn't tell and hooking up with someone who used to be a man and didn't tell you...ya'll can not be serious 
I never said they were equal. I said they should be treated similarly.
I never said they were equal. I said they should be treated similarly.
If they are not equal, why give them similar treatment?  I feel like people in general, in a dating situation, would be WAY more willing to look past a child from a previous relationship than previously being of a different
Great dating advice. Ask every girl you're seeing if she use to be a man. I'm sure that will go over really well.
If you're scared of an interracial relationship, it's your responsibility to ask your prospective partner about their race.  

If my racial identity is somehow "ambiguous" to people, it's not my job to ANNOUNCE my ancestry to everyone like some sort of warning.  If you have a problem with interracial dating, YOUhave a problem with interracial dating.  It's not every person of color's problem or burden to bear.  
You keep drawing this false equivalency to race.

One is natural. One wasn't even possible until recently.
One included major surgery to change your identity, one didn't.
One means you're hiding a huge part of your past identity and a major life decision you made.
One means you have to regular maintain your hormone levels or you begin to revert back to having traits of your birth sex.
One means you can't have children.

The only reason you're even making this comparison is because of how sensitive the topic of race is, but in terms of actual merit, you might as well be comparing it to a profession or literally anything else, that's about how much they have in common.
You're so thirsty to state race and sexual orientation isn't the same when all he did was provide examples of disclosure scenarios not equivalents calm down we know that we can't hide our skin color
He's arguing that people shouldn't be expected to disclose that they're transsexual. He's supporting that argument by using comparison. He's not saying, "nobody should ever have to disclose anything. The other person should have to ask first." And if he is in fact saying that, I disagree with that too.

I'm saying that comparison is false. People need to know if they can't have children with someone. People need to know that if their significant other misses their hormone treatments for a month, they might end up changing significantly both behaviorally in mood and personality and notable changes in their physical traits.

This is a unique situation that is only possible through modern medicine. We can't look at this the same way we look at other social issues because there are different implications.
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Im all for people doing what they want to do unless they harm others. Deceiving straight dudes into sex is damn near rape.

If a Ms. Doubtfire looking dudette was out here tricking lesbians and bi women into sex he would be considered a serial rapist.

But if he tricks a man its ok?
Different axes of social inequality are not interchangeable, but they do intersect and function in similar ways.
I guarantee you he didn't even bother to read that sentence when he was out cherry-picking.
Great dating advice. Ask every girl you're seeing if she use to be a man. I'm sure that will go over really well.
If you're scared of an interracial relationship, it's your responsibility to ask your prospective partner about their race.  

If my racial identity is somehow "ambiguous" to people, it's not my job to ANNOUNCE my ancestry to everyone like some sort of warning.  If you have a problem with interracial dating, YOU  have a problem with interracial dating.  It's not every person of color's problem or burden to bear.  
You keep drawing this false equivalency to race.

One is natural. One wasn't even possible until recently.

One included major surgery to change your identity, one didn't.

One means you're hiding a huge part of your past identity and a major life decision you made.

One means you have to regular maintain your hormone levels or you begin to revert back to having traits of your birth sex.

One means you can't have children.

The only reason you're even making this comparison is because of how sensitive the topic of race is, but in terms of actual merit, you might as well be comparing it to a profession or literally anything else, that's about how much they have in common.
You're just refusing to acknowledge the similarities because you insist on using the word "unnatural" in much the same way as as 17th century bigot.

"Race mixing wasn't possible until only recently.  If God wanted the races to mix, he wouldn't have separated them by continent."  

"Passing for White means hiding a huge part of your identity."  

Similarly, "if you're sterile and you fail to disclose this immediately, you're being deceptive by refusing to inform your prospective partner that you're an unnatural freak of nature."  

There are cisgender men who take testosterone supplements and cisgender women who take estrogen supplements.  Should they wear identity cards that say "unnatural?"   Should people who've had cosmetic or reconstructive surgery? 

You know you're on shaky ground if you've established the prejudice before the rationalization.  You're scrambling to come up with legitimate sounding reasons to explain "ick" and "eew."  
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