Is Bruce Jenner Trolling?

That is all I said then dude. But having a sit down interview in Prime Time TV IS bringing more light to it. I just don't agree with the, "Every person that comes out is a hero" angle the media paints.
Coming out would imply that he is gay, which he isn't. This is a huge deal because it's shedding light on Gender Identity, which has little to no representation.
Coming out would imply that he is gay, which he isn't. This is a huge deal because it's shedding light on Gender Identity, which has little to no representation.
Coming out, shedding light. I am referring to the ANNOUNCEMENT. What he did is no different than what LeBron did. Made a personal decision into a media moment.

If that isn't doing it for the limelight, I don't know what else to tell you. 
The crazy part to me is that dudes act as if people need him to be the voice for the people that are apart of this lifestyle when you actually dont they have documentaries dealing with this same subject hell even on MTV true life they had a show about this you dont need a celebrity to cosign **** all the time a good 20/20 special with a noncelebrity would have been better most of the peole I know that watched it was on some messy wendy Williams type **** but what ever he comfortable as more power to him

Did you type this on mobile?
Coming out would imply that he is gay, which he isn't. This is a huge deal because it's shedding light on Gender Identity, which has little to no representation.
Coming out, shedding light. I am referring to the ANNOUNCEMENT. What he did is no different than what LeBron did. Made a personal decision into a media moment.

If that isn't doing it for the limelight, I don't know what else to tell you. 
the difference with this and "The Decision" is that it can be used as opportunity for people to learn something about gender identify

and people struggling with their own identity to see themselves represented publicly

yes, it is a circus but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing
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the difference with this and "The Decision" is that it can be used as opportunity for people to learn something about gender identify

and people struggling with their own identity to see themselves represented publicly
Again, is putting yourself in Prime Time TV the only way that can be accomplished? 

This #FreddieGray , situation is going on. Baltimore is going WILD right now. But THIS is the lead in news story?

I guess I see the evil in humans more than yall, which is why I am seeing the $ and attention this situation will give Jenner.

But I tap out. Yall got it
Nothing he said was offensive. Pull your skirt down B and stop with the fake outrage.

Right, the words transformer and mutant are not offensive at all instead of calling them their name

You're another one who can't have a discussion without insults good job bruh :smokin
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Again, is putting yourself in Prime Time TV the only way that can be accomplished? 

This #FreddieGray , situation is going on. Baltimore is going WILD right now. But THIS is the lead in news story?

I guess I see the evil in humans more than yall, which is why I am seeing the $ and attention this situation will give Jenner.

But I tap out. Yall got it

But do you also see the educational aspect? Someone who watched that interview yesterday either learned something new, became more understanding or open minded about the topic.

Of course Bruce got paid to give that interview but there was a positive to it as well, I don't think it was solely to get paid
the difference with this and "The Decision" is that it can be used as opportunity for people to learn something about gender identify

and people struggling with their own identity to see themselves represented publicly

yes, it is a circus but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing
I never once called it good or bad. I just pointed it out as a circus, which it is. THe title was, is he trolling.

I believe part of him IS trolling.

I am not saying that to say that this whole transformation is FAKE or not genuine.

But the media parading about it just screams, "look at me" - ish and not "I want to bring awareness."

Maybe I am biased because of his family's history. If it was someone that wasn't from a family that was an attention seeking empire, I would probably give him benefit of the doubt.
But do you also see the educational aspect? Someone who watched that interview yesterday either learned something new, became more understanding or open minded about the topic.

Of course Bruce got paid to give that interview but there was a positive to it as well, I don't think it was solely to get paid
Sure I can see the educational aspect of it. Which is why I said, NUMEROUS times, that PART of it was done to create a media frenzy. 

I NEVER said it was soleyl to get paid.
Right, the words transformer and mutant are not offensive at all instead of calling them their name

You're another one who can't have a discussion without insults good job bruh :smokin
He wasn't using it be offensive. Dude didn't even mention anything about mutants so you're definitely making **** up now.. It is clear that he is saying when he is in the bathroom he isn't focused on anyone or anything but himself. Again, you're reaching. Looking for every chance to FALSELY pin hateful bigot on someone :smh:
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But do you also see the educational aspect? Someone who watched that interview yesterday either learned something new, became more understanding or open minded about the topic.

Of course Bruce got paid to give that interview but there was a positive to it as well, I don't think it was solely to get paid
Sure I can see the educational aspect of it. Which is why I said, NUMEROUS times, that PART of it was done to create a media frenzy. 

I NEVER said it was soleyl to get paid.
i'm not trying to be combative i'm truly trying to understand your point of view because you're saying one thing and then another that is contradictory to me...
He wasn't using it be offensive. Dude didn't even mention anything about mutants so you're definitely making **** up now.. It is clear that he is saying when he is in the bathroom he isn't focused on anyone or anything but himself. Again, you're reaching. Looking for every chance to FALSELY pin hateful bigot on someone :smh:


Scicentist can can attempt to do all the TRANSformation they want on these confused souls, but they will never be real women. Just some form of mutant created by a mad scicentist.

yeah meth.. go ahead and lock this up please. 

That's a post that's been removed, he's been ignorant and offensive this entire thread. Instead of calling a transgendered person the actual term he resorts to transformer huh? Stop riding so hard.
i'm not trying to be combative i'm truly trying to understand your point of view because you're saying one thing and then another that is contradictory to me...
You aren't reading man.

I have said the SAME thing.

Him doing the Decision is the attention seeking part of all of this. Sure people can learn from it, but he could have went about it a different way than have a Prime Time interview about this.

Not sure how you are confused.
That's a post that's been removed, he's been ignorant and offensive this entire thread. Instead of calling a transgendered person the actual term he resorts to transformer huh? Stop riding so hard.

i wouldn't care. I don't be focused on anything but pissing or taking a dump in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure transfomers have been in the same bathroom as me and I honestl didn't notice
I was referencing this particular post. No where in there did he say mutant. So

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i'm not trying to be combative i'm truly trying to understand your point of view because you're saying one thing and then another that is contradictory to me...
You aren't reading man.

I have said the SAME thing.

Him doing the Decision is the attention seeking part of all of this. Sure people can learn from it, but he could have went about it a different way than have a Prime Time interview about this.

Not sure how you are confused.
why?  If his seeking attention sheds light on the issue, why not use the largest platform available?
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Coming out, shedding light. I am referring to the ANNOUNCEMENT. What he did is no different than what LeBron did. Made a personal decision into a media moment.

If that isn't doing it for the limelight, I don't know what else to tell you. 
He's in the public eye, in order for him to make his transition he felt he needed to tell his side of it to the public at once instead of the media speculating and coming up with stories as to what was going on. The Paparazzi in L.A. follow this guy to no end. Now that this has been confirmed by him; I am sure he can go about his normal day now.
I was referencing this particular post. No where in there did he say mutant.

Let me put it in simpler terms since you have a issue comprehending. Calling a transgendered person anything other than transgendered or their preferred pronouns is offensive.

Don't call me Billy repeatedly if my name is Bob

Calling transgendered people transformers

Personally I prefer decepticons
Let me put it in simpler terms since you have a issue comprehending. Calling a transgendered person anything other than transgendered or their preferred pronouns is offensive.

Don't call me Billy repeatedly if my name is Bob

You took one way I took it another. You think he is calling them outside of their name in that particular post cause he did in another. I think he is saying when he is in the bathroom he isn't paying attention anyone but himself . He could've said president Obama could have walked into the bathroom or been in the bathroom and he wouldn't have noticed cause he is focused on himself and no one else. That would've been better for his case( considering how you love reaching for an argument and all). He is still saying the same thing. You're just caping for no reason. Your in a thread every week arguing with someone and reaching all over trying to build an argument. Go sit down. Enough is enough. View media item 1455951
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lol @ people being mad at him for doing this publically. He should do this quietly so we can all remain ignorant and not shed light on something a lot of people secretly struggle with.  It's ok to wear a "Blacklivesmatter" shirt on primetime while being interviewed about your experience but when someone else does it, they are making a spectacle.

When the Kardashians capitalize on this situation, I will be sure to bump this post. We ALL know it is coming.
You took one way I took it another. You think he is calling them outside of their name in that particular post cause he did in another. I think he is saying when he is in the bathroom he isn't paying attention anyone but himself . He could've said president Obama could have walked into the bathroom or been in the bathroom and he wouldn't have noticed cause he is focused on himself and no one else. That would've been better for his case( considering how you love reaching for an argument and all). He is still saying the same thing. You're just caping for no reason. Your in a thread every week arguing with someone and reaching all over trying to build an argument. Go sit down. Enough is enough.

Don't care about none of that

Calling a transgendered person anything other than transgendered or their preferred pronouns is offensive

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