Is Bruce Jenner Trolling?

I understand some of you are saying that folks need to be more tolerating, but knowing this family, how can you expect anyone NOT to look at this as a publicity stunt?

I mean dude could have done his business, someone alone, and not feeding into the circus of it all.

Somebody just Tweeted. THIS was the leading story on many news stations last night. THIS was the leading news story. For what?

A damn earthquake just killed hundreds of folks, but THIS is the lead in story?

Come on man. It is a publicity stunt
Bruh so when his transformation is done, does he go to a men's room or a women's room?
hmmmm i dont know

I watched that BS ABC special. Dude came off as narcissistic. Talmbout what he was doing was going to change the world like he was a savior or some ish. That tone of his voice during the whole interview didn't sit well with me.

Y'all keep worshipping these Tinseltown clowns then wonder bout the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer
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they gon start building transgender restrooms in 2016. i dont think men or women want them in their restroom
they gon start building transgender restrooms in 2016. i dont think men or women want them in their restroom
I feel this should happen BUT, since people want to compare every civil right's movement to the next, I know they will comeback and say, "Well should blacks have their own bathrooms too since nobody wants to use the bathroom with them."

This is just a weird topic man.

If women don't want them in their room, they are going to have to do something. The world can give 2 damns about what men want. LOL
they gon start building transgender restrooms in 2016. i dont think men or women want them in their restroom
So wait.. what if a dude becomes a transformer, but doesn't get rid of his male parts. Does that make him  a  complete transformer?
I feel this should happen BUT, since people want to compare every civil right's movement to the next, I know they will comeback and say, "Well should blacks have their own bathrooms too since nobody wants to use the bathroom with them."

This is just a weird topic man.

If women don't want them in their room, they are going to have to do something. The world can give 2 damns about what men want. LOL
Bruh how many transformers out there for them to need their own bathroom? Do they have bathrooms just for midgets?
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F is you talking about. People like you are what's wrong with society with the constant celeb worship. I watched the whole thing. Dude is narcissistic. Plain and simple. Nothing compelling
You dudes are so unbelievably ignorant, cynical, judgmental and fickle dudes. Feel bad for you cats man.:smh: watch the two hour interview which I can guarantee most of you haven't, and it will open your eyes on the transgender community. What Bruce did was shine a light on a part of society a lot of us don't understand. This message and his story will undoubtedly save lives. So until you have actually watched this, your opinion is irrelevant. It opened my eyes up and completely changed my opinion and views on him personally. The story and interview were both very compelling.
So if Chaz Bono was in the bathroom with y'all, y'all uncomfortable?

i wouldn't care. I don't be focused on anything but pissing or taking a dump in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure transfomers have been in the same bathroom as me and I honestl didn't notice

Why do you feel like it's necessary to be offensive when you discuss this topic?

Have a regular conversation and grow up man
The crazy part to me is that dudes act as if people need him to be the voice for the people that are apart of this lifestyle when you actually dont they have documentaries dealing with this same subject hell even on MTV true life they had a show about this you dont need a celebrity to cosign **** all the time a good 20/20 special with a noncelebrity would have been better most of the peole I know that watched it was on some messy wendy Williams type **** but what ever he comfortable as more power to him
So wait.. what if a dude becomes a transformer, but doesn't get rid of his male parts. Does that make him  a  complete transformer?

Bruh how many transformers out there for them to need their own bathroom? Do they have bathrooms just for midgets?
Well, people aren't complaining about midgets using their restrooms. 
I understand some of you are saying that folks need to be more tolerating, but knowing this family, how can you expect anyone NOT to look at this as a publicity stunt?

I mean dude could have done his business, someone alone, and not feeding into the circus of it all.

Somebody just Tweeted. THIS was the leading story on many news stations last night. THIS was the leading news story. For what?

A damn earthquake just killed hundreds of folks, but THIS is the lead in story?

Come on man. It is a publicity stunt
Your ignorance never ceases to amaze me, you're on NH status with the things you say.

His gender identity predates his marriage to Kris, this is something he has been dealing with since he was a young boy. His second divorce was mainly because of this. You know why this is a leading story, yet you relish in acting dumb. This is a celebrity who is doing something that isn't the norm.
Your ignorance never ceases to amaze me, you're on NH status with the things you say.

His gender identity predates his marriage to Kris, this is something he has been dealing with since he was a young boy. His second divorce was mainly because of this. You know why this is a leading story, yet you relish in acting dumb. This is a celebrity who is doing something that isn't the norm.
Sure man.

As I said, if you, or anyone else, can't understand/see how PART of this is for the publicity , you are naive. 

Call me what you want
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The crazy part to me is that dudes act as if people need him to be the voice for the people that are apart of this lifestyle when you actually dont they have documentaries dealing with this same subject hell even on MTV true life they had a show about this you dont need a celebrity to cosign **** all the time a good 20/20 special with a noncelebrity would have been better most of the peole I know that watched it was on some messy wendy Williams type **** but what ever he comfortable as more power to him

No the point is right now Bruce is the most famous transgendered person out here. He used his fame to promote the topic so it's good to get the discussion and awareness happening on a national level. There's no way a regular 9-5 with no fame would have garnered the same discussion on NT or anywhere else

For example a 12 page thread about transgendered people and not discussing if you would hit it or not
Sure man.

As I said, if you, or anyone else, can't understand/see how PART of this is for the publicity , you are naive. 

Call me what you want
Of course there is some publicity with this, he is after all a celebrity. This is not merely a stunt like a lot of the cynics in here are claiming. People who didn't watch this shouldn't even speak on it because they come off completely ignorant.

For anyone saying they aren't going to watch a 2 hour special on this, here is a recap.

They been advertising this for weeks now countless magazine covers about the story TMZ features Wendy Williams features but thinking its a publicity stunt is ignorant lol
They been advertising this for weeks now countless magazine covers about the story TMZ features Wendy Williams features but thinking its a publicity stunt is ignorant lol
Saying it is a publicity stunt is not me saying that he did the sex change to get attention.

I am saying that he could have went into a little corner somewhere, did his thing, instead of making a circus of it.

Because right now, it IS a circus.

As I said, there is no reason that should be the #1 news story of ANY day.
Who is complaining about transformers using their bathroom ?When did this become a public concern? Only time I see transformers is in DC on H street(transformer pros)
Nah, somebody just asked which bathroom they would be allowed to use
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