Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

mann speakin of avengers i just googled avengers 2 release date

2015 :x :x :x

is this real life? :x

i wanna see avengers 2 so badly now after seeing iroman 3 and i didnt even like avengers that much
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I follow movies so I'll address a few things I saw in the last pages. Marvel has worked out some sort of character swapping deal with Fox. Right now The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver from the X-Men universe are going into The Avengers 2. It might not be out of the question for Marvel to lend back stuff to the next Fantastic Four, which is definitely happening. It even has a release date, Mar 6, 2015.

As for Iron Man 3 it was ok, nothing special. I went to the first showings in Imax and I just don't see getting excited to do that for any new Marvel movies.
I liked the first one, it had a solid story that made sense with good robot actions. Also introduced us to Megan Fox.

The last two just made no sense and was all over the place. I have no hope for the 4th one considering Bay said that he is doing it because he didn't want any other director to F' it up. :lol:

i dunno man having marky mark in there instead of shia labeouf is a major upgrade alone :lol: might aswell just reunite the rock and walhberg and do a gi joe/transformers collabo.. throw tyrese and the other guy in a dumpster or some ****...

It's still Michael Bay doing the film though so it's likely going to suck either way. Plus acting-wise, I don't know about Wahlberg being an upgrade, we'll just see plenty of heavy panting and this from Marky. :lol:

it's all going to fall on the hot chick they put in the film as an eye candy. And the Rock said he was offered Wahlbergs role first but had to turn it down because he is doing Hercules so no we won't get a Pain & Gain reunion so soon.
mann speakin of avengers i just googled avengers 2 release date

2015 :x :x :x

is this real life? :x

i wanna see avengers 2 so badly now after seeing iroman 3 and i didnt even like avengers that much

I mean, that's only two years. :lol:
Chinese version of Iron Man 3 not going over well

They placed those additional "Chinese scenes" that weren't even shot by Shane Black? Wow, no wonder the movie was so bad, the producers basically piloted this movie which always results in crap.
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The Chinese scenes look out of place when compared to the overall movie. The production quality of the scenes were very low and throws off the entire film. To give an idea of how bad it looked, it was like placing a SyFy movie scene in the middle of a big budget film.
saw it last night and all the negatives I have to say about the movie have already been posted.

It all started going down hill for me when Tony all of a sudden showed up outside the mansion where the Mandarin was. With his ornament bombs and all :smh:

Then the Mandarin twist happened and I was


watched the rest of the movie with the :rolleyes but did mark when all of the armors showed up on the scene.

Tony's reaction when Pepper fell into the flames was :x :smh: . He emphasized earlier in the film that he couldnt live without her and then when that happens his reaction is extremely disingenuous.
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Yeah, when Pepper fell into the flames, I was expecting Stark to go ape ****, but he continued on basically without hesitation. I was expecting him to at least kinda go Hulk berserker mode but nada... The more I think about this movie, the more I feel I was fleeced...
enjoyed the movie.. but i obviously thought it could have been a whole lot better..

the suits were obviously UNDER used.. i get that he crash landed in tennesse, but as soon as dude was able to tap into jarvis, he should have had ANOTHER suit (or 10) sent his way

ESPECIALLY when he thought it was a good idea to go storm the "hideout"

i get using the "mark 42" suit in that initial scene, given the circumstances.. i just dont get it after he crash landed (given that he knew it was just a prototype).. and asking for a watch JUST so he could have an alarm for when the "mark 42" would be ready, makes absolutely no sense when you have 41 or whatever number of suits back home that could easily have been sent to you

and completely agree with this.. thought all his suits would go to town on killian:
Yeah, when Pepper fell into the flames, I was expecting Stark to go ape ****, but he continued on basically without hesitation. I was expecting him to at least kinda go Hulk berserker mode but nada... The more I think about this movie, the more I feel I was fleeced...
also like the scenario someone drew up in a spoiler above, about them doing a "devil doesnt exist" type of thing with the mandarin
When potts fell he probably aint go full ****** cuz he expected her to survive,based on how durable all the other lava goonies were
Going to see this Thursday on $5 night. (I'm a cheapo)

Should I see this in 3d or is this one better without?

Avengers was just OK in 3D i felt.
His reaction to Pepper's death was a bit fitting to me. He got pissed and started beating the crap out of ol' boy. I wish they had some better effects with the anxiety attacks though. Imagine seeing random flashback/dreams/foreshadowing flipping back and forth between reality and his crazy attack. 
Agree with all of the criticisms.

tony stark/ironman is nothing without jarvis
What about Pepper Potts AI?
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