honeslty...they do taste liek chocoalte milk. but the whiskey gegts to you ever awhile though, d[eendpidng on gthe type of whiskeyyou'v ehad. for me., it' was bushmills...the chepa stuff. but overall it's a great drink.
i'm going to have to suggest that you pick one or the other because right now drinking and typing is not workin out
honeslty...they do taste liek chocoalte milk. but the whiskey gegts to you ever awhile though, d[eendpidng on gthe type of whiskeyyou'v ehad. for me., it' was bushmills...the chepa stuff. but overall it's a great drink.

someone's gettin slurred
word, thats my favorite drink. I can down them "choclate milks" till i'm nice and drunk. Def my favorite
I set a record at a bar one night for # of car bombs. 12 bombs, 2 pitchers of harp. Made a complete@$*# out of myself, ahhhh college. My new best friend is aflaming Dr. Pepper
whiskey? i usually just do one pint of guiness and 1 shot of baileys
If you ordered an ICB and only got Baileys in your shot glass then you got cheated, both in alcohol content and at the register.

And IronMan pretty much had it right: an ICB can taste more or less like chocolate milk depending upon the ratio ofBaileys to whiskey in the shot glass, but it also has to do with how much Guinness is in your pint glass.
my worst ever hangover was from drinking 8 Irish Car Bombs on St. Paddy's a few years ago. That was on top of a 4 pack of Guinness. and a few other shotsof stuff.
I've only had them with a half pint of Guinness.
nice night, real bad morning.
great drink...7 in a row is my limit...after that its all bad..chocolate milk yes..but not if you try to chug it too fast after dropping in the Bailey'sand whiskey..then you get a shot followed by beer...yuck
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