In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You just read what is on the news and do not look beyond the surface, do you? Do you know who helped create these conditions and sparks them? Do you know that Western intelligence agencies and Western superpowers arm all sides under the table? Did you know that intelligence agencies assist in some of these suicide bombings you hear of in the news and even arm and prop up terrorist cells?

This is a war they created to serve their purposes.

The reason this all got worse in the worst care is because of this bogus War on Terrorism. They need these wars and this instability in the region. That is why Arabs are stupid when they play along these ethnic and sectarian lines. A united Arab people in the Middle East to push out the Western forces would be what needs to be done. But, now, they are playing along and fighting each other sparked by outside forces (the West) instead of uniting. So idiotic.

keep going
  dont stop now, please!!!
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You just read what is on the news and do not look beyond the surface, do you? Do you know who helped create these conditions and sparks them? Do you know that Western intelligence agencies and Western superpowers arm all sides under the table? Did you know that intelligence agencies assist in some of these suicide bombings you hear of in the news and even arm and prop up terrorist cells?

This is a war they created to serve their purposes.

The reason this all got worse in the worst care is because of this bogus War on Terrorism. They need these wars and this instability in the region. That is why Arabs are stupid when they play along these ethnic and sectarian lines. A united Arab people in the Middle East to push out the Western forces would be what needs to be done. But, now, they are playing along and fighting each other sparked by outside forces (the West) instead of uniting. So idiotic.

keep going
  dont stop now, please!!!
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You just read what is on the news and do not look beyond the surface, do you? Do you know who helped create these conditions and sparks them? Do you know that Western intelligence agencies and Western superpowers arm all sides under the table? Did you know that intelligence agencies assist in some of these suicide bombings you hear of in the news and even arm and prop up terrorist cells?

This is a war they created to serve their purposes.

The reason this all got worse in the worst care is because of this bogus War on Terrorism. They need these wars and this instability in the region. That is why Arabs are stupid when they play along these ethnic and sectarian lines. A united Arab people in the Middle East to push out the Western forces would be what needs to be done. But, now, they are playing along and fighting each other sparked by outside forces (the West) instead of uniting. So idiotic.
What purpose is it to look beyond the surface when it's a FACT that 70 people died from a suicide bomber and a militant group in Iraq claimed responsibility... Oh wait... it's a conspiracy. And off course you're going to post credible information that supports your theory right?  global what again?   
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You just read what is on the news and do not look beyond the surface, do you? Do you know who helped create these conditions and sparks them? Do you know that Western intelligence agencies and Western superpowers arm all sides under the table? Did you know that intelligence agencies assist in some of these suicide bombings you hear of in the news and even arm and prop up terrorist cells?

This is a war they created to serve their purposes.

The reason this all got worse in the worst care is because of this bogus War on Terrorism. They need these wars and this instability in the region. That is why Arabs are stupid when they play along these ethnic and sectarian lines. A united Arab people in the Middle East to push out the Western forces would be what needs to be done. But, now, they are playing along and fighting each other sparked by outside forces (the West) instead of uniting. So idiotic.
What purpose is it to look beyond the surface when it's a FACT that 70 people died from a suicide bomber and a militant group in Iraq claimed responsibility... Oh wait... it's a conspiracy. And off course you're going to post credible information that supports your theory right?  global what again?   
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

keep going
  dont stop now, please!!!
Oh,it's you again.

How about you provide some insight and discussion when you reply to my posts instead of lol'ing? But, nevermind, this is all beyond your comprehension and ability to discuss in a mature way. Can't count on you to provide a mature debate with your lack of intelligence and maturity. How about you keep going and showing your insipid and immature self? Carry on. If you don't have the capability to provide any mature or valuable discussion to the table, then by all means, embarass yourself some more.

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

keep going
  dont stop now, please!!!
Oh,it's you again.

How about you provide some insight and discussion when you reply to my posts instead of lol'ing? But, nevermind, this is all beyond your comprehension and ability to discuss in a mature way. Can't count on you to provide a mature debate with your lack of intelligence and maturity. How about you keep going and showing your insipid and immature self? Carry on. If you don't have the capability to provide any mature or valuable discussion to the table, then by all means, embarass yourself some more.

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

As long as people are thinking beings, you will never be successful in defeating an idea because it does not exist physically, but mentally in the minds of individuals.

This war on "terror" is bs period.

Ok so it's BS then how do you stop something like this then?
Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You address the issues that started the war. Unfairness and the oil economy in general. All that stuff people saying about how muslims are violent is because they are acting in response and in retaliation to invaders. The foreign policy put in place over there is a form of invasion. Curfew for them is an invasion. Deomocracy for them is an invasion. 
The oil economy goes beyond gas prices. Most materials we use daily are derivatives of oil (i.e. polyester,petroleum jelly). It is insane and not economically sustainable to have an economy tied solely to the livelihood of one commodity like oil. 

You ask how do you stop it? By not being over there in the first place and stop making it government policy to go and kick over bee hives around the world and causing a sensational media stir when the bee's attack back.

All this could be solved by creating sustainable economies vs. capitalistic supply and demand economies fueled by market/ credit speculation.

So if the US removes every single US personnel in the Middle East... .the terrorists will start playing nice.  
Occupying? Invasion?  I didn't know building schools, improving govt infrastructure, providing security to the Iraqi citizens, pouring billions into the economy of Iraq is what invading countries do.   Hmmmmm.... 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

As long as people are thinking beings, you will never be successful in defeating an idea because it does not exist physically, but mentally in the minds of individuals.

This war on "terror" is bs period.

Ok so it's BS then how do you stop something like this then?
Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You address the issues that started the war. Unfairness and the oil economy in general. All that stuff people saying about how muslims are violent is because they are acting in response and in retaliation to invaders. The foreign policy put in place over there is a form of invasion. Curfew for them is an invasion. Deomocracy for them is an invasion. 
The oil economy goes beyond gas prices. Most materials we use daily are derivatives of oil (i.e. polyester,petroleum jelly). It is insane and not economically sustainable to have an economy tied solely to the livelihood of one commodity like oil. 

You ask how do you stop it? By not being over there in the first place and stop making it government policy to go and kick over bee hives around the world and causing a sensational media stir when the bee's attack back.

All this could be solved by creating sustainable economies vs. capitalistic supply and demand economies fueled by market/ credit speculation.

So if the US removes every single US personnel in the Middle East... .the terrorists will start playing nice.  
Occupying? Invasion?  I didn't know building schools, improving govt infrastructure, providing security to the Iraqi citizens, pouring billions into the economy of Iraq is what invading countries do.   Hmmmmm.... 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

keep going
  dont stop now, please!!!
Oh,it's you again.

How about you provide some insight and discussion when you reply to my posts instead of lol'ing? But, nevermind, this is all beyond your comprehension and ability to discuss in a mature way. Can't count on you to provide a mature debate with your lack of intelligence and maturity. How about you keep going and showing your insipid and immature self? Carry on. If you don't have the capability to provide any mature or valuable discussion to the table, then by all means, embarass yourself some more.


youre trying to hard

keep spewing conspiracies and oxymorons, why did you stop? I'm dead serious. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

keep going
  dont stop now, please!!!
Oh,it's you again.

How about you provide some insight and discussion when you reply to my posts instead of lol'ing? But, nevermind, this is all beyond your comprehension and ability to discuss in a mature way. Can't count on you to provide a mature debate with your lack of intelligence and maturity. How about you keep going and showing your insipid and immature self? Carry on. If you don't have the capability to provide any mature or valuable discussion to the table, then by all means, embarass yourself some more.


youre trying to hard

keep spewing conspiracies and oxymorons, why did you stop? I'm dead serious. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ok so it's BS then how do you stop something like this then?
Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  
You address the issues that started the war. Unfairness and the oil economy in general. All that stuff people saying about how muslims are violent is because they are acting in response and in retaliation to invaders. The foreign policy put in place over there is a form of invasion. Curfew for them is an invasion. Deomocracy for them is an invasion. 
The oil economy goes beyond gas prices. Most materials we use daily are derivatives of oil (i.e. polyester,petroleum jelly). It is insane and not economically sustainable to have an economy tied solely to the livelihood of one commodity like oil. 

You ask how do you stop it? By not being over there in the first place and stop making it government policy to go and kick over bee hives around the world and causing a sensational media stir when the bee's attack back.

All this could be solved by creating sustainable economies vs. capitalistic supply and demand economies fueled by market/ credit speculation.
So if the US removes every single US personnel in the Middle East... .the terrorists will start playing nice.  
Occupying? Invasion?  I didn't know building schools, improving govt infrastructure, providing security to the Iraqi citizens, pouring billions into the economy of Iraq is what invading countries do.   Hmmmmm.... 

No. It's the point of no return as far as military deployment. Think about All the oil companies and gov't interest around the world that say they'll build schools and fix this and that. You may see a picture on the news that will satisfy you in thinking the govt is helping the infrastructure of 3rd world country, but in reality it hardly ever happens and when they do, it's piss poor.  You can believe in what you think is happening all you want. The truth is the truth. 
Why don't you show where a infrastructure rebuilding projects has been successful 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ok so it's BS then how do you stop something like this then?
Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  
You address the issues that started the war. Unfairness and the oil economy in general. All that stuff people saying about how muslims are violent is because they are acting in response and in retaliation to invaders. The foreign policy put in place over there is a form of invasion. Curfew for them is an invasion. Deomocracy for them is an invasion. 
The oil economy goes beyond gas prices. Most materials we use daily are derivatives of oil (i.e. polyester,petroleum jelly). It is insane and not economically sustainable to have an economy tied solely to the livelihood of one commodity like oil. 

You ask how do you stop it? By not being over there in the first place and stop making it government policy to go and kick over bee hives around the world and causing a sensational media stir when the bee's attack back.

All this could be solved by creating sustainable economies vs. capitalistic supply and demand economies fueled by market/ credit speculation.
So if the US removes every single US personnel in the Middle East... .the terrorists will start playing nice.  
Occupying? Invasion?  I didn't know building schools, improving govt infrastructure, providing security to the Iraqi citizens, pouring billions into the economy of Iraq is what invading countries do.   Hmmmmm.... 

No. It's the point of no return as far as military deployment. Think about All the oil companies and gov't interest around the world that say they'll build schools and fix this and that. You may see a picture on the news that will satisfy you in thinking the govt is helping the infrastructure of 3rd world country, but in reality it hardly ever happens and when they do, it's piss poor.  You can believe in what you think is happening all you want. The truth is the truth. 
Why don't you show where a infrastructure rebuilding projects has been successful 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

  What purpose is it to look beyond the surface when it's a FACT that 70 people died from a suicide bomber and a militant group in Iraq claimed responsibility... Oh wait... it's a conspiracy. And off course you're going to post credible information that supports your theory right?  global what again?   
Yes, some terrorist cells are surely responsible for these suicide bombings. I am just telling you that it is a lot more complex then you think of it then what you see on the surface and hear on the news. Some of them are assisted behind the scenes by your government;s intelligence agencies. Look into double agents and sleeper assassins. What about the Arab CIA asset and turned double agent who turned on the CIA and went on a rampage and killed CIA members in Afghanistan due to what they made him do? What about that news story years ago of catching American spies/intelligence officers plotting bombs in cars in Iraq? 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

  What purpose is it to look beyond the surface when it's a FACT that 70 people died from a suicide bomber and a militant group in Iraq claimed responsibility... Oh wait... it's a conspiracy. And off course you're going to post credible information that supports your theory right?  global what again?   
Yes, some terrorist cells are surely responsible for these suicide bombings. I am just telling you that it is a lot more complex then you think of it then what you see on the surface and hear on the news. Some of them are assisted behind the scenes by your government;s intelligence agencies. Look into double agents and sleeper assassins. What about the Arab CIA asset and turned double agent who turned on the CIA and went on a rampage and killed CIA members in Afghanistan due to what they made him do? What about that news story years ago of catching American spies/intelligence officers plotting bombs in cars in Iraq? 
Originally Posted by Wr

No. It's the point of no return as far as military deployment. Think about All the oil companies and gov't interest around the world that say they'll build schools and fix this and that. You may see a picture on the news that will satisfy you in thinking the govt is helping the infrastructure of 3rd world country, but in reality it hardly ever happens and when they do, it's piss poor.  You can believe in what you think is happening all you want. The truth is the truth. 
Why don't you show where a infrastructure rebuilding projects has been successful 

This is one of the not-for profit groups my family donates to annually.

I should post letters my family have received from Afghanistan children and parents whom now can read and write.  They thank us for giving them books, providing them school supplies, school uniforms, etc.  But I am sure you and the Taliban would rather have these kids stay illiterate correct?
Originally Posted by Wr

No. It's the point of no return as far as military deployment. Think about All the oil companies and gov't interest around the world that say they'll build schools and fix this and that. You may see a picture on the news that will satisfy you in thinking the govt is helping the infrastructure of 3rd world country, but in reality it hardly ever happens and when they do, it's piss poor.  You can believe in what you think is happening all you want. The truth is the truth. 
Why don't you show where a infrastructure rebuilding projects has been successful 

This is one of the not-for profit groups my family donates to annually.

I should post letters my family have received from Afghanistan children and parents whom now can read and write.  They thank us for giving them books, providing them school supplies, school uniforms, etc.  But I am sure you and the Taliban would rather have these kids stay illiterate correct?
9/10 there was some underhanded stuff done on 9/11. However, we will never know truly. We still don't know the story behind the JFK or MLK assassinations
9/10 there was some underhanded stuff done on 9/11. However, we will never know truly. We still don't know the story behind the JFK or MLK assassinations
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

youre trying to hard

keep spewing conspiracies and oxymorons, why did you stop? I'm dead serious. 
 Typical and predictable of you. As if you're not trying hard enough to stay on my tip by typing lol smiley faces and replying with nonsensical remarks with your lame failed attempts at shots. That's all you can seem to replywith since a mature discussion is beyond your capability.

Expected from someone with a peanut of a brain. 


Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

youre trying to hard

keep spewing conspiracies and oxymorons, why did you stop? I'm dead serious. 
 Typical and predictable of you. As if you're not trying hard enough to stay on my tip by typing lol smiley faces and replying with nonsensical remarks with your lame failed attempts at shots. That's all you can seem to replywith since a mature discussion is beyond your capability.

Expected from someone with a peanut of a brain. 


Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

No. It's the point of no return as far as military deployment. Think about All the oil companies and gov't interest around the world that say they'll build schools and fix this and that. You may see a picture on the news that will satisfy you in thinking the govt is helping the infrastructure of 3rd world country, but in reality it hardly ever happens and when they do, it's piss poor.  You can believe in what you think is happening all you want. The truth is the truth. 
Why don't you show where a infrastructure rebuilding projects has been successful 

This is one of the not-for profit groups my family donates to annually.

I should post letters my family have received from Afghanistan children and parents whom now can read and write.  They thank us for giving them books, providing them school supplies, school uniforms, etc.  But I am sure you and the Taliban would rather have these kids stay illiterate correct 

Why don't you make your point without adding words to mine 

I hope you realize how much these non-profits have failed across the board around the world, but you don't. 
You got countries that us companies have invested millions in business operations and turn over billions in profits, yet the thousands they put to the side for building roads, schools, hospitals don't cut it. 

If you get injured and need surgery, why don't you go over to Iraq and have surgery so you can see your dollars at work.

Why don't you send your kids and suggest to your other friends with kids that you can go to school in Iraq and receive a competitive education since your dollars are making things perfect over there.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

No. It's the point of no return as far as military deployment. Think about All the oil companies and gov't interest around the world that say they'll build schools and fix this and that. You may see a picture on the news that will satisfy you in thinking the govt is helping the infrastructure of 3rd world country, but in reality it hardly ever happens and when they do, it's piss poor.  You can believe in what you think is happening all you want. The truth is the truth. 
Why don't you show where a infrastructure rebuilding projects has been successful 

This is one of the not-for profit groups my family donates to annually.

I should post letters my family have received from Afghanistan children and parents whom now can read and write.  They thank us for giving them books, providing them school supplies, school uniforms, etc.  But I am sure you and the Taliban would rather have these kids stay illiterate correct 

Why don't you make your point without adding words to mine 

I hope you realize how much these non-profits have failed across the board around the world, but you don't. 
You got countries that us companies have invested millions in business operations and turn over billions in profits, yet the thousands they put to the side for building roads, schools, hospitals don't cut it. 

If you get injured and need surgery, why don't you go over to Iraq and have surgery so you can see your dollars at work.

Why don't you send your kids and suggest to your other friends with kids that you can go to school in Iraq and receive a competitive education since your dollars are making things perfect over there.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

youre trying to hard

keep spewing conspiracies and oxymorons, why did you stop? I'm dead serious. 
 Typical and predictable of you. As if you're not trying hard enough to stay on my tip by typing lol smiley faces and replying with nonsensical remarks with your lame failed attempts at shots. That's all you can seem to replywith since a mature discussion is beyond your capability.

Expected from someone with a peanut of a brain. 



oh shut up and report me already
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