In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by AJ fanatic

Billy Bloodbath ... You can't sit here and act as if no one in the military questions the motives of the US Govt. I too am a military man and have been for the past 14 years and have questioned, at times, the goals of our leaders and the "what's really going on." I'm not going to say that there is or there isn't govt cover up. I do know that things are sketchy and there are no answers to many questions Americans have.

I've served many tours in deployed locations and most recently returned Oct 2010. I can say that I've been close to the fighting without giving details of what I do. Sometimes things don't add up but I do what I swore to my country I would do.

I'm not saying that either of you are right or wrong but it seems that you two should just respect each other's the opinions and gracefully agree to disagree.
Well I hope that you caught the gist of my recent comment because I certainly do respect his position and have respected him from his past posts. 
Of course I question things... I'm not an ant whose main goal is to serve a queen. But as you said: when I'm given an assignment I will carry it through. I love what I do and I love that I'm serving my country.

What branch are you in? One of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children reporting in.
Going back in 9 days... wish me luck. 

My man.


I respect every man serving and protecting the country but my question is what if you were to find out that the motives going to war weren't worth dying for? That this country really doesn't need protection because the middle east is on the other side of the world and we're invading THEIR space and if they want to be left alone we should simply leave them alone and let them handle their business in their way. This is like going to somebody else's household and telling them how they should run their house. I believe their are inalienable human rights that should be protected, but it really seems like the war in the Middle East is a resource war, like most wars are. If it's for oil, we don't really need oil, cars can be made to run on plenty of things other than oil. But it is a choice to have them run on oil because it is a limited resource. Petroleum is also used to make a lot of products that are synthesized that Americans use everyday I guess that can be one reason we want the land. There is water, air and sun energy that is infinite, all there needs to be is more equipment built to harness it. So if we can really sustain ourselves and do business with nations as far as import/export for the materials we need to sustain life in our country why are we going to war? The whole basis of this war is that we're fighting terrorism. You don't start wars on terrorism even if there are so called terrorists because that's like fighting ninjas in the dark, they can be anywhere at anytime. You just ante up the defenses you don't go out looking for a fight, a lot of innocent civilians are being killed for one small group of terrorists, who might not possibly be responsible. Until questions are answered I really don't think we should be fighting for anything. I feel for those of you who have lost friends or relatives and that in turn causes hate for a group of people but if this country never sent anyone over there to begin with your loved ones wouldn't have to be sacrificed. One really should know the true cause of what we're fighting for if we're going to go to war. If not you're just blindly fighting without any true motives
I respect every man serving and protecting the country but my question is what if you were to find out that the motives going to war weren't worth dying for? That this country really doesn't need protection because the middle east is on the other side of the world and we're invading THEIR space and if they want to be left alone we should simply leave them alone and let them handle their business in their way. This is like going to somebody else's household and telling them how they should run their house. I believe their are inalienable human rights that should be protected, but it really seems like the war in the Middle East is a resource war, like most wars are. If it's for oil, we don't really need oil, cars can be made to run on plenty of things other than oil. But it is a choice to have them run on oil because it is a limited resource. Petroleum is also used to make a lot of products that are synthesized that Americans use everyday I guess that can be one reason we want the land. There is water, air and sun energy that is infinite, all there needs to be is more equipment built to harness it. So if we can really sustain ourselves and do business with nations as far as import/export for the materials we need to sustain life in our country why are we going to war? The whole basis of this war is that we're fighting terrorism. You don't start wars on terrorism even if there are so called terrorists because that's like fighting ninjas in the dark, they can be anywhere at anytime. You just ante up the defenses you don't go out looking for a fight, a lot of innocent civilians are being killed for one small group of terrorists, who might not possibly be responsible. Until questions are answered I really don't think we should be fighting for anything. I feel for those of you who have lost friends or relatives and that in turn causes hate for a group of people but if this country never sent anyone over there to begin with your loved ones wouldn't have to be sacrificed. One really should know the true cause of what we're fighting for if we're going to go to war. If not you're just blindly fighting without any true motives
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 

How about I post you pictures of all the children, women, elderly, and men that were killed during airstrikes in the bombings in Iraq by the military you serve for. Or how about I post pictures of the "collateral damage" or raids the military you serve for conducted on civilians? Abu Ghraib?

For some reason, you are acting as holier than thou and as if you possess some morale ground when the military you serve for has killed and tortured civilians on many occasions in cold blood in these wars.  

And yes, I went there...because you went there.

You are talking like the mistakes made during the Iraq war were all commited with the intent to hurt innocent civilians. You act like the people my country fought there didn't put their own people in harms way. How many suicide bombers and IEDs have killed their own people? Urban warfare is a totally new concept that the US military made major mistakes with. They made mistakes but the "intention was good." I will admit it is a lose-lose situation when the attackers look like the victims.

Do you feel there has been not one shred of good been done there?
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I understand for the soldiers it becomes a personal thing and that's what keeps them going. My father served 3 tours as a combat helo pilot for the Soviets in a similar dirty war in Afghanistan so I do have sympathy for those over there. It's no cakewalk going into someone else's backyard. However,  years later when he grew older he realized how much of a waste it was. Both lives and money. 
You're acting as if they came here and did that. 
You are over there, on their land, and they're pissed. Why are you so surprised? 

Wouldn't we do the same thing if someone came over here? If some foreigners came and started wreaking havoc in my country, I'd hope that my country men wouldn't stand idly by. 

It's like the foreign peace activists in Israel getting in front of the bulldozers and getting run over. Then they complain? 

I have sympathy for the @%*@+#%* situation that the soldiers have been put in. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that we shouldn't be over there in the first place. 

On September 11th, they were here... and over 3000 of my fellow countrymen and women died as a result. They did come here. They did do that. 
Surprised? No, But what sickens me is a complete disregard for human life. Barbecuing a fellow human being? Americans did that... in the 1960s. Would we do that now? Would we cheer and post peace signs in front of the camera showing this charred human being who was screaming for his life? 

And to touch on that for a second... ever seen a child running towards you for help only to be detonated? Ever removed a child's skin and hair from your uniform? This is the lack of compassion and respect for human life that I've dealt with. 


That's cute isn't it? This happens all the time in our country... you know... prodding a fellow human being with a shovel while he doesn't have a head, forearms, shins, or feet?? Totally cool... I just saw that the other day in my neighborhood.

I like your posts but this time I simply don't agree with you but hope you can see my point in this all.

Last questions: Have you ever seen somebody die? Have you spoken with your father about things he may have seen? What have you done? What is your story? While I'm up for yet another tour in Afghanistan and I'm biding my time... what are YOU doing? Who is the last person that you've helped? What did you do? What have you seen? Who are you? Where are you from and (no offense) what are you good for? How have you given back to this country, the one I fight for? 

How about I post you pictures of all the children, women, elderly, and men that were killed during airstrikes in the bombings in Iraq by the military you serve for. Or how about I post pictures of the "collateral damage" or raids the military you serve for conducted on civilians? Abu Ghraib?

For some reason, you are acting as holier than thou and as if you possess some morale ground when the military you serve for has killed and tortured civilians on many occasions in cold blood in these wars.  

And yes, I went there...because you went there.

You are talking like the mistakes made during the Iraq war were all commited with the intent to hurt innocent civilians. You act like the people my country fought there didn't put their own people in harms way. How many suicide bombers and IEDs have killed their own people? Urban warfare is a totally new concept that the US military made major mistakes with. They made mistakes but the "intention was good." I will admit it is a lose-lose situation when the attackers look like the victims.

Do you feel there has been not one shred of good been done there?
Originally Posted by Sundizzle

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

so because you "protect us" (which is $#%@*%$!) THAT'S why yall take such "honor" in joinin the military... last i checked all yall do is the govts bidding which doesn't always "protect us (americans)". the military is just full of contract killers that try to uphold "democracy" across the world for whatever motives. protect our liberty??? really, when has that been in jeopardy? *ahem* patriot act *ahem* so do you REALLY protect OUR liberty?

say it comes out that all this stuff is true, do you hold the same stance?
Some people simply have no respect, no respect.

As I said before, I protect every citizen of my country... even the ones who don't respect me. 
Sadly, their is not the same 'honor' in joining the military as their was during our parent's/grandparent's generation.  The bottom ranks of the military seem to be filled with a lot of people that couldn't cut it in school, etc (perception, maybe not reality).  At least in California, that is the attitude most people have about the military.  Most people are still respectful, but our understanding of WHAT the military (etc) does is propaganda nowadays.  More to say later.

The military does propaganda nowadays? Many of you don't understand that the threat of our military is why we have many of the liberties as americans. If our military wasn't the way it is now, we wouldn't have a "free" society.

Both of my parents served and I served proudly and would do it again. I joined and served not because I couldn't cut it in school but because I wanted to.
Originally Posted by Sundizzle

Originally Posted by Billy BloodBath

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

so because you "protect us" (which is $#%@*%$!) THAT'S why yall take such "honor" in joinin the military... last i checked all yall do is the govts bidding which doesn't always "protect us (americans)". the military is just full of contract killers that try to uphold "democracy" across the world for whatever motives. protect our liberty??? really, when has that been in jeopardy? *ahem* patriot act *ahem* so do you REALLY protect OUR liberty?

say it comes out that all this stuff is true, do you hold the same stance?
Some people simply have no respect, no respect.

As I said before, I protect every citizen of my country... even the ones who don't respect me. 
Sadly, their is not the same 'honor' in joining the military as their was during our parent's/grandparent's generation.  The bottom ranks of the military seem to be filled with a lot of people that couldn't cut it in school, etc (perception, maybe not reality).  At least in California, that is the attitude most people have about the military.  Most people are still respectful, but our understanding of WHAT the military (etc) does is propaganda nowadays.  More to say later.

The military does propaganda nowadays? Many of you don't understand that the threat of our military is why we have many of the liberties as americans. If our military wasn't the way it is now, we wouldn't have a "free" society.

Both of my parents served and I served proudly and would do it again. I joined and served not because I couldn't cut it in school but because I wanted to.
My only issue with these threads is so many people on both sides voice their opinions on issues which they honestly aren't schooled on enough to voice opinions.

People speaking on the inner workings of militaries, international law, and rules of engagement when they've never bothered to research any of these themselves. They've only watched a youtube video or bbc report.

People who absolutely refuse to accept that the US gov't might be wrong.

Conspiracy theorists coming out left field spewing nonsense that if they ever took the opportunity to look into they'd realize simply can't be true.

Sometimes these threads spawn some good debates but a lot of the time, most of the time, they're all bad.
My only issue with these threads is so many people on both sides voice their opinions on issues which they honestly aren't schooled on enough to voice opinions.

People speaking on the inner workings of militaries, international law, and rules of engagement when they've never bothered to research any of these themselves. They've only watched a youtube video or bbc report.

People who absolutely refuse to accept that the US gov't might be wrong.

Conspiracy theorists coming out left field spewing nonsense that if they ever took the opportunity to look into they'd realize simply can't be true.

Sometimes these threads spawn some good debates but a lot of the time, most of the time, they're all bad.
All good and dandy about fighting a war with a true cause but it's all blah blah blah to me.  
Whatever the reasons are on why the US declared a war against terrorism whether it's due to conspiracy or whatever... today in 2011 there are a ton of Middle Easterners that are willing to die and do whatever it takes to kill American citizens. That is a FACT.  

So THANK YOU Service Members for doing your part in protecting our Nation. 
All good and dandy about fighting a war with a true cause but it's all blah blah blah to me.  
Whatever the reasons are on why the US declared a war against terrorism whether it's due to conspiracy or whatever... today in 2011 there are a ton of Middle Easterners that are willing to die and do whatever it takes to kill American citizens. That is a FACT.  

So THANK YOU Service Members for doing your part in protecting our Nation. 
As long as people are thinking beings, you will never be successful in defeating an idea because it does not exist physically, but mentally in the minds of individuals.

This war on "terror" is bs period.
As long as people are thinking beings, you will never be successful in defeating an idea because it does not exist physically, but mentally in the minds of individuals.

This war on "terror" is bs period.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

You are talking like the mistakes made during the Iraq war were all commited with the intent to hurt innocent civilians. You act like the people my country fought there didn't put their own people in harms way. How many suicide bombers and IEDs have killed their own people? Urban warfare is a totally new concept that the US military made major mistakes with. They made mistakes but the "intention was good." I will admit it is a lose-lose situation when the attackers look like the victims.

Do you feel there has been not one shred of good been done there?
But then where are the lines blurred? It is an occupation, plain and simple. Foreign troops come along and bomb and drop missiles in your backyard, and raid your houses and take away your valuables and in a lot of cases commit war crimes. This is not just a few bad apples either. That is systemic and how conventional warfare works.

This happens in EVERY war, but somehow the troops of democratic countries when they do this, oh is "collateral damage".

The Middle East has been going through imperialist colonizations and conquests by Western superpowers for centuries, and it has always been the same. Divide and conquer, take their resources and take advantage of the people.

These are the same Western superpowers that are the ones that propped these dictators and sometimes armed them in the first place to kill their own people. (ie. Supporting and arming Saddam in the 80s during the Iran-Iraq war and propping up and helping the Taliban take over Afghanistan in 1996), and did not care when these governments were slaughtering the people when they were supporting and arming them. But hey, we have interests at stake, let's go in there and create wars and pilage the people and villages in the name of "protecting them" and now getting rid of these monsters that we created which turned on us.

It is the same Emperor in New Clothes. It is the same mentality of the colonialists thinking it is the "white man's burden" to "save" "uncivilized, and primitive" populations of "Third World" nations all the while they kill them and take their resources. But, this time, they do it under the disguise of "freedom" and "spreading democracy".

We know what it is. And no, thanks, leave, we don't want you. Why do you think the Middle East harbors such animosity towards the West? They have @%%$!$ us over and over throughout history and come to our countries and make wars to only steal us and kill us. Same story and it will never change. Don't think there is any good out of it. They don't care about us. They only have corporate interests at heart.

Originally Posted by juggy4805

You are talking like the mistakes made during the Iraq war were all commited with the intent to hurt innocent civilians. You act like the people my country fought there didn't put their own people in harms way. How many suicide bombers and IEDs have killed their own people? Urban warfare is a totally new concept that the US military made major mistakes with. They made mistakes but the "intention was good." I will admit it is a lose-lose situation when the attackers look like the victims.

Do you feel there has been not one shred of good been done there?
But then where are the lines blurred? It is an occupation, plain and simple. Foreign troops come along and bomb and drop missiles in your backyard, and raid your houses and take away your valuables and in a lot of cases commit war crimes. This is not just a few bad apples either. That is systemic and how conventional warfare works.

This happens in EVERY war, but somehow the troops of democratic countries when they do this, oh is "collateral damage".

The Middle East has been going through imperialist colonizations and conquests by Western superpowers for centuries, and it has always been the same. Divide and conquer, take their resources and take advantage of the people.

These are the same Western superpowers that are the ones that propped these dictators and sometimes armed them in the first place to kill their own people. (ie. Supporting and arming Saddam in the 80s during the Iran-Iraq war and propping up and helping the Taliban take over Afghanistan in 1996), and did not care when these governments were slaughtering the people when they were supporting and arming them. But hey, we have interests at stake, let's go in there and create wars and pilage the people and villages in the name of "protecting them" and now getting rid of these monsters that we created which turned on us.

It is the same Emperor in New Clothes. It is the same mentality of the colonialists thinking it is the "white man's burden" to "save" "uncivilized, and primitive" populations of "Third World" nations all the while they kill them and take their resources. But, this time, they do it under the disguise of "freedom" and "spreading democracy".

We know what it is. And no, thanks, leave, we don't want you. Why do you think the Middle East harbors such animosity towards the West? They have @%%$!$ us over and over throughout history and come to our countries and make wars to only steal us and kill us. Same story and it will never change. Don't think there is any good out of it. They don't care about us. They only have corporate interests at heart.

Originally Posted by Wr

As long as people are thinking beings, you will never be successful in defeating an idea because it does not exist physically, but mentally in the minds of individuals.

This war on "terror" is bs period.

Ok so it's BS then how do you stop something like this then?

BAGHDAD — Al-Qaeda's offshoot in Iraq on Monday claimed a suicide car bombing that killed 24 policemen south of Baghdad last week and vowed revenge attacks in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death.

The group's statements on a jihadist Internet forum came shortly after Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Al-Qaeda was "likely" to seek revenge for bin Laden's killing by striking Iraq.

"The Al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq claimed responsibility for the May 5th suicide bombing in the city of Hilla in Babil province of Iraq in a communique issued on jihadist forums on" Monday, US monitoring group SITE Intelligence said in a statement.

The Hilla attack, where a suicide bomber detonated an explosives-packed car at a police station and killed 24 policemen and wounded 72 others, came just three days after Al-Qaeda founder bin Laden was killed in a covert US commando raid in Pakistan.

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  
Originally Posted by Wr

As long as people are thinking beings, you will never be successful in defeating an idea because it does not exist physically, but mentally in the minds of individuals.

This war on "terror" is bs period.

Ok so it's BS then how do you stop something like this then?

BAGHDAD — Al-Qaeda's offshoot in Iraq on Monday claimed a suicide car bombing that killed 24 policemen south of Baghdad last week and vowed revenge attacks in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death.

The group's statements on a jihadist Internet forum came shortly after Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Al-Qaeda was "likely" to seek revenge for bin Laden's killing by striking Iraq.

"The Al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq claimed responsibility for the May 5th suicide bombing in the city of Hilla in Babil province of Iraq in a communique issued on jihadist forums on" Monday, US monitoring group SITE Intelligence said in a statement.

The Hilla attack, where a suicide bomber detonated an explosives-packed car at a police station and killed 24 policemen and wounded 72 others, came just three days after Al-Qaeda founder bin Laden was killed in a covert US commando raid in Pakistan.

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You just read what is on the news and do not look beyond the surface, do you? Do you know who helped create these conditions and sparks them? Do you know that Western intelligence agencies and Western superpowers arm all sides under the table? Did you know that intelligence agencies assist in some of these suicide bombings you hear of in the news and even arm and prop up terrorist cells?

This is a war they created to serve their purposes.

The reason this all got worse in the worst care is because of this bogus War on Terrorism. They need these wars and this instability in the region. That is why Arabs are stupid when they play along these ethnic and sectarian lines. A united Arab people in the Middle East to push out the Western forces would be what needs to be done. But, now, they are playing along and fighting each other sparked by outside forces (the West) instead of uniting. So idiotic.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You just read what is on the news and do not look beyond the surface, do you? Do you know who helped create these conditions and sparks them? Do you know that Western intelligence agencies and Western superpowers arm all sides under the table? Did you know that intelligence agencies assist in some of these suicide bombings you hear of in the news and even arm and prop up terrorist cells?

This is a war they created to serve their purposes.

The reason this all got worse in the worst care is because of this bogus War on Terrorism. They need these wars and this instability in the region. That is why Arabs are stupid when they play along these ethnic and sectarian lines. A united Arab people in the Middle East to push out the Western forces would be what needs to be done. But, now, they are playing along and fighting each other sparked by outside forces (the West) instead of uniting. So idiotic.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

I'm surprised this thread has lasted this long and with even sided viewpoints. Years ago, a thread like this would be laughed at. I like what I am seeing here.

Does anyone else check out various 911 messageboards like They bring some truly valid points...

-EXIF data of various "victims" with prewritten obituaries dated as of 9/11/2001.
-'Victims' who appear to have fake obit. images. Ie morphed photos... blacked out pupils...

Just some crazy stuff that hasn't hit mainstream yet.
Go on...

To me, this is the disconnect, the phone call recordings from flight 93 are pretty iffy from what I remember, also, about the pentagon flight, it seems to have the most holes in its "findings" 

Just to start things off:

Below each first post is an INDEX with more links. Not to say anything is concrete, and some of it may be a stretch, but it really gets you thinking. So many amazing movie like once in a million stories being laid out and for years we read it and just took it all in stride.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

I'm surprised this thread has lasted this long and with even sided viewpoints. Years ago, a thread like this would be laughed at. I like what I am seeing here.

Does anyone else check out various 911 messageboards like They bring some truly valid points...

-EXIF data of various "victims" with prewritten obituaries dated as of 9/11/2001.
-'Victims' who appear to have fake obit. images. Ie morphed photos... blacked out pupils...

Just some crazy stuff that hasn't hit mainstream yet.
Go on...

To me, this is the disconnect, the phone call recordings from flight 93 are pretty iffy from what I remember, also, about the pentagon flight, it seems to have the most holes in its "findings" 

Just to start things off:

Below each first post is an INDEX with more links. Not to say anything is concrete, and some of it may be a stretch, but it really gets you thinking. So many amazing movie like once in a million stories being laid out and for years we read it and just took it all in stride.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

As long as people are thinking beings, you will never be successful in defeating an idea because it does not exist physically, but mentally in the minds of individuals.

This war on "terror" is bs period.

Ok so it's BS then how do you stop something like this then?

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You address the issues that started the war. Unfairness and the oil economy in general. All that stuff people saying about how muslims are violent is because they are acting in response and in retaliation to invaders. The foreign policy put in place over there is a form of invasion. Curfew for them is an invasion. Deomocracy for them is an invasion. 
The oil economy goes beyond gas prices. Most materials we use daily are derivatives of oil (i.e. polyester,petroleum jelly). It is insane and not economically sustainable to have an economy tied solely to the livelihood of one commodity like oil. 

You ask how do you stop it? By not being over there in the first place and stop making it government policy to go and kick over bee hives around the world and causing a sensational media stir when the bee's attack back.

All this could be solved by creating sustainable economies vs. capitalistic supply and demand economies fueled by market/ credit speculation.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Wr

As long as people are thinking beings, you will never be successful in defeating an idea because it does not exist physically, but mentally in the minds of individuals.

This war on "terror" is bs period.

Ok so it's BS then how do you stop something like this then?

Ask them to come over for milk and cookies and ask nicely for them to stop or do we send our troops in to slaughter them?  

You address the issues that started the war. Unfairness and the oil economy in general. All that stuff people saying about how muslims are violent is because they are acting in response and in retaliation to invaders. The foreign policy put in place over there is a form of invasion. Curfew for them is an invasion. Deomocracy for them is an invasion. 
The oil economy goes beyond gas prices. Most materials we use daily are derivatives of oil (i.e. polyester,petroleum jelly). It is insane and not economically sustainable to have an economy tied solely to the livelihood of one commodity like oil. 

You ask how do you stop it? By not being over there in the first place and stop making it government policy to go and kick over bee hives around the world and causing a sensational media stir when the bee's attack back.

All this could be solved by creating sustainable economies vs. capitalistic supply and demand economies fueled by market/ credit speculation.
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