Improving your basketball skills after 25 (serious topic)

At 25 I can still fly and glide but I am way smarter than I was than say 17-18. I'm more about preserving myself. I try my best to emulate old Kobe
At 25 I can still fly and glide but I am way smarter than I was than say 17-18. I'm more about preserving myself. I try my best to emulate old Kobe
I'm in the same boat as many of yall. I started playing pick-up ball consistently when I got to high school, played intramurals in college and peaked at 26-27. I would go to the park and shoot 400-500 jumpers a day, just to get my shot nearly automatic. At my best, I was holding my own against some dudes who had played high school ball. It was cool, but my knees started to feel the effects of playing 2-3 hours a day, so I had to slow it down. Now I'm more focused on running and weights and my jumper is broke and my overall game sucks.

It was fun while it lasted, though.
I'm in the same boat as many of yall. I started playing pick-up ball consistently when I got to high school, played intramurals in college and peaked at 26-27. I would go to the park and shoot 400-500 jumpers a day, just to get my shot nearly automatic. At my best, I was holding my own against some dudes who had played high school ball. It was cool, but my knees started to feel the effects of playing 2-3 hours a day, so I had to slow it down. Now I'm more focused on running and weights and my jumper is broke and my overall game sucks.

It was fun while it lasted, though.
Originally Posted by copped

 the best part is after the 3 hours of practice they end up wanting to run 1 game before leaving and they suck so


Maybe that's why they need the practice. Playing ball isn't as fun when you can't bring anything substantial to the table, so I can understand why someone would rather work on their game than run a full court and get crazy looks when they're turning the ball over and missing layups. I've seen dudes get their #&% beat for sucking at basketball.

But I do feel like the courteous thing to do is if there's a run that's missing one player, then you should go ahead and play. That's why when I was trying to improve my game I'd go to the gym at odd times so I wouldn't have to be bothered with that situation.
Originally Posted by copped

 the best part is after the 3 hours of practice they end up wanting to run 1 game before leaving and they suck so


Maybe that's why they need the practice. Playing ball isn't as fun when you can't bring anything substantial to the table, so I can understand why someone would rather work on their game than run a full court and get crazy looks when they're turning the ball over and missing layups. I've seen dudes get their #&% beat for sucking at basketball.

But I do feel like the courteous thing to do is if there's a run that's missing one player, then you should go ahead and play. That's why when I was trying to improve my game I'd go to the gym at odd times so I wouldn't have to be bothered with that situation.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by Prostaffer


There are people younger than 23 that do that too you know.

The worst people at the gym are the ones that take it too seriously or don't know what they're doing. They confuse 110% with actual smart hustle. I was undercut too many times a few years ago, now I always take the layup no matter how wide open I am. There are also the guys that think they have to "make the foul count". Like what are you even doing fouling? You get beat, let the man by. Don't hack from behind when you have no chance to make an actual play.

These people are the reason many of our older brethren are scared to play. When you don't want to take a sick day off of work cuz of some hack at the gym.
Is that you Chris Bosh?
Lol. Touche. No I'm not complaining about hustling for a loose ball.

Like when it's game point and you have the ball. I understand someone going for a block and going hard if there is a play for it. What I don't like is when you blow past the guy and he just straight up grabs your arm. That's when people get hurt.
Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by Prostaffer


There are people younger than 23 that do that too you know.

The worst people at the gym are the ones that take it too seriously or don't know what they're doing. They confuse 110% with actual smart hustle. I was undercut too many times a few years ago, now I always take the layup no matter how wide open I am. There are also the guys that think they have to "make the foul count". Like what are you even doing fouling? You get beat, let the man by. Don't hack from behind when you have no chance to make an actual play.

These people are the reason many of our older brethren are scared to play. When you don't want to take a sick day off of work cuz of some hack at the gym.
Is that you Chris Bosh?
Lol. Touche. No I'm not complaining about hustling for a loose ball.

Like when it's game point and you have the ball. I understand someone going for a block and going hard if there is a play for it. What I don't like is when you blow past the guy and he just straight up grabs your arm. That's when people get hurt.
Originally Posted by jcollector

Been awhile since I've been on here, so I'll get right to it. I just turned 27 a couple months ago and I've been playing basketball competitively since high school. While loving the game, I was never quite good enough to be on the team in school. Fast forward a few years after high school and I've noticed that many of my peers have: A)Lost interest in the game B)"Life Happened" to them and put them in situations that don't allow them to hoop like they used to or C)Just let themselves go by getting out of shape
 Meanwhile I kept playing and kept improving.
I said all that to say this: I feel as if I STILL haven't reached my peak as a player. The reason I mention this is because at my age I've been blessed not to have any major injuries or setbacks. I participate in local rec leagues and quality pick-up games with the majority of players having been standout players in high school or college, some even played a little professional ball. I more than hold my own in these games, which caused me to realize that I'm still improving. 

I know some of you may be thinking that I'm trying to go to "The League", or brag on myself. Neither is far from the truth. I have a day job (actually two jobs) and I'm not some guy with a pipe dream and looking up in the clouds all day
 Anyone that knows me personally knows that basketball is a major part of my life, and while I may never play competitively on a high level, that will never change my love for the game. Many people in my age group start to re-consider playing as much or playing at all while I still consider myself a student of the game. I like to use this example: You have guys who are 35 and older trying to improve their golf technique or their skills in tennis, and their not trying to go pro in these sports. What's the problem with a 27 year old man wanting to improve his b-ball skills? 

I feel there's been such a stigma placed on people who share some similarities with me in this regard. I say if you have a passion for something, don't worry about what people may say or think (including some of you who may have jokes about me after reading this) Can anyone relate to what I have discussed or known anyone like this? Your thoughts are appreciated.

I applaud you, i just turned 28 and I plan on going in this summer on my left hand... I can drive left and dribble left but that left handed lay up of mine is dodo with defenders on me... 
Its winter so im using this time to workout and get in shape so i can run all the youngins off the court this summer... 

Im a student of the game so i understnad where u coming from
Originally Posted by jcollector

Been awhile since I've been on here, so I'll get right to it. I just turned 27 a couple months ago and I've been playing basketball competitively since high school. While loving the game, I was never quite good enough to be on the team in school. Fast forward a few years after high school and I've noticed that many of my peers have: A)Lost interest in the game B)"Life Happened" to them and put them in situations that don't allow them to hoop like they used to or C)Just let themselves go by getting out of shape
 Meanwhile I kept playing and kept improving.
I said all that to say this: I feel as if I STILL haven't reached my peak as a player. The reason I mention this is because at my age I've been blessed not to have any major injuries or setbacks. I participate in local rec leagues and quality pick-up games with the majority of players having been standout players in high school or college, some even played a little professional ball. I more than hold my own in these games, which caused me to realize that I'm still improving. 

I know some of you may be thinking that I'm trying to go to "The League", or brag on myself. Neither is far from the truth. I have a day job (actually two jobs) and I'm not some guy with a pipe dream and looking up in the clouds all day
 Anyone that knows me personally knows that basketball is a major part of my life, and while I may never play competitively on a high level, that will never change my love for the game. Many people in my age group start to re-consider playing as much or playing at all while I still consider myself a student of the game. I like to use this example: You have guys who are 35 and older trying to improve their golf technique or their skills in tennis, and their not trying to go pro in these sports. What's the problem with a 27 year old man wanting to improve his b-ball skills? 

I feel there's been such a stigma placed on people who share some similarities with me in this regard. I say if you have a passion for something, don't worry about what people may say or think (including some of you who may have jokes about me after reading this) Can anyone relate to what I have discussed or known anyone like this? Your thoughts are appreciated.

I applaud you, i just turned 28 and I plan on going in this summer on my left hand... I can drive left and dribble left but that left handed lay up of mine is dodo with defenders on me... 
Its winter so im using this time to workout and get in shape so i can run all the youngins off the court this summer... 

Im a student of the game so i understnad where u coming from
you've typed my thoughts exactly. working on my left hand and pull up j. got the three point shot working but midrange is lacking. nice on defense

improving with no hopes of making it to the league is fun. no pipe dream here just working on the diploma and staying in shape

mental part of the game is so important ..learning how to pace yourself for example
you've typed my thoughts exactly. working on my left hand and pull up j. got the three point shot working but midrange is lacking. nice on defense

improving with no hopes of making it to the league is fun. no pipe dream here just working on the diploma and staying in shape

mental part of the game is so important ..learning how to pace yourself for example
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