I'm Bored....Ask Me Some Questions...

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

definitely Cam'ron. no Ls to me in life really...i'm a optimist

Phone was an invention made to communicate via voice transmission. the One doesnt exist. it was a brilliant marketing plan for Valentine's Day. Magnus is Magneto's middle government name. me being black and a fan decided to put it together with my 5/14 b-day yo hablo espanol (a little bit)
No you didnt answer my question right let me re-phrase it.

So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say"my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?
craziest thing?

hmmmm....i gotta rack my brain for this one...

I did security once @ a Gay Mens Health Clinic...didnt want to once i found out about what the spot was but i needed the cash so i thugged it out...i got thereand they had a cafeteria section...ALL the dudes were gay and sadder HIV positive...so i was just keeping a eye on them...when a fat gay old Spanish dude witha hippo belly says "I love men toooooo much"...and i seen two dudes kiss on the mouth...like how you'd kiss a chick before smashing...

i was sick to my stomach but i wanted to laugh so bad..i ended up nearly pissing myself from the humor of it all......as far as the cold, definitely some teawith lemon...and bundle up with your (presumably) bum $%$ ******** scarf (giants FTW)
How did you get that internship at def jam? What advice do you have for a student like myself looking to get into the marketing field?
Why is there two sides to everything. North, south, left, right, death, life,in, out, odd, even, heaven, hell, male, female, god, devil, good, evil,rebublican, democrat, dark, light, black, white.

Why can't the wrong be right and the right be wrong?
Who's to say your wrong because you think your right?
Why can't people just live and in the end we will find out who was really right and who was wrong...... will we ever find out? What the hell are we doinghere?
internship @ DJ was through word of mouth honestly. NETWORKING IS KEY. and keep a good rep because the entertainment field is DUMB small. news spreads toofast...check out entertainmentcareers.net as well.

as for further advice, holla @ your schools career development center...fix up your resume...and be prepared to make a sacrifice...

a chick i'm talking to moved up here from NC for her A&R internship...left her bf of 6 years and everything...so be prepared...it's a competitivefield and you'll have to deal with a lotta snobby people...but its rewarding if that's what you wanna do......two sides give options....and its amatter of being subjective/objective. the only side i'm on is helping myself and family/friends get better posiiton in life.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

as far as the cold, definitely some tea with lemon...and bundle up with your (presumably) bum $%$ ******** scarf (giants FTW)

cause i really do have a ******** scarf on!!!!!! hahaha ne ways I hate tea but I think imma have to try that.. this cold is horrible
Hell no....no kids...one of my worse fears is to have a kid anytime soon...too much to do...kids when i get established and meet a female i wanna give mylegacy to.

the sky is blue because Stone Cold said so. Water is wet for the same reason. Judas ratted because he was a snitch... i speak so well because i used to readencyclopedias and the NY Times @ the age of 4 while sitting on a letter Q couch in kindergarten. she can slap using her hands. DUH!!
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