I'm a Lil ***** Tryna Get Big. Vol. Help me Gainzzz

Eat after midnite, preferably fast food. Go ham on bench, triceps and squats. Do hella up downs and push ups
I'm 5"6, 120, OP got it way better than me

Stronglifts was cool for me might get back on it though, also need to sleep more. What's wrong with isolated movements?

Famb, I was 130 lbs back in July. Same as you, at 5'6.

Started eating more & did compounds.
Pull Ups, Chin Ups & Squats. Legit gained 8 lbs off those alone.

Compounds, Compounds, Compounds.

Nothings wrong with isolation. For us though we'll see faster, better results with compounds since they work more ish out.

Currently sitting at 145 lbs, tryna get to 160 & I'm Gucci.
The Glove The Glove You gotta pick 1 fam. Cant lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. Gaining muscle requires eating more than you burn. Losing weight means consuming fewer calories than you burn.
im 6ft and like 205.. any tips on losing weight but gaining muscle? if that makes sense

simply put, just beast out on the weights and eat (healthy) how much your body tells you to. Incorporate it into your day to day and come back in a year.
I'm disappointed that a thread like this is made and people are contributing.

But I'm more disappointed that I actually read every post. :smh:

Brb.... finna off myself!
Appreciate all of the help snd tips guys

Never said I don't believe in drinking water
Hush Zapato
And wassup with these 1000 cal burritos? :nerd:
How many can I eat a day?
In all realness... you really wanna gain weight? Go get married and have kids!

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:rofl: ^

View media item 1704611
This is typically what I eat through the day till I get home (ignore bananas and mini juice, I ran out of the big bottle :lol: )
Then I get home and eat (usually either 2 hot pockets or Ramen because I'm lazy af and tired)
Then I'll get in a nap and then wake up to eat dinner.
(This is all if I don't have practice btw)
Then I'll have like Oreos, or some sort of desert before I go to bed

Somebody fill in some gaps and tell me where I should be eating more so I can get a gist of what I'm looking for here
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This is typically what I eat through the day till I get home (ignore bananas and mini juice, I ran out of the big bottle
Then I get home and eat (usually either 2 hot pockets or Ramen because I'm lazy af and tired)
Then I'll get in a nap and then wake up to eat dinner.
(This is all if I don't have practice btw)
Then I'll have like Oreos, or some sort of desert before I go to bed

Somebody fill in some gaps and tell me where I should be eating more so I can get a gist of what I'm looking for here
You need to switch your snacking game up my dude. 

Your nutrient game is slackin pa
I graduated high school at 5'10 150 even and graduated college at 6' 205 now I'm 190 due to eating healthy, running, and bike riding every weekend...I don't lift heavy anymore due to having a pinched nerve...I really need to get it checked out considering I've had it for a while now
I was watching the OSU VS VT game and they starting DE came in as a safety.

I only grew like an inch after graduation lol.
I guess I was right...I thought he was a lil small to be a DE...Cardale was eating his hits and kept it pushin like nothing happened
I guess I was right...I thought he was a lil small to be a DE...Cardale was eating his hits and kept it pushin like nothing happened

He's talking about Hubbard on OSU. In 1 year he wen from safety to starting DE size in the big ten. Some people jus got swole frames b

I'm 6 foot 220 and athletic looking. In high school I was like 5"10 180

I need to knock this fat off me this winter smh
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Man I use to be 150 at 5'10 a year ago and was skinny as hell. I can't imagine how frail you look at 6' 140 :lol:. Compound lifting and consuming a lot of calories like others said is the key to gainz. I'm at 175 now and probably will stay around the 175-185 range.
I look frail but im sessy
Also me being tall and dark skinned gives me the intimidation I need to people that don't know me :lol:
:rofl: ^

View media item 1704611
This is typically what I eat through the day till I get home (ignore bananas and mini juice, I ran out of the big bottle :lol: )
Then I get home and eat (usually either 2 hot pockets or Ramen because I'm lazy af and tired)
Then I'll get in a nap and then wake up to eat dinner.
(This is all if I don't have practice btw)
Then I'll have like Oreos, or some sort of desert before I go to bed

Somebody fill in some gaps and tell me where I should be eating more so I can get a gist of what I'm looking for here

Those "fruit" snacks have 5%> fruit/fruit juice in em, more sugar than anything. Where's your nuts at? Almonds are great, even get the cocoa dusted ones if u want something a lil sweet. Leave the transfats alone. Read the sodium levels in those chips and Chex Mix, no bueno.
Appreciate all of the help snd tips guys

Never said I don't believe in drinking water
Hush Zapato
And wassup with these 1000 cal burritos? :nerd:
How many can I eat a day?

As many as you can handle. You can switch out ingredients too. They're good as hell though, that weird combo of stuff doesn't seem as weird once you eat it.

Stop snacking on ******** also, get some trail mix and dried fruits in your life.
What's your shopping budget like for groceries per week? U got $ to get a gym membership?

U eat like mom dukes packs your lunches
eat garbage food "dirty bulk"
or eat hella carbs and protein

when lifting heavy 4 times a week you have to have protein intake every 2-3 hours.


Hit legs as soon as you heal from being sore..hit legs again..squat deadlift.

watch youtube vids for proper form ya u gonna look soft squating 135 n struggglin but gotta start somewhere.

nothing better than leaving the gym pumped..getting in the zone lifting heavy as F
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