I'm a Lil ***** Tryna Get Big. Vol. Help me Gainzzz

Get plenty of sleep. Get 7-8 hours legit hours a night and you'll gain quick. 
How can you not believe in drinking water? I hate when my piss is yellow. It makes me feel unhealthy.

I didn't know sleep was that key. That's where I'm lacking.
Right. As if it is an actual belief system. It is one thing to just not do it but to consciously say you don't believe in it? That is wild.
Lift heavy, cut the cardio and eat.  You probably want to look into some mass gainers too. 

OP it sounds like you're an ectomorph.  You should probably look up some diets and workouts that fit with your body type. 
I promise you don't eat as much as you think you do.

Whats a full day of eating look like for you?

I weigh 100 more pounds than you at 5'8.

You could be a monster at 250 or "fit" at 200-225.

Just saw you want to be 165, that shouldn't be hard to hit and stay skinny.
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Once you start logging all of your food and water in a journal throughout the day youre gonna realize 2 things;

1) u don't eat/drink nearly enough as you should

2) your diet is inconsistent as hell

Keep track of what you eat. The amount and the time. Get consistent. Do the same with your lifting.
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eat workout sleep should be your life

if you can try to drink close to/if not a gallon of water a day
Here to remind you if you didn't smash a big plate of food and a shake since this thread started you're not eating enough. :lol:

Yo, you stopped drinking right? Did that help at all?
Man I was like 160. Then stopped and that's when this happened. I dropped to 115 by doing nothing but not drinking. I was 15 when I started. Then i quit and went back to the same size. :lol: my metabolism is obnoxious.

I was flabby as hell though. It wasn't a good 160. When I get back to 160 now I'll be way bigger. Not fat.
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Checking in at 6'2 165. Been lifting everyday for the past couple of weeks and eating a lot. Cant seem to get to 170 yet. But I play a lot of ball and have my whole life. I'm trying to get to 180 at the most if that. I look at a lot of point guards weight in the league and most of them are around my height and weight so I don't feel that bad.

Keep working b.
Substitute all your water for whole milk.

You're welcome.
I'm 5"6, 120, OP got it way better than me

Stronglifts was cool for me might get back on it though, also need to sleep more. What's wrong with isolated movements?
6ft even
140 lbs (confirmed as of today)

Tryna be atleast in the 160-165 range, I ain't tryna get dat fat
Bruh, you're above average height and weigh that much?

Enough with this "not tryna get fat." You'll look a lot better with more muscle, which requires eating more.
I'm 5"6, 120, OP got it way better than me

Stronglifts was cool for me might get back on it though, also need to sleep more. What's wrong with isolated movements?

Nothing but compound lifts are a lot more beneficial. Isolated movements are great if you're already big and you're trying to cut but it's different for everybody.
I was just bustin his balls :lol: I was in that same boat I'm just barley puttin on some grown man weight at the age of 31.
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