I'm 21, how do I get with a 30+ woman?

Oct 3, 2007
Well i'm actually 20 turning 21 soon (look out for the birthday thread coming soon), and I wanna have relations with a 30+ woman and maybe take it evenfurther. Like sugarmomma status, school me NT.
you need to have lots of this

Older women like younger guys for the physical aspect and nothing else. Play off of that.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

you need to have lots of this



Your ideas on where you plan to be in life years down the line and hopefully you're a very articulate and respectful guy. The older crowdloves someone to can "put on" word to Jeezy, but also be able to communicate like an adult that's not after the ONE thing. That being said, ifyou're a real guy, then you don't have to worry.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Well i'm actually 20 turning 21 soon (look out for the birthday thread coming soon), and I wanna have relations with a 30+ woman and maybe take it even further. Like sugarmomma status, school me NT.

i thought you had a girl? the one who went missing for a litle bit...because of some crazy stuff her pops did.
its not as hard as youre making it.. all you gotta do is buy a drink and talk to them and somehow squeeze "oh i thought you were my ageeeee wowwwwwwomggggg lol"

works on 30 year old dominican women all the time
Honestly man just be you...Don't go out of your way to be something or someone you're not.

Another thing, a lot women 30+ will be hesitant in dating someone 10+ years younger than them. So it will help to be well established...or just have majorbank..lol

Good luck.
Solewoman, yea that's correct I had one. After that we we're on and off and now off. So i'm chasing the older crowd
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Older women like younger guys for the physical aspect and nothing else. Play off of that.
Thats it right there... Older chicks are gonna be instantly attracted to you just because you are young.Play your cards right,be yourself andyoull score
dont call her a cougar...and dont be all tipsy when you try to holla, because you will be dismissed as a young buck! but forreal, its a crapshoot because howyou gonna know if someone is 30+? someone might look 30 to you, and they could be 25. are you gonna just go up to women out the blue and ask how old they are?lol... most 30+ women will come to you, thats been my experience
Dont listen to anyone that says u need money!! All you need it money for food and drinks at a local spot.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Solewoman, yea that's correct I had one. After that we we're on and off and now off. So i'm chasing the older crowd

aww im sorry to hear that. well dont get em too old. you do want a family right...think of her biological clock.
Im 25 and been with 42 and 32........
You just gotta be a hot ni&&@.........................like me
if you got game you wouldnt be postin this question now would you. haha but na you just gotta find the rightwoman
SoleWoman wrote:
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Solewoman, yea that's correct I had one. After that we we're on and off and now off. So i'm chasing the older crowd

aww im sorry to hear that. well dont get em too old. you do want a family right...think of her biological clock.

I'm pretty sure kids are the last thing on his mind...he's looking for someone to take care of him literally and figuratively
Charisma. And you have to have something to offer. Older women arent looking for someone to just sit around and do nothing. And that doesnt necessarily meanyou have to be breaking bread either. It just means that you have to be beneficial in some way to her. And if an older woman is messing with someone as youngas you, they're probably trying to be schooled on the kind of stuff people our age do, so you have to BE YOURSELF. Dont try to act older. That'scomming from experience. I dated a 39 year old at 20. I'm 21 now.

Edit: And yes, she is a dime and she has her own crib with the 50" plasma in the living room that I could hook up the PS3 on whenever I wanted. Shecooked, took me out and everything. It's definately worth the experience. We had fun. And NO, I'm not posting pics because she has a reputation touphold and shes dating someone she might have a future with now and I'm not posting pics for them to get around... Just trust me
They are all over the gym and grocery stores.

Go to the gym alone and food shopping alone. As long you present yourself as a mature person who can be quiet about a "situation," you have a shot.
i read that older women and younger men are actually the perfect sexual match because men are at there sexual peak when they are younger while women on theother hand reach their sexual peak when they get older.

unfortunately the study i read referred to 40+ women because they start going thro menopause which puts them in heat or something like that.

either way my tip is have friends around the age you want to date. relatives are actually the best because they usually put you on.
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