Illuminati? NWO? 9/11!?? Coincidence?...WOW.

mac dre
but the easiest way to find the truth about masons is *drumroll* to become one its easy to become they're not hiding

I don't think its that easy to join. I read you need to be cakin also.
Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

but the easiest way to find the truth about masons is *drumroll* to become one its easy to become they're not hiding

I don't think its that easy to join. I read you need to be cakin also.

no necessarily. Most people in the masons are not involved in the schemes we know them for. They are supposedly oblivious to the conspiracytheories. Not that its easy to get it, but its not a secret society. It more like a frat.
Alright okay then, if the WTC was an "inside job" a term I hate so much, then why would the US decide to DESTROY a famed icon in Manhattan, or evenin the US? Why would the US want to blow up an entire building killing thousands of citizens? That picture in the thread about how the plane carrying thepayload along with it is complete crap. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the plane would not have been loaded with weapons payload byUnited Airlines, or whatever company it was.

It doesn't matter that the implosion wasn't hot enough to melt the structural steel beams in WTC. This is simple physical science. Any metal ismalleable, and therefore, with any applied heat, it will shift in form with help of force from the plane and the fire created in the crash. If I heat a spoonand attempt to bend it with my hands, will it work? Yes, and this is the same thing with the steel beams. It doesn't take a Cal professor to tell anyonethis, although apparently they needed one to do it.

I'm tired of hearing people who ponder about the government's actions. Go make a blog, and make your objections there. As long as science exists, thereis no way you can prove that the 9/11 incident was a conspiracy. Simply put, it was a TERRORIST attack on the United States. As for the passport of one of thehijackers, have you ever heard of probability? What if the passport flew out of the building and simply floated towards the ground? What if the suitcasecontaining the passport disintegrated and just let the passport go unharmed? I won't bore anyone with these 'What-If' statements, but you can'tgo on using these outcomes that come out of a large tragedy that are also a small probability of ever occurring and say that they are proof of a conspiracy. Idon't like to use this word, but it is a miracle, if anything, of that passport coming out fine. Many of the remains of the deceased passengers of Flight175 were completely destroyed, although some people's bones were found, miraculously.

Why wasn't the blackbox found in one of the planes? Again. PROBABILITY. People have a flawed sense that these black-boxes are indestructable. They'renot. The designers of the black box didn't think of making it last a collision with a building, and also of such a high-temperature. Again, maybe thecompartment holding it busted open and the fires got to it. I don't know, but nothing in this world is perfect, and that means you can't bet that thesesmall outcomes of this terrible disaster were meant to happen.

The only thing I will be arguable about is the JFK assassination. I will not go into that, but the whole story of the magic bullet and the like are all veryinteresting. The 9/11 accident however, was in my eyes, never a government job and only a coincidence to whatever nut-job things you guys come up with.

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Alright okay then, if the WTC was an "inside job" a term I hate so much, then why would the US decide to DESTROY a famed icon in Manhattan, or even in the US? Why would the US want to blow up an entire building killing thousands of citizens? That picture in the thread about how the plane carrying the payload along with it is complete crap. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the plane would not have been loaded with weapons payload by United Airlines, or whatever company it was.

It doesn't matter that the implosion wasn't hot enough to melt the structural steel beams in WTC. This is simple physical science. Any metal is malleable, and therefore, with any applied heat, it will shift in form with help of force from the plane and the fire created in the crash. If I heat a spoon and attempt to bend it with my hands, will it work? Yes, and this is the same thing with the steel beams. It doesn't take a Cal professor to tell anyone this, although apparently they needed one to do it.

I'm tired of hearing people who ponder about the government's actions. Go make a blog, and make your objections there. As long as science exists, there is no way you can prove that the 9/11 incident was a conspiracy. Simply put, it was a TERRORIST attack on the United States. As for the passport of one of the hijackers, have you ever heard of probability? What if the passport flew out of the building and simply floated towards the ground? What if the suitcase containing the passport disintegrated and just let the passport go unharmed? I won't bore anyone with these 'What-If' statements, but you can't go on using these outcomes that come out of a large tragedy that are also a small probability of ever occurring and say that they are proof of a conspiracy. I don't like to use this word, but it is a miracle, if anything, of that passport coming out fine. Many of the remains of the deceased passengers of Flight 175 were completely destroyed, although some people's bones were found, miraculously.

Why wasn't the blackbox found in one of the planes? Again. PROBABILITY. People have a flawed sense that these black-boxes are indestructable. They're not. The designers of the black box didn't think of making it last a collision with a building, and also of such a high-temperature. Again, maybe the compartment holding it busted open and the fires got to it. I don't know, but nothing in this world is perfect, and that means you can't bet that these small outcomes of this terrible disaster were meant to happen.

The only thing I will be arguable about is the JFK assassination. I will not go into that, but the whole story of the magic bullet and the like are all very interesting. The 9/11 accident however, was in my eyes, never a government job and only a coincidence to whatever nut-job things you guys come up with.



Thank you for taking the time to say that. Logic > *
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

*cut for space*


Thank you for taking the time to say that. Logic > *
I'm glad you agree. It seems that the majority of the conspiracy-believers are always listening only for information that will make them feelhappy in a sense, because they learn this info that contradicts most mainstream belief, albeit that it is only false information.
Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

damnyouwoman14 wrote:

ItsGettinHot wrote:

Animal Thug1539 wrote:

SURE LOCK 510 wrote:

yea i know.. its crazy..

YOUR president is also a mason
so were the last 2...and the other 30 something..

and the 13 colonies? belonged to the 13 is your best friend...

Rockefeller, Li, Krupp, Kennedy, Disney, Collins, Bundy, Astor, DuPont, Freeman, Onassis, Reynolds, Rothschild, Van Duyn....




Originally Posted by damnyouwoman14

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

yea i know.. its crazy..

YOUR president is also a mason
so were the last 2...and the other 30 something..

and the 13 colonies? belonged to the 13 is your best friend...

Rockefeller, Li, Krupp, Kennedy, Disney, Collins, Bundy, Astor, DuPont, Freeman, Onassis, Reynolds, Rothschild, Van Duyn....
Originally Posted by Phil Le0tard0

explain WTC 7 dynamic
Oh, so what is this, quiz the people who don't believe in your conspiracy ideals? I don't get it, are you trying to air me out? I justnitpicked the whole story of the South Tower for you. But since you're probably so damn persistent, I'll let you know what happened. The collapse ofthe north tower caused debris to hit WTC 7, causing structural instability, and also fires within the building. The sprinkler system did not work because itwasn't an automatic system, rather it was the outdated version where people have to activate the system, which allowed fires to go uncheck, and weakenedthe structure of the steel support beams. And (prepare to be happy), they still don't know what exactly happened. Oh. Score one for conspiracy I guess. Buthere's the kicker. The FDNY didn't hose WTC 7 enough because they were focused on the South building. Wait a minute. Wouldn't that make it theirfault? In short, yes, but the thing I'm trying to prove to you and others on this forum is that there was no instance of detonations being recorded in anysublevel of the building. Additionally, the building took about 6-7 hours to finally collapse after the South Tower fell in the morning. And don't tell meit was all done at 5:20 PM. No it wasn't. There were reported sightings of a bulge in WTC 7 at the southwest wing of the building around 2:00 PM, andreported sounds of hearing the building creak by firefighters as late as 3:30 PM.

What can we learn from this attack? We have learned that the FDNY and NYPD did not have enough communication between the two departments, and as a result ofthat, some lives of the FDNY may have been saved. Before the 9/11 attacks, there was no agency on how to investigate building collapses, as none had never beeninvestigated due to the fact that many demolished buildings are meant for removal, not for studying. I don't have the credibility of any engineer, howeverI can probably assume that the attack has brought a new chapter for engineers to study about and further help advance the structure of any building.

You tell me what "plan" the US government had on collapsing the WTC 7, and then I'll go laugh it off with the 84% of the educated Americans whoactually believe it was an attack, on the 14 percent of conspiracists who don't have ANY scientific proof, and base all of their ideas off of coincidences.

I actually don't know why I took the time to write that. But it amazes me how some people expect people to agree with them with no prior knowledge. Iactually took the time to wiki, google, and sift through all information about the WTC collapse, including ones from conspiracists. It doesn't take anyskill besides reading and comprehension (Something this forum lacks) to grasp the information on why the WTC collapsed due to the terrorist attacks. That iswhy I hate reading conspiracy stories. They don't incorporate any right-wing thoughts into creating any conclusion about any crazy radical idea they have.They just brand it along with something that has been going on for a long time, and in time, gather enough support to gild how ridiculous it really is. I am noneo-conservative, nor am I conservative, but what I can't fathom or like at all is how empty-handed 9/11 conspiracists come up with at the end of the day.At the end of the day, the reason why these terrible things happened was because they just did. They're all part of chance.

I still don't see the shooter or whatever in that dollar picture. It looks like a damn pigeon to me. Next conspiracy please.
At the end of the day, the reason why these terrible things happened was because they just did. They're all part of chance.
If you want me to dig up the countless paragraphs I've written here as to why 9/11 happened, I'd be more than happy to.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

At the end of the day, the reason why these terrible things happened was because they just did. They're all part of chance.
If you want me to dig up the countless paragraphs I've written here as to why 9/11 happened, I'd be more than happy to.

In that case there really is no use. I thought NT would actually take that and be like, "Oh, well that makes sense." But I know itwon't happen. But feel free to do so. This topic just makes me mad however.
i may be mistaken, but concerning the tower 7 thing i believe there is a video of some guy talking about how the tower fell well before the towers actualcollapse
raises some questions....
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

At the end of the day, the reason why these terrible things happened was because they just did. They're all part of chance.
If you want me to dig up the countless paragraphs I've written here as to why 9/11 happened, I'd be more than happy to.
In that case there really is no use. I thought NT would actually take that and be like, "Oh, well that makes sense." But I know it won't happen. But feel free to do so. This topic just makes me mad however.

You may get through to some people, but there will be more and more who just don't want to hear it. I've given up doing what you just did.
Dynamic, i feel you sometimes people reach for spectacular explanations, but u gotta appreciate the fact that people are challenging the norms, and NOTaccepting what is told to us. if we lose the ability to try to assess or even imagine of what could, would or did happen then we're limiting ourselves andour knowledge. If we just accept things as "they are" we're gonna end up getting things pulled on us all the time. The fact of the matter is wegotta be on our toes, there are people who can't be trusted in places of power and people who question things make those people uncomfortable and makes itharder for the people in power to pull off scandals, right in front of us without us having a clue.

Btw its an Owl on the dollar bill not a shooter.
Originally Posted by Riverside J

i may be mistaken, but concerning the tower 7 thing i believe there is a video of some guy talking about how the tower fell well before the towers actual collapse
raises some questions....
What do you mean by fell before the towers actual collapse?

If you mean started coming down before it collapsed completely, read Dynamics previous post.
Originally Posted by DunkeDinSaucE

Dynamic, i feel you sometimes people reach for spectacular explanations, but u gotta appreciate the fact that people are challenging the norms, and NOT accepting what is told to us. if we lose the ability to try to assess or even imagine of what could, would or did happen then we're limiting ourselves and our knowledge. If we just accept things as "they are" we're gonna end up getting things pulled on us all the time. The fact of the matter is we gotta be on our toes, there are people who can't be trusted in places of power and people who question things make those people uncomfortable and makes it harder for the people in power to pull off scandals, right in front of us without us having a clue.

Btw its an Owl on the dollar bill not a shooter.
No. I completely agree with the notion on challenging the government. Like Voltaire said, I may not agree with you, but I'll defend yourrights to speak it. I agree that everyone has an opportunity to speak out, but what I'm arguing against is how conspiracists on this forum reject any formof knowledge that goes against what they speak. I was challenged by many in my thread against affirmative action. I didn't refuse what they said, in fact Iwas actually better informed after that thread. I didn't know exactly what I was talking about, so I backed down and learned what they had to say. Nowconspiracists on the other hand, NORMALLY, in my opinion, just take information they would like to hear, enticing information they think is interesting, spiceit up, and sell it off as a conspiracy related to governments. I can't stand any of that stuff. On hindsight, they may include some small details that areactually true, but then stray right off the track back to the conspiracy that they have made.

I'm not saying they're liars, I'm just saying they don't have enough legitimate proof to show it. With my 9/11 anti-conspiracy proof, not onlydid I rebuff what they said, I included hard facts about what happened in 9/11 and then proceeded to say why it's not a conspiracy. I watched some video onhow 'perfect' they thought the WTC 7's collapse was by comparing it to a controlled demolition. They showed points like how it similar the dropspeed was. It is completely unrelative to the WTC 7 collapse. Like I said in my earlier post; a controlled demolition happens instantly. WTC 7 had beenreported as unstable. It is completely natural for it to fall, and apparently some of NT's brightest don't agree, which irks me.
The government do it like the video's & write a treatment on us.....2012 da world gon see....

9/11 was a set up by the government...theres the link ta da video ta prove it...&
Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

The government do it like the video's & write a treatment on us.....2012 da world gon see....

9/11 was a set up by the government...theres the link ta da video ta prove it... &

No, 9/11 was not set up by the government.

I'm done with this thread.
Edit: Watched your ridiculous video. Trust me, Israel wouldn't have had to carry out 9/11 to get us to wage a war on terror. All they had todo was ask and we would have. The Intifada was probably enough to get us to take action.

Also, they fail to mention that they found in Atta's bag instructions as to what to do the night before the attacks. Much of what was reported that day wasnot an attempt at a cover up, but bad information from unreliable sources. In the document left by Atta it clearly states that the men took taxis, or shouldhave taken taxis. Also, it is good to know that to this day the U.S. government rejects constant requests to release the four pages of the document that havebeen witheld. Many believe that these four pages are crucial, because they express the grievences of the men and Al-Qaeda.

If you want I can go in to deeper detail about these grievences, but if you're just going to ignore it and believe everything you see on Youtube then Icannot help you.
What about the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania?

Or how the people who called their loved ones on the hijacked planes were using their full names?

And I'm not trying to air you out I just want to hear your opinion.
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by DunkeDinSaucE

Dynamic, i feel you sometimes people reach for spectacular explanations, but u gotta appreciate the fact that people are challenging the norms, and NOT accepting what is told to us. if we lose the ability to try to assess or even imagine of what could, would or did happen then we're limiting ourselves and our knowledge. If we just accept things as "they are" we're gonna end up getting things pulled on us all the time. The fact of the matter is we gotta be on our toes, there are people who can't be trusted in places of power and people who question things make those people uncomfortable and makes it harder for the people in power to pull off scandals, right in front of us without us having a clue.

Btw its an Owl on the dollar bill not a shooter.
No. I completely agree with the notion on challenging the government. Like Voltaire said, I may not agree with you, but I'll defend your rights to speak it. I agree that everyone has an opportunity to speak out, but what I'm arguing against is how conspiracists on this forum reject any form of knowledge that goes against what they speak. I was challenged by many in my thread against affirmative action. I didn't refuse what they said, in fact I was actually better informed after that thread. I didn't know exactly what I was talking about, so I backed down and learned what they had to say. Now conspiracists on the other hand, NORMALLY, in my opinion, just take information they would like to hear, enticing information they think is interesting, spice it up, and sell it off as a conspiracy related to governments. I can't stand any of that stuff. On hindsight, they may include some small details that are actually true, but then stray right off the track back to the conspiracy that they have made.

I'm not saying they're liars, I'm just saying they don't have enough legitimate proof to show it. With my 9/11 anti-conspiracy proof, not only did I rebuff what they said, I included hard facts about what happened in 9/11 and then proceeded to say why it's not a conspiracy. I watched some video on how 'perfect' they thought the WTC 7's collapse was by comparing it to a controlled demolition. They showed points like how it similar the drop speed was. It is completely unrelative to the WTC 7 collapse. Like I said in my earlier post; a controlled demolition happens instantly. WTC 7 had been reported as unstable. It is completely natural for it to fall, and apparently some of NT's brightest don't agree, which irks me.

totally agree with what you said there, but you're never gonna win the arguments, us conspiracy believers will find any possible thing to question, and itsatisfies me just asking. But if there's solid proof about something, and people disregard the solid truth, not the most likely truth, but the raw factsthen i'd say people are doing too much. I say question the bigger picture, and think about the conspiracy, but keep it real. for example, i beleive 9/11was fixed, i beleive that the terrorists were brainwashed by US paid tribal leaders or planted leaders, who then trained the terrorists to fly planes andcrash'em. i think that its fishy that the FAA didnt see 747s going off route the minute they went off route, and that coincidently the plane headed to thewhite house crashed before it got there. i think its believable that someone with political influence would want a catastrpohic event to spark support for awar in the Middle East only to pursue Oil, the most vaulable resource and soon to be very limited resource in the world. ask me about healthcare, ill give youa reason why "they" dont want it, ask me about college and "how it works".
But I wont go around saying that the towers were demolished and a rocket hit the towers or missiles hit the pentagon, etc etc because at some point it becomesunreal. This brings me back to your point, people will disregard reality and logic in many conspiracy theories and the theorists fail to see that. Then people,like yourself, see it and call it out only causing total polarization in opinions.

OP, illuminati stuff is crazy and wayyy to coincidental to be overlooked. good to see people catching and qusetioning these things
totally agree with what you said there, but you're never gonna win the arguments, us conspiracy believers will find any possible thing to question, and it satisfies me just asking. But if there's solid proof about something, and people disregard the solid truth, not the most likely truth, but the raw facts then i'd say people are doing too much. I say question the bigger picture, and think about the conspiracy, but keep it real. for example, i beleive 9/11 was fixed, i beleive that the terrorists were brainwashed by US paid tribal leaders or planted leaders, who then trained the terrorists to fly planes and crash'em. i think that its fishy that the FAA didnt see 747s going off route the minute they went off route, and that coincidently the plane headed to the white house crashed before it got there. i think its believable that someone with political influence would want a catastrpohic event to spark support for a war in the Middle East only to pursue Oil, the most vaulable resource and soon to be very limited resource in the world. ask me about healthcare, ill give you a reason why "they" dont want it, ask me about college and "how it works".
But I wont go around saying that the towers were demolished and a rocket hit the towers or missiles hit the pentagon, etc etc because at some point it becomes unreal. This brings me back to your point, people will disregard reality and logic in many conspiracy theories and the theorists fail to see that. Then people, like yourself, see it and call it out only causing total polarization in opinions.
You can believe anything you like, however do YOU have any proof of any of that? Yes the United States did fund the people that became the Talibanback when they were trying to embarrass Russia in Afghanistan, however after that we abandoned them. In fact that's one reason they were upset.

Contrary to what you believe they did see the planes going off route, I mean how could they not?

It isn't reasonable to kill large numbers of your own citizens just to spark a war in a country that has no oil if you plan on attack a region for its oil.If we wanted to do that we would have blamed Iraq for everything from the outset, because Afghanistan has nothing we need. Also, we wouldn't have needed tostage all of this, we could have just said that Iraq had WMD's from the outset as well, and done exactly what we did four years later. Would have saved usa lot of time.
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