If you're 28 years old and getting gang tats on your face, KILL YOURSELF. (.gif fail also)

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

That "Lincoln" tat is gonna look hella out of place when his hairline starts receding...
Because his hairline is on his throat?

Check the side lineup dawg
That says "Londyn" dawg.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]well ain't that a *!%[email protected] was reading that as lincoln the whole time.....dyslexiaFTL[/color]
Abraham Lincoln?!?!

alot of people worried about the wrong things. who cares what a grown man puts on himself??? he is not your kid, why are you so concerned. This guy has been alame. expect it
Originally Posted by jaysonmytoes713

alot of people worried about the wrong things. who cares what a grown man puts on himself??? he is not your kid, why are you so concerned. This guy has been a lame. expect it
@ Another one. Yall kill me
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by jaysonmytoes713

alot of people worried about the wrong things. who cares what a grown man puts on himself??? he is not your kid, why are you so concerned. This guy has been a lame. expect it
@ Another one. Yall kill me
dude, that's NT now. you question ANYTHING and people come out of the woodwork calling you suspect for even wondering.

I mean - i get it... people should mind their own business for the most part, but this is a message board... if this ain't the place to discuss it, whereis? You know damn well these people do the same thing in real life, or when they have something they wanna talk about concerning somebody else... they justthink because they aren't interested or having anything to say about a topic that anybody who does needs to just not concern themselves. It's a jokeanymore.

edit: like i was saying before. it's like middle school around general anymore. just a bunch of dudes trying to impress one another with how"e-cool" they are.
The randomness is hilarious.
i'm sayin...
this dude better save his money cuz he will prolly never be able to get a job....

just go to show money cant buy class.
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

piru = blood

piru= crip spelled backwards= pirc

Put that C (crip) on its back (killing him), you get a U = piru

c on its back= u
What is all this...

I'm pretty sure Its called Piru becuase the gang started on Pirus street...in Compton...

We have a winner.
money and tats all over the place are impressive to underage girls that deshawn stevenson takes to motels - ask chris collinsworth.
AGAIN, why would bloods incorporate their ENEMIES into their name?

where they do that at?

I don't know if the explanation has any truth to it, but it makes sense.

Quick explanation:
1) "U" is a "C" on its back--like it was killed and laying on the ground. Consider "C" being a figure standing up--seeing the"U" as a fallen "C" is easier that way.
2) Historically, turning a flag upside down would show that a castle or vessel or anything was taken over. When those are upside down, everything readsbackwards (but also upside down, but that's hard to incorporate into a textual name).
It was a whole playoff series ether.

Deshaun would try to taunt when he was down 20

Dudes a sqaure, and should be kicked outa the league instantly.
Its ppl like him that are the reason viewers are losing interest in the NBA.
It's the battle of who knows of the most about street gangs!!

Ready, set, go!!
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