If your were RICH would you.......

If I were rich, you wouldn't know it.

I'd probably buy a Lexus hybrid, invest in my family's future, hook up my parents, and buy a really really expensive full frame camera with a complete set of L lenses and go on vacations every few months or so.

Oh, and I'd go back to school.
wouldnt floss at all. id still dress the same, id just have a couple nice whips. SRT8
I wouldn't be a known commodity. Idk if lowkey would be the right word though. I would enjoy the fruits, but not on some birdman status. My people would be good. I would look into ways to make my $ work for me. Get involved w/ investments, properties, etc. Learn about those kinds of things. Try to get on that Magic Johnson plane. No sense in winning 150 million in the lottery and not @ least trying to something with it. *%%*, go back to school just to do it. Need something to occupy my time.


A couple weekends that 1st year I come into this '$'. Me and my closest friends are going to go DUMB on some party *%%*. NY, Miami, Vegas, LA, London, Paris, etc. Not 1 single +!%* would be given that weekend. And likely, not 1 single thing would be remembered.

This is what I think I would do. However, I'm saying that as a person who doesn't have 150 million coming down the pipeline. I really can't believe waking up one day and seeing 9 digits in my bank account. I'd say theres also a chance that I go stupid w/ that bread and simply spend the rest of my life trying to see how much of that money I can spend before I die. I hope that's what I wouldn't do, but I don't really know.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

you dudes is crazy with this humble talk

gotta go all out, everyday.

you never know what happens after death, if anything happens at all.


And people always get upset when their favorite athlete or celebrity falls off and goes bankrupt. The answer is right here in this thread. 

I don't know about you guys but if I ever come in to a LARGE sum of money, my first thought would to be PROTECT it, not spend it. Protect is from thieves, the government, your "extended" family and most importantly protect it from yourself and make sure it do as much for you and your loved ones as possible... LONG TERM. 

All of the ballers with their fancy whips are the same as athletes who go broke within 5 years of retiring. 
 No pity for them fools. 
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

All of the ballers with their fancy whips are the same as athletes who go broke within 5 years of retiring. 
 No pity for them fools. 
Or they are the people who go broke are usually the ones who spend their money trying to take care of EVERYONE, all sorts of family, friends, etc, In addition to buying things for themselves.

Athletes go broke from over indulging, as to actors, Investors, Fund managers, Computer Whiz's, all sorts of people of wealth who dig themselves in a deeper hole trying to live a lifestyle that they can no longer afford.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

All of the ballers with their fancy whips are the same as athletes who go broke within 5 years of retiring. 
 No pity for them fools. 
Or they are the people who go broke are usually the ones who spend their money trying to take care of EVERYONE, all sorts of family, friends, etc, In addition to buying things for themselves.

Athletes go broke from over indulging, as to actors, Investors, Fund managers, Computer Whiz's, all sorts of people of wealth who dig themselves in a deeper hole trying to live a lifestyle that they can no longer afford.

I swear on everything if I'm ever lucky enough to come into a large amount of money, this will not be me. Never ever. nope not happening. 
Taking care of your family is one thing... but I'm not trying to have a posse and henchmen around me sucking up my funds. I know who my family is right this very moment and they will live better lives and benefit from this hypothetical situation. Everyone else coming from woodwork can kick rocks.
LOL Some of you dudes "stunt" with the 30K salaries you currently have but I see so many "be humble" posts in here. Come on now.
I would eat every 2 hours and lift weights 3 times a day and donate to kids for charitable profits 
The only noticeable things that I could think of are buying a sports car and a rolex. Even then I wouldn't want people to know. And I'll start drinking XO and top-shelf scotch.

Everything else I spend money on would be private stuff -- for example, expensive meals, house, vacations, etc.

I'm not going to start flaunting money at a club. Last thing I want is people to start coming to me for money.

edit: Almost forgot -- I would buy NT and rename it to WallyTalk.
Lol at everyone saying I'm not into this I'm not into that. That's probably cause you can't afford it right now. With some money, you'll be buying/doing things you're not into now.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

LOL Some of you dudes "stunt" with the 30K salaries you currently have but I see so many "be humble" posts in here. Come on now.

gotta cosign
if i won an obscene amount of money, like one of those monster powerball jackpots, i'd ball the @%#$ out for me and my friends/family for a while. then eventually come down and just live my life.
You know what I think about this alot. I find it hard imagining what I would do with just the money from just a regular job after I graduate college, much less if I was to actually become rich one day. I would be frugal as hell the first year, probably buy a used Shelby Mustang or hell most likely I'll just a used 350z as my "flashy" car. But after that first year and I'm sure there will be more money coming in I would be balling out of control, I'm talking about multiple mini mansions for my parents, siblings and grandmother. A condo near Central park or near Union Square, a boat, finish my families house in the Caribbean and buy out all our surrounding neighbors on some Count of Monte Crisco steez. Hit up a couple of strip clubs in the ATL with my uncle on some


And once the year is over and I'm disgusted over how much money I've just blown, I'll be on some Wall Street steez
I'd rather blow money on trips people dream about and seeing as much as possible, that way I can have a story to tell.
You don't hear old people talking about name brand %!%* that we don't care to hear about.

Of course I'd put a chunk of that into savings and investments. To hell with balling out in my own city. That's dumb.
When that money goes and you can't get it back, you're gonna be feeling real stupid knowing you wasted it on impressing people who aren't worth it.
Oh and I'm also going to spend a lot of time and money doing minor infractions like speeding and being shirtless in public and just pay off the fines. With all the extra time, I can create the perfect body faster and strut around the city in nothing but shorts and slides 

Not to mention I'd hit 150 on the highway and write off the ticket like it's a joke.
I would set up funds for all the kids I care about. Put half my money in a place I cant touch for at least 5 years. Then ball out till I get bored or I am broke. Then in 5 years I will appreciate it more.
I'd live it up for a hot minute then settle into a quiet lifestyle. The thing I would blow money on is electronics. The best TVs, projectors, sound systems, and all other gadgets. Have a nice house with 4-car garage, nice pool w/ grotto, huge kitchen, entertainment basement.
I would just buy a nice house and that would probably be the most money I drop. I'm not into cars, not into jewelry, not into most of the stuff rich people blow money on.

I'd just take a lot of trips around the world and have a nice pad somewhere, maybe multiple. By nice pad I don't mean a 10 million dollar mansion either.
I would floss low key, for example have a house like the one Jackie Chan has, that only those close to me will know about. Have a secret garage/entrance for the Bentley, you know that Bruce Wayne life.I would not be working, I'll have established properties around the world and all my family/friends set financially.
I would definitely try and be as low key as possible at first. I'd want to pay off debt, Mom's debt & move into a nice house.
I'd do a lot of shopping.
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