If you win the lottery and you're in your last year of college, what would you do?

finish school then...



I would enroll in the B-School and learn about wealth managment so that I could generate income off of the money that i'm making and delay my graduationuntil I get that business degree.
If I was close to finishing, I'd just go ahead and finish it off. If not, I'd take a few years off then go back and finish.
Finish that last year, then live off the money for the rest of my life...but I'd still be spending money wisely though
Definitely finish it off....go to grad school....pay that +*+ straight cash...

invest more in my business...get a crib, a nice car and keep that +*+ lowkey.

i wouldnt tell but 2 or 3 people
It would be better to finish, then pay off any loans immediately. Nothing wrong with having a degree under your belt.
Then, I would take care of the family.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Definitely finish it off....go to grad school....pay that +*+ straight cash...

invest more in my business...get a crib, a nice car and keep that +*+ lowkey.

i wouldnt tell but 2 or 3 people

People in here talking about pissing off the money ...you'd end up just like every other lottery winner

OP, how much did you win? Just indicated in X's:
For example: XX, XXX, XXX.xx
Originally Posted by angelzdope

I think I made a mistake telling Twitter.
Wait. If what I'm reading on your Twitter is correct, you won the lottery? Seriously?

How much did you win? How many people have you told (in real life)?
Might as well finish college just to have the degree, you've spent 3 years there already. If you want a job, then you can get one, but if you have thatmuch money, you can make a lot with a good investment. It takes money to make money.

I'd still finish, but I'd do everything in my power to make sure no one found out. After I finish, I'd invest, both long and short term. That moneyisn't gonna replenish itself. I'd buy old/broken down houses, remodel them, and rent them out for a steady income, along with the job I get afterfinishing college, it'd be an great deal of money a month. Or possibly invest and create an upscale apartment complex and rake in the money every month.

Next, I'd set aside some for risky investments, bonds for the long term. I'd buy a modest house, a good set of cars such as a 911 and a SLK300 (nothingtoo extravegant). Maybe later after I've made even more money i'd really splurge on, say, a SLR or a Ferrari or something like that. If youare making good money through investments and spend wisely, you won't have to work much at all for the rest of your life. Vacations, good food, and thelife of a king.

edit: and always remember: Family first and bretheren before wenches. Help your family always, especially your parents/those who raised you. Brothers andsisters next, then help out anyone in your family who needs help financially. Maybe get your friends a gift. Buuuuut:

If people find out you won, it'll be a nightmare, so remember to keep that !$%! hush hush or you will never stop being bugged. It seems the constantnagging and !$%! cause the lottery winners to go crazy. Pay no attention to random joe and his financial problems. What do you owe him? He had as much chanceas you to win. Sure that sounds cold, but learn by example. Look at the stories about previous lottery winners and do the exact opposite of what they did.There is no "lottery curse", just money hungry people who will never stop nagging you. Family members you've never heard of will try to becomeyour best friend. Don't play that !$%!. It's your money, not theirs. Be kind once in a while, but once you reach that limit, enough is enough.


I'd finish school though and wouldn't tell anyone. Don't need any new friends at that point.
I'd finish school... a degree from this school and being able to say I'm an alumni is priceless to me.
I would definitely get my degree.

Hell, I'll go ahead and get my doctorates too, and have a nice career and just sit on top of my money.

I would have the job just so I could give myself something to do everyday.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by angelzdope

I think I made a mistake telling Twitter.
Wait. If what I'm reading on your Twitter is correct, you won the lottery? Seriously?

How much did you win? How many people have you told (in real life)?

I'm not telling people how much I won. Everyone that I've told in real life (mom, sister, and close friends) hasn't believed me.


for those saying stay in school, I'm 3.5 years in with a semester left... I've already gotten the college experience. I'm debt free (scholarship)and I don't ever have to work again. Why do I need the degree?
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