If you guys could play for any sports organization/team in the world which one would it be???

Nov 29, 2008
I was having this discussion w/ my friend while we were under the influence of some mj and now that i think about it, it's kind of an interesting question.

So Niketalk, what team would you play for if you had a choice???
I would have to say the lakers. The lakers are america's team in basketball so you already know girls would throw themselves at you like no other.
not to mention i would be playing the greatest sport of all time on thesame court as legends.
hmm that's something I've never given much thought

Maybe like the Steelers because their fans are rabid and everywhere the team is. It'd be sick to get that kind of support
definitely not football. i feel like there's been annual reports for the past decade about how poorly the NFL treats its' retired players.
Have you seen how well taken care of the players are in Dallas? Being a Maverick has it perks.
Baseball because of the HUGE contract. Of course for the Giants

And maybe basketball for the Warriors
id play for the oakland raiders my team. id play middle line backer. and hope to get that team back to the good old glory days. id play for pride so eff thebig money til i earn it. raider nation
it's not all that. i mean there's harvard and mit

Seeing Harvard was actually the most boring part of the area I visited. The city itself was great - a classy, chill place with a lot of history,which I appreciate. Others might not feel that way but it's my ideal set up for being a pro athlete. It's gotta be the Garden, though, not TDBanknorth.

I could see how playing for the Lakers would be appealing, SoCal and all... but I can't stand the Lakers organization.

History + atmosphere + Boston Garden FTW.
Golden State Warriors. When I was a kid i'd always wish that GP or J-Kidd would come back home and save the franchise and get us a ring. I'd love tocome back and rescue the franchise and lead them to a couple of rings. With all the dedicated Warriors fans i'd be a hero....too bad im trash at hoopinghaha
Originally Posted by bayareaboss

id play for the oakland raiders my team. id play middle line backer. and hope to get that team back to the good old glory days. id play for pride so eff the big money til i earn it. raider nation

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril


Atlanta Hawks, im just drawn to the athleticism and thier play.

Or wherever Corey Maggette is playing
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